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The Ypsilanti bustle factory appears to keep baitilng. Manchester is having a new council building erected. Mrs. Ann G. Baylis died on Aug. 17th, at Milan, nged 78 years. Jas. Pullen, of Milan, now pulls $12 a month pension. One of the editors of the Ypsilantian confesses to being in love. Ah! Dexter has the "Flylng Dutchluan." "Look a leedle oud." Great snakes ! Fifteen massasssugas In one day at Wrampler's lake. Geo. McGee of Farmlngton, and Miss Maggie Barr of Stony Creek, niarried ?og. 34th. The firm of Sparks & Cooper of Chelsea, has dissolved and Cooper & Wood takes its place. Mrs. B. TlbbHli, forraerly of Ypsi., has purchased a $2,000 property at Riverside, California. The Ypsilantian says that Court Reporter E. P. Goodrich will not remove to Ann Arbor frora Ypsilanti. There are six new buildings being erected in Ypsilanti and four or ilve additions and remodelings going on. 'J'lie Vulentine brothers of Webster say that their sales of Shropshire slieep will be three times greater this year than last. They have a huse buil umpire up at South Lyon who "umpires to the satisfaction of all." He must be a phenonienon. The Lidies' Aid Society of St. Luke's church, Ypsilanti, rive a garden fete on the lawn of John Uilbert, on the evening of' Sept. 1. Mrs. Wldemann his returned to her home n the grove at Whitmore L:ike, having been absent about a year witli a daughter in Canada. Human nature can stand only about so mucb of bard, humdrum life. and a relaxation from it is often better than medicine. - Milán Leader. The Southern Washtenaw Farmer's Club will meet at the town hall in Clinton, on Sept. 14th, together with the Lenawee Horticultural Society. G. II. Mugg has added to his livery equipments a handsome canopy top sample wagon, manufactured by Walker Bros. of Ann Arbor. - Dundee Reporter. The regular county fair occurs at Ann Arbor, on the last two days of September and tirst two of October. Can you not save soniething iiice to exhlbit at that time ' The eleventh annual fair at.Stockbridge, takes place Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Oct. 4, 5, 6, 7. Every effort will be put forth to make it a success. - Sun. The .Manchester base ball grounds were opened on Tuesday of last week in a game wlth the Clintons, by a score of 19 to 13 against the visitors. An auspicious opening. Threshlng is pretty neardone. Aaron Fullerton tlireshed over 600 bushelafrom ten acres. How is that for high? And that when the season Is so terribly dry. - Stony Cieek cor. Ypsi. Commercial. The OOth birthday of Thos. L. Spaffard was celebrated at the home of his son Fnuik in Manchester, on the 19th lnst., and the event was made a very happy one by his chuchen and friends. One of the great events at Ypsi. last weck, v:is a trial In Justice Griffln's Office, wherein Jim Embrose was chareed with calling Mrs. Merchant names. .lini was salted. It was a dark colored affair. On Sept. 5th the Ypsilanti school district will elect two Ui rectors to succeed Clark Cornwell and the late L. A. Barnes. It is stated "on good authority" that Mr. Cornwell will not accept a reelection. Mrs. Rcbecca Canieron Sanderson of Stony Creek was buried the 20th. She lias resided on the place since '59. She visited a friend in Pennsylvania a year since. One by one tlieir eoing home. - Ypsi. Commercial. Dr. J. H. Lemen and Maud Shankland of Pittafleld were untted In marriage at the bride'sparents yesterday. Theywill make their home at Kast Saginaw where the Doe will practice bis profession. - So. Lyon Excelsior, Aug. 25. Brother Crittenden of the Herald, ig disgasted with the local option lawbefore it goes into effect and complains because an electlon has not been called under its provisión whpiisuch a proceeding would be clearly Ilegal.- Brighton Citizen. Wliilo pntatoes are scarce and high hero n Toledo man has offered to bet that potatoes will be sold here this fall, not to exceed 40 cents a bushel. - Manchester Enterprise. All of us up this way hope that TOlede man will win tliat bet, you bet. The last Pinckney Disputen, has this item: "Take care of your curs: for I have just found some of my sheep dead - killed by dogs - others bitten, and shall probably seatter stuff that will be liable to iddttCe erampt in caninee.1' C. W. Ilaze. TIip plana for the new Normal building have been decided upon by the state board of education. The addition will consist of two wiiiirs 80 x 100 feet each, one on the nortli and one on the goiith of tlie present building, to be of brick with stone foundations. They don't know what to do with the river at Brlghton. It smells and smells and smells and smells and the sme.ll bas become so bad that all skunks and muskrats are leaving the country seeking localities where they can have a fair rIiow for the championship.