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f wfrftrj ],„ Central WtiitrM1' ib non- ¦Sy'TOA: ... ...2. dtuYorij i)..sii.r, ¦¦7rV.-. :"rii fr" &?'" mi-: owBiTf Time Ubk' lakiiif ""¦ Nov. Hih, 1886. .ni ral Mtandard Time. CHICAGO TO DKTHO1T. Uil HU P Hl - J l jj i % J }L ¦ _ S 5_ 3t I á.m. a.m. p.m. r. m. p.x. p, „ A.a Chicago . Lv. 6 50 00 3 10 4 40 816 9 10 355 Kalumazoo...; 1217 150 58 50 123! ü :t5 646 Battle Ureek.. I IJ IÏ7 788 n:i 820 781 Jackson 3 15 4 23 8 4!) 8 15 4 50 II 15 Orase Lake. ... 8 38 513 934 Chelaea 35H sas 9 Ki Deiier 4 14 ..... 5 50 10 W Delhi Milla... 4 10 14 Aun Arbor.... 4 33 5 30 9 45.... 435 8 10 M Ypiilanti 4 50 5 45 9 5B 4 52 6 24 10 40 WayneJunc. 5 15 605 5 15 6 4? 1 11 08 Detroit.. ..Ar. 6 00 7151045... 61) 7 30 12 05 Mt.Thomu 11 15i 245 100 9 55 145 Fallí View 545... 1 yi N. Falla 222I54R 138 558...' Buffilo 435! 755 725 3 55 610....' DETROIT TO CHICAGO. 4 I ¦ 1-:I i áT " L O CC t M' S STATIOK.. X5 Lfc L& m O j Jj_ _ _ _o 4_ 5 A.M. A.M AH A M A _ Btiffalo 1130 545 605 V00i)k" N. Palle 1116 88] 1220 '."' St.ThoDiaa... 415 100L.... 115 44Í ".'.'.' A.M 4. H. F.M P.M. P.M p u Detroit... .Lv. 700 910 130 4 00 8 00 15" WayneJunc.. 7 40 958 208 4 45 837 955 Ypoilantl .... 80110 12 190 5 1Í 858 1020 '" AnnArbor... 8 1H 10 ar. 232 530 912 1088'.'" Delhi Mills.. 826 542.. Deit.T 835 5.V1 !!:¦"' CbedM 848 606 9 52".'. (ram Lake... 9 10 ti 27 10 15 Jackson 95 11 85 332 7 10 10 52 1208 Battle Creek.. 11 03 112 4 40 52 12 12 1 ai Kalamazoo. .. 1152 1 501 5 15 1201 8n 4 45 Chicago.. .Ar. 5 15 4U 9S0.... 7 00 8O5i020 O. W. KL'CiOLES, U. W. HAYBS, O. P. Jt I. Agent Ajjt, Ann Arlor. Chicago. Toledo, Ann Arbor & Nortli MirliL-iin Kullnaj. TIME 8CHKDÜLK. To tuke effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Sunday, June 19th, 1887. Trains run by Standard Time. QOINO NOKTH. GOING 8OITTH S. S7i -il h 4 & I & A L L P.M.p M. A. M. Li. Arvc A. MP N ti -i". .Í 15 5 15 Toledo 9 15 1 In a - -.' 6 40 3 20 5 A) Manh'iu June 9 08 105 8 "n 6 50 3 n 6 27 Alexis 9 03 1 110 ¦ 'm 7 10 8 40 5 4ü Samaría 8 4r. 12 46 S 21 7 ai 3 55 6(2 VlonroeJunc 8 20 12 31 8 00 7 5(1 4 05 B 15 Dunde 8 Hl 11 24 7 H 8 10 4 16 B 25 Azalia 8 00 12 14 7 10 8 25 4 : 6 85 Mllan 7 50 12 04 7 28 8 50 4 45 6 50 Urania 7 :ij 11 50 7 15 9 00 4 53 7 00 Plttitleld 7 26 11 48 7 01 9 25 5 IO 7 15 Ann Arhor 7 15 11 30 6 5U 9 W 5:W, 7 3.S Lelani B 46 11 11 30 5 45! 7 4tt Whltni're . . . U0lll ... 6 28 8 30 nowell O 20 5 33 .... 7 0 9 30 Durand 931 4 : 7 46 9 .'5 C'oruiina I U 08 4 15 7 55 10 01 Uwiihko 11 t (is 8 10 10 05 O'Mo Jnnc 8 SS 4 02 .. . 9 15 11 10 lu.a a .... 7 4; 2 M 933! 11351 St. Lnnli 7 27 2 2B 9 41 11 12 A.'mi 7 -ii i 20 P. M 10 30l 12 ao Mf P .-,iant a.m. li M 1 :W South Ljon Rranch. NOKTn BOUND. STATIONS, sul; III HOlNll. Trtn 6 l,i„ 1 P ]¦. v. 9 50 Lv. Lelandf Ar. B 45 10 00 Ar. WurduiiH Ar. (i w 10 20 Ar South Lyon Lv. 6 30 Connectlons: At TuUdo, wlth rallroarts dlTOVing; at Mauhutiau Junctinn, with Wbaellas A Lake Brie K. R.; at Alexl Junction, i h M. t'. K. K., L. S. Jt M S Ry. and F. & P. M R. R al Monroe Junction. with L. S. & M. S. Ry ¦ at Dnodee, withL. S. & M. S. Hy., M. 4O. Ky.; at Milnn Junction. with Wabash, 8t. Louis & Pacillc Ky ¦ atPittnfleld.with L.h. A M. ti. Ky.; at Ann Arbor wtth Michigan Onntral R. R., and at South Lvod with Detroit, Lanninir Northern K. K„ and Mich. A. L Dlv. of Grand Trunk Ry. At Rmburï ith M. A.Llne División Grand Tru k Hy. At Howfll wiih Detroit, Linslng A Noribern K'y. At Dnrand with C'h cafo & Grand Trunk R'y au.i Detroit, Grand Haven Milwuke R'y. At Umao Junction wiih Detroit, rand llaven A Milwaukee R'y and Michtaan Central R. R. Ai St. Louie wlth Detroit, Laieing& Northern K. K. and Mtjri na V illty 4 St. Louis R'y. At Alma witli Detroit, Lansini! & Northern R'y. At Mt. Pkasunt Ith Fliut & Pure Marquette K'y. U. W. A8HLEY, öeneral Manager. V. II. BKNNBTT, O. Ci. WA1.BS. Gen'l. PaxK. Ticket Arent. I-rcal Agent. Hortgage Sale. DEFAULT havlng been made In the condltlon of u cerlula iniiriKw ma. Ir hy Mry A. Irlsh, a executrix of the wlll of Jo sepb D. Irleh.deceased, of Aun Arbor, MirliIkhii, U Samuel