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A Common Cold I often the bcginniug of serums aflVolions of the Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and Linios. Therefore, tlie importance of c:ulv and cffective treatnicnt camiot be overenttmated. Ayer's Cuerry rectoral m:iy alwaya be relied upon íor the speedy cure of a Cold or Cougli. Lmt Jnnuary I was attacked wilh a aevera Cold, w'hich. by neglect nml froquenl expoanre, became warae, i"m:illy M-I1ÜH2 on niy lunjís. A terrible cougb soon fullinvod, acconipiiiiicd by paisa i he chent, from wotób 1 uffcrea Intensely. Afttr trylDg VnriOO roiiiidie, without obliiiniii'i reliof, 1 connufiieid taking Ayor'a Coerry Pectoral, and was Speedily Cured. I nr.i K:ilisfiol that tliis reraedy saved my lile. - Jno. Webster, l'awtucket, K. I. I eontrscted a severe oold, whieh mdilnily dcveloped hita rnomnoum, preseotiuir 'dangerous and obstiniie svinptoms. Mv phywclan at once ordon-d tlie use of Ayer'M Cherry rectoral. II Instructionf were foUowed, and tlie result was a rapiii :viul permanent cure. - II. K. Simpsou, üogers l'rairie, Texas. Two reara ago T suffered from a evere Cold wnlch Ktued on ray Lunea. I consulted various pbydcfaM, and took the medicines they prescribid, but racetred only tcinporary relief. A friend induced me to try Ayeí"s Cberry Pectoral. Aftcr takiní two bottles of tliis medicine I was cured. Blnce then l have elven the Peetoril to my childreo, aud cousider it The Best Remedy for Colds, Cou?li, and all Throat anl Lung dlütáfi, ever tud in my íaiully. - Itobert Vuudi'i'poul, Haadville, Pa. Some time ago I took a sllght Cold, whlch, being negiected, grew worsr. ond tettled on my luns. 1 had a hackíng COtUíbi nm! wiis verv weak. Those who Km best considerad my life to be in Krent lUiiL'or. 1 eonttoued to suffer unt il I coutmeoced usin? Aver's Cherry Pectoral. I.ess than one bottíeof this valuable aedioiiM flired me, aud I feel th:it I owc tbe preeervation of my Ufe to ita curattT poweré. - Mis. Anu Lockwood, Akron, Ktw York. Ayir"s Cherry Pectoral ís considered, here. tbe ons t;rést reinedy for all diseasc of the throat and lungs, and is mor in dcinand than any other medicine of It class. - J. F. Kobcús, Mat'uolia, Ark. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rrcpmred by Pr. J. C. Aytr & Co., I.owell, Mu. Bold by JJruggbU. l'rlc $1 , U bsMMS, .


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