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"as The Twig Is Bent The Tree Inclines."

"as The Twig Is Bent The Tree Inclines." image
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The little folks of a uuiuber of f'iiiiulies in the soutli-central part of the city, have Jolned together In a tocfety, the object being to secure for tbetntelvea a clrculating library for their own use. If theireneigy 3 iiulicative of thelr success they will surely Ije eminentl; inoceuful. A short Urne since they held a "í.úi" ut the residDO oi Mrs il illeck, on Thompson st., realizing $10 frotn the sale of arlicles Last evening they Rare a private entertainment at the reaidence i Mr6. Southmayd, on Thompaoa tt., girlng the familiar niir.-cry tales ot l'imlerclla and Blue Beard in pantomime. The little ones did icniarkabiy well taking Into coiifiderivtlon thelr age and the fnet ii, wn their Brut attenipt. To Min Lulu Bouthinayd la dae thecredli ofdrllllng the perTormera, whicli umst have reqnlred a large amount of patlenoe and genlaa for they "aoted udi their pmis." .Miss Lillle Volland tang two very pretty aonn bêtween aeta, and M ba Katie Jaeoba was the pianist. Thoae p&rttclpatlng wi ilmlerella- Alta Real, agel 6 rtan Prlnoe- Florence Hout limayd, agcd 8 yenrs Kiury Qodmother- Clara Jsoob, 7 y ean liiiiL' Malivi llalhi-k, liyuar Katinm -Mina Jucoto, lüynus. Lords, Linii.-s. uur] in MtendanU Mabl Toop, ii yeart; Beule 'l'. Lcbard, 9 yeara; Frank Aurluer, 13 yenrs. Last nlgkt the parenta and famlly II iciiils ouly of tlienhildi'eii atlrndcil. Tonijjht the l'lay will lic reue itcil at pal Ideiice of J. T. .Jaciihs, aml a liniitcil n amber of tickets will b sold to the n-iativcs and frtonda r the perfatmera, Tlie society has lome $12 in the tieasurv whlch has hem plaosd in the hands of I'kM Pettee to Inveat la bookafortha qm l atemben. The ollicers are : rrestdent- Mahet HiUlc.-k. Si cretary Siliyl Pettt. i n isaiei Helao Bmlth, Aimut si..')!) wai realizad last eveolng roniacliins.-ion tickclsot live cent i. ElCD nentberof the society furniahea a book o stiirtwith, which Ibrma the inicien., ol he librar] .


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News