I. Foster of the same place, bearlng date the eleventh day uf July, olie ihouHand eigtit hundred and elghty-tuo, aml reoorded in the office of the Kegisler ol Iu-ciín for the County of Washtenaw OD tlu' sume day, lo Líber B2 of Mcrtnaars 011 pnyf 8(8, uo wtilch mortgutte there i.s claiined to be due ui the date of this notice. thu mimi of M ven hundred and ninety-flve dollars and iiinciy cents, and uo suit or proceeding. eilher lu law or equity, havlng been lusliluled tu recover the moneya gecured by tlie said moriKuge or any part thereof: Now, therefor.', by vlrtueof the power of sale conlaliu-d ta said mortgage aud the staune In nuch case made aud provlded, noUM is Ui nby giveo tliat said mortgagc wlll be forecloMd on Thursday, the eltihth day of SepumUr, In-.;, at ten o clock In the toronoon, t iMileat public Kuctlon, to the hlghesl bidder ttue east door of the court house in the City of Ann Arbor (Ihat beiug the place where the circuit coart for said county of Washtenaw la held), of the premises descrlbed in shUI mortgage. or o much thereof, as may be neeemary lo pay the aiiiount di j said mortgage and the note Booornpauyiug t.'.i' same with iuterest and all legal cosIk, lncliidinK an Attorney fee of twenly-tlvc dolían i'ii.vlded for In said morttiage. Tlie pramlim belngdecrlbed sald inortgiige as follows: All ihat cermln piece or parce of land. altuata In the city of Aun Arbor In the coauly ol Washtonaw and Stnte of Mlphlgan, and desoribed as follows. to-wlt: CommenolDg foor (4) rods south of the Southwest corner of ot four (4), . block (4; soutb of lluron atreet, rauge B east, theuce south along the cast line of Flflh street four (I) nxls, Inence parallel wlth the south line of said lot elght (8) roda, thence norlh fo;ir (4) rods. thencu west eiglit (8) rods to place of betdnnlnir. OK01U1K ('. PACK, .Ik.. Executorof the last Wlll of Samuel P. Koster, doosaaod. E. D. Kisnk, Attorney for &al 1 Kxecutor. Dated June 11, 1887. Estale of Horaee Coy. CJTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. At a session of the Probate Court for the County ol Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Oftlce. in the city ol Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the twentyeeventh day of July. in the year one thoimand eiyht hundred and eighty-Beven. Present, WilItam D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the eetate of Horaee Coy, deceaeed. Onreadingand flllng the petltion, duly verlBed, of 1.01119a H. Kunsdell uraylnEthatacertain lastroment now on 91e In this court purporting to be the lisi wlll and testament of said deceaMvl. n iv !"¦ adniltted 10 probate, aud that Bannah Coy and Stephen L. Rainsdeil may bc appointed n c tor thereof. Therenpon It Is ordered, that' '-:'¦' day of August next, ut len o'clock lu Uu noon, bt' assigned for the hearing of said petltlop and that the di'visHi, Ifgatees, and helrs at law of said deceased, and all other persone lntereeted in said estáte, are reouired to apilar at a session ot said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, lf any there be, why the prayer of thp p' tltioiier ihould nol be granted. Ana it is furtber ordered, that said peiltioner give notice to the persona interested lu said estáte, of the pendency of said petitlon, and the hearing thereof, by cauinii a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Oourïer, a newspjiper printed and circulated In aid county, three successlve weeks previous to said dny of hearing. (A trtie copy.) W1LLIAM D. IIARRIMAN. Judgu of Probate. WM . G. DOTT, Probate Retister. 13Ü2-1ÍW5. THÏSPAPËRSSJ Kewspaper Adrertislng Bnreau (10 Spruca Strect),whorta.lvr. BipiBJ lf#BI 1 uthiK contract luav M la Hl V 1 1 K K be made for it Lu II bil I UI1H $25,000.00" IN GOLD! Wttti 11E PAID FOB ARBÜCKLES' COFFEE WRAPPERS. 1 Premium, $1,000.00 2 Premium, $500.00 each 6 Premiums, ¦ 8250.00 ' 25 Premium, $100.00 ' 100 Premium, - $50.00 ' 200 Premium, $20.00 1,000 Premium, $10.00 ' For f uil particular and direotlonn we Circular lu every pound of Arducklks' 1'offm. 1341-i;R'3


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News