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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlspowderuevir varíes. A Barrel of purlty,8trennlh aiul wholesomen88. More aoonomlcal Ihan theordlnary kinds, and canuot be sold la competltlon wit li the multltude of low test, short wclu'lit. alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Ko) al Kaklnu Powder Co.. lOè Wall st.. N. Y. X4MO.VIC DIKECTUKV, Am Arbor Comhasdkry, No. 13 raeets flrst Tuesday of eacli raoath, W. Q Doty, E. C; W. A. Tolchard. Recorder. ffASHTUAW CHAPTKR, NO. 6, R A. M.- Mc-ts ilrst Monday each montli. Isaac Handy, H. P.; Z. Koath, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. H. R. ARNDT, PHYSICIAN Office Over First National Bank. Honrs from 9 to 11 ;i. in.. From 2 to 3:30 p. in., Siiiiilay from 9 to 10 a. m. WILLIAM IIERZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Papering, Qlazlng, Gilding, and Calcimlnlne, and work of every descrlption done Id the best style, and warranted to give eatisfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washinffton St., Anr, Arbor. W. W. &. X. C. MCHOL.S, IDEISTTISTS. Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Masonic Temple Bloch. GAS or VITALIZED AIR Admioletered for the patuleas extraction of teeth. BABY HU MORS And all Skin and Sculp Mmmm Speedlij Cured hy ('utlrura. Our little fon wlll be four years of n?e on the lrtn lust In May, 1885, he wan atucked wnhn very paintul breaking out of the kin. We ralled In a physician who treati-d him tor a1 oin toar weeks. The child received little or no good from the treatment, as ihe breukinjf out, snpposed by the phj ¦iiciau to be nivea In an aggrarated form, became larger tn blutches, and more and more distreeaing. We were Irequently ohiiged to git up In tl e nlght and rttb hloi with soda In water etrong linimento, etc. Ftnally, we called other ptiyticlaus, unttl no les than six had attempted to care him. all alike millDg, and the child eteadily grow lnii wone and witrge, uut il afeont the 20th ot last Joly, when we brgan togive him C'iticuha Uk801.ÏENT internally, and the Cdticura and Cuticura SoiPexternully, and by 'he last of August he vu to neariy well that we gave him only one dose of the Rksolvknt about every second day foraboat ten days longer, and he has n-ver been trotibled since wlth the horrible malady. In all w uied leas than oue-half of a bottle of CtUicura Reulteiu, a little lees than one box 01 Vuticura and only one cake of Cutlcura Soap. H. B. RYAN, Cayuga. Livlngetone Co., 111. SubMribed and sworn to before me tois fourth day 01 Jannary, 1887. C. N. KOE, J.P. SC0RFULOUS HUMOKS. Laat spring I was very elck, beinfi; covered wi'h lome kind of scrofula. The doctors could not Help me. I was advlsed to try the Ccticüra Kisolvint. I did o, and In a day 1 grew better and netter, ontil I atn as well as ever. I thank you for lt very much, and would like to have lt told to the public. KDW. HOFMAN, North Attleboro, Mae'. SKI DISEASES CLRED. Mr. Frank MrQlugka saya that your Cuticüra dïoim curd M boy of a skin diseaxe aftir several doctors had failed to help the boy. He pent over One Hundred Dollars wilh doctors. Vuticura Remedies cnred him. J. K. TiKPANY.PleasantMount, Pa. Cutiwro, the ereat skin care, and Ctitiaira Soap prepared from H, externally, and CutUura Jiisoltent (he new blood pnrlfler, Internally, are a poiilTecu e for every form of skiu and blood dlseaee from pimples to scrofola. Sold everywhere. Prlce: Cüticcr. 50 Cents; Kisolvïnt; 11.00; Soap, 26cts. Prepated bj rOTTIB ÜHÜO AND C'llEIICtL Co., llostmi. d for-Han to Care Skin DUewes PTMPI'KS' B'ackheads, Skin Blemishes, and liU Bahy Humor, nee Cntlcura Soap. A Word About Catarrh. "It 1 the mocous merabrane, that wonderful emlllnld envelope snrronndiug the delicate tlssnes of the air and food passages, that Catarrh maken lts atronshold. Once establlahed it eats luto the very vítala, and renders lire bnt a longdrawn breath of mlsery and disease, dalling the ense of hearing, trammcllin the power of speech, deitroyini; the faculty of smcll.talntlng the breatk and killing the reflned pleasares of taste. Insldionly, hy creipin on from a simple Cold In the head, il ataaulu the membranons lining and enve ops the bones, eatinii throuirh the delicate coats and causing inllanimation, sloohlng and death. Nothln short of total eradication wtll secare health to ihe patiënt, and all alleviatex are simply procrasfnated suffi-rings, leading to a fatal ti-rminatlon. SANiiifiKiis KadicalCuru, by Inhulatlon and by 7'rrna admlnistratlun, has never failed ; given when the disease bas made frluhtral Inroad in delicate ennstitutions. hearing, smell and tastes have heen recovered, nad ibe disease thoroughly glven out." 8ahdíord's Radicii. Curi conssts of odp bottle of the tadical Uure, one box Catharral Soltent, and one Imfroved Inhaler, neatly wradiied In one packaifj, wlth full dlrectlons; Price. 1.00. POITBR DRUG A CHEMICAL CO., BOSTON. MY B4OE! MYBACÏL jf i 1 11 1 11 1 oivR ¦raers Jf Achln n backs, hlps, and sidon, kldney (lÊfh1 "t'rlne palns. weakness an InllamTyraatlon, rheumatic, nearalgic sciatic, tidL T sharp and nervous pains, conehs -fT f"ldptau1 stralns Re lleflnonr min nie oy that new, orlirtnal, elegant and inlalllble 2;'I"n".'"i'1 a"d ""mmatlon. the utlriira Antl-Paln PlsNter. 26c.; flve f,r (1 (X) ; at au drugglt,, or Potter drug and Chemical Co öoiton. SUBSCRIBE Í OH The Ann Arbor Courier.


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