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John Slattery and sister have riturned trom the Lake. John Goodspecd has goue to Dulutli on a pleasure trip. J. M. Stafford has returned home frora bis enstcrn trip. '1'. V. Kayne ipenda the week in Grand liapids, 00 business. MlM Nellie Childs U visitlng her cousin Flora Wilcox, at Banoroft Mrs. Charles Bentley nee Mary Ferdon, is home home on a little visit. Deputy P. M. John L. Duffy has been speiulinjr a few days at Whitmore. Eay. Dr. Humsny and wife Nturned frooi thelr Ohio visit last Saturday. A. L. Robla isjust now taking in the eaatern marketa and watering places. Miss Emily Gundert has returned from a visit to her sister and friends in Ohio. James W. Robison sprained bis anklc badl; last Fridcy in jumping from a carriage. Mrs. Mary ('ulkins lias been visiting lier paren ts at South Lyon iluring tlie week. Freeland Dibble, of Fllnt, stopped over in the city Saturday, on his way home. Prof. Harrington has returned from [rom his trip, with health somewhat improved. Hlaa V. M. Hollister. of Detroit, has liet'ii visltiug tí Fred H. Belser's during Ihc week. Mrs. Euima Chapin, of State st., bas returned home from a trip up north to Boyne City, etc. Dr. and Mis. W. F. Breakey have returned from their visit in the western [iurt of the state. S. W. Clarkson and wife are sojournng in Xew York City and vicinity for a :ouple of weeks. Geo. A. Duvis, of Roxana, is in the ;ity for a few days looking after Iiis business interests here. Mis. '. a. Brown left for Alpena ye3leiday. wiicre slie expecta to stay nntll ibout Cliristmas time. Elmer E. Beal returned yesterday from visit ainong friends in Alpena, Caro, Plint and Plymontb. C. II. Millen is enjoying the healtli giving pioperties of the Whitmore Lake itmosphere this weck. Kev. Dr. E:irp, wife and son Willie, ure vMtinii in New York City and subrii tor a coopte of wtrin, Gen. R, Barker returns home to Flint niormw after a visit of two weeks with elntivc8 here and in Dexter. Mi-s Qeorgia M. Saunders returned löma to-day, after a moiith's visit with rienda uncí íclatives In Detroit. James A. Robison, of the Detroit Free Press Btaff, is epending a few days at tome with hls parenti- restinjr. Mrs. Dr. C. W. Mead and Master Wilie Mead, of Dundee have been visiting rienda and reialives in this city. Will Hateb and fanilly and the Misscs va and Jessie Gregg liave leen spendu;r the weck at Whitmore Lake. Mr. and Mi. F. I). Bennettand l'amily f Jftefeadn, have been visiting Mrs. Bennelt's mothor, Mrs. 'J'ripp, for several days. Mi?s Nettie Case returned home to this ity last WednesdajS after a visit of several weeks amna:' nortluni 'owns of the tate. Cha Woodward, the popular clerk of heCook House, is villtlag his home at Clinton, accompiiniid by Mrs. WoodV II il. Mrs. Cairle Carinan, of Aun Arbor, is pending a few days with lier sister-inaw, Mrs. E. O. Oatman.- Fenton Independent. Treasur t Sou Ie returned from Topinabee Biy Monday looitnn hale and learty. His family will not return fora Iröe yet. Jease WiUoii, of Chicago, returned ion Monday with Uis wife, after a visit to thelr mother, Mrs N. Chapín, on S. Fifth street. Fred. W. Stereng and wife wlio have ,een vieltlng frlendt in the city during ba p 'St week, returned home to Eaton lapida, Tiu'sday. The Wbitmore Lnke campers are rapidly ntarning home Mrs. N. H. Drake and daughteis rere among tboaa returning yesterday. Kd. Taylor rode over from Aun Albor in his bicyete last Saturday. H thinks ba walking is good over the Tyrone billa. - Fenton Independent. Seward Cramer left Tuesday to enter he employ of the Michigan Southern & Shorc R. R. as civil engineer with ïeadquarters at Toledo. Geo. A. Douglas left Tuesday morning for a tlnee months' trip in Iown, the will bspent In the interest of the [mperlal Truss ('o. Bperry Pop, on of Rev. R. B. Pope, A Cleveland, has been stopping In the city this week on his way home from Bay View greeting old fiiends. Mn. Martha Culver, who has been absent abOttt a year In New Jersey visiting iet iwagbtex, and relaUyaa In New York -tate, has returned home. Allie Hoas is enjoying a vacation this week, taking i ie famous watering ilaces bcreabouts. Searching for hair estoring cliinates, as it were. Postmuster Duffy left this morning for Hew Yorl; City to be absent ten dnya. t is possible tliat be may drop down to Washington before returning. 'i"f. Sieere and party when last heard from ware at Tokio, Japan, but were soon to leave for Ilong Kong, China. l'hey seemed to be in good spirits. Aid. Ware oí the 5th ward is visiting bUold home at Rochcster, N. Y., and taking In Baratog and other resorts during hís stsy. Hiis expected home next week. Allow us to introduce to yon Che Detroit Daily and Weekly Tribune. You will pleaaed to nke their acquuntance, if you are not already acquainted with tli Dr. Yantan and wife, Kvart Seott and wife, Riid .1. E. Sinimer and wlfe, all ppenl Sun.!:, y at Cavenaugh Lake, with r9, Sawycr, Knowlton, Whltman and familie-. Mis. Margaret and Miss Emma Bowet returned from a few weeks' stay at Orion ].,-t Wedneiday p. m. They report tbat retort one ol the mort dellgblfnl to be found In the state. Col. II. 8. Daan attended the reunión of the 22d Michigan Cavalry at Northville last Tiiui-Mlay, and made quite a speech upon the jccasion, recalling Inolf denti ol sildier daya. Dr. Thomas