- So. Lyon Picket A safe way to keep postage stamps in the pocket or memorandum book without stieking, it is said, is to rub the sticky sido over the hair two or three times, the oll of the hair coats the mucilsge and prevonts it from stieking. Another good way la to let tlie pottmutor keep thera niitil you wish to use them. The Citizen, Soldien and Ballon enoampment o) Wayne oounty will be held it Plymouth Sept 31, 22, and 23. The (. A U. posts of Vayne, Washtenaw, Mcinioe and Oakland counties will be representad, aceompanied by levara! bands bealdea :i proVraa) of intcesting features. - Bo, Lyon Ëxoelaior. The percentage of attendancc at school the oomlng year can be greatly increased lf each teacher would announce at the beginning of the term that they would present cards of honor to tiie scholar who is neitlier absent nor tardy during the term. - Manchester Enterprise. Who to pay for the cards ? Tlie teacher out of her sinall salary V Gregory base bll club carne up last Friday and plaved a gime of ball with Stockbriilge. it pro ved to be a highly interesting game wlth iniich (rood playlng on the part of botli clubs. Score stool 11 to 12 in favor of tlie visitors - Stockbridge Sun. And uot a word of abuse for the umpire?! What kind of a town is Stockbridge anyhow? The Lake Shore & Michigan Sontbern will run a ppeeial train from Visil;ititi to Adrián, Thursday, Sept. lst, to the Q A. R. encampment, for one fare tor the round trip. Tbe Ypsilanti Llght Öuard, members of the G. A. 1! , and teveral of our citizens propuse to takc in Ihis clieap excursión. See posters. Train Ira ves Ypsilanti 0:30 a. m, local time, returnlng same day. - Commercial. Ask some men for an advertlsement or local - they anewcr thi-y doii't bullere in advertislng - a paper is never read. Let him be cauglit kissing his neighbor's wife or holding up the siile of :i building some dark night, histunc will Changa tn-tantly, and if the printing office is in the garret of a seventeen story btriMtng be will clitnb to the top (o beg the editor to keep quiet - don't publish it in the paper you know. - Ex. Saline has a model young man whohas worked for one tirm for over tifteen years without losing two weeks' time, luis no bad habitó, i a regular cliurch ntteiidant, a thoughtful reader of solid literature, highly intelligent, good looking, single and as jet faney free. Iiiqniring young Lidies please endose plioto and stamp. - Observer. Now what'a the use of bligliting the happiness of a nice young man in that way f E. T. Walker of Salem, threshed for Hop. Willinms, of l'lyniiiiith, lat week 1,840 bushels of oats in lesa than one day, the machine when riiiining turned out four bushels of oats per minute and done its work good. Mr. Williams has one of the largest and best planned grain barns n the country, his entire crop thrashed trota that barn tliis season was 2,650 bushels, and was nol full. - So. Lyon Picket. The Presbyterian Sunday-tchool elected the followine; offleers at their anniial meeting last Fridiy afternoon: Superintendent, W. F. ilen; assistant superintendent, A.B Smith; seeretary, Mrs Minnie Knickei hoeker; assistant seeretary, Miss Alice Allen; treasnrer. Mrs. EstelleLeonard; librariun, O. W. Curtis; assistant librurian. Artliur lloe; organist. Misa Ida Allen; assistimt organist, Miss May Reynolds. - Milan Leader. The dedicatlon of ing by the Germán Arbeiter Society of Saline last Wedneeday was an occasion to be remembered by the Salineites. Delegates from the Arbeiter Societies of Ann Arbor, Ypeilanti and Manchester wM prwot, each one headed by a band. Thcy all joined in a procession, aiul marched about the city and tlien proceeded to the grove, where great preparations had been made by the Saline Hociety to make their guests comfortable and Imppy. Theentire proceedings were marked by harmony nd happlness. It was a big day.


Ann Arbor Courier
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