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Michigan Horticultural Society

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The Michigan State IlorCcutmal So i ety wil] make its usual cxliibil at the State Fair, u Jackaon, September 19-24 18S7. Arrnnjrements are complelet tlirough which we are to liavedisplavs o fruits fiom Ohlo, Indiana, Wtaconsln Iowa, Nebraaka and California. A widi range of exhibiti i promlaed from Midi lgn, mul we conlUlently expecl nciir Iv a fine au opportanlty lor eomparison o locülities aml proiluctions as at a naliona ixhibition. One special feature will be a display of one hundred and lift y varietie of tomatoeí from the liorticultural de partment of the State A-neultural C" .1 lege. Tlio 11 nists of Jackson are to charge of the display of pltuitaam flowerH, and the irranycmeiit of the llttl will be espeeially siiited lo n Omplet exhibiriou uf pjroductl Ot) Weilnesday and Tliursilay evening of the fair, will be msetlajfK if the society, probably in the dren II cour room, fur dlHMW'on; and a! (hese sessions it is espjcially de-irable that new and promlshig fruit be bftfcigbt ut for tësttngaod reconomendatkin. it i-impci that the horticiilturists of (be -t.ite wil take advantac of the irreatly reduced ralli-oad ratea and atteñtl tUesc meetings. 'l'liere will be no ling pap i-, ba the time will be taken up cnliriy wiih the free diecuMlon of tbe CoIlowiDg : and aach otbers na may be ajrgesti (hose n attemlance: 1. New Riid PromtfiDg Vai'ellcs of tlie Liiruer 1 ruits. 2T Valoeaod Methodsor ExtilDltlug n,)rtlcultnrul rr.Khicls. cliards16"""1"01 'Cl "' Iai""S PPl Or4. ('ullini', Numeuclaturuainl V.irloti.-. ..I 5. Reuirns from Fruit Plivntati.wis II m Soon t Eïxpeot Tbem. (i. Mluhlguu'8 Fatpre u a Fruit Qrowlng 7. Cnltlvatlon and Droutli. 8. Tho WiiBe-workcr'M (iarrten. . Suggcstious Conoarnlog Ba barban liomeN. 10. Posslbllltlcs of our Low Lands for fruck (tardeatne. A cordial invitati'iu is cxien led ti all. Cdrrespoixbnci ooaceraliig Uie fair and tlio meeting for (liacuaslan is snüeited Address, (bis. V. Crrfleld, Secretary. Qrantl Rápida,


Ann Arbor Courier
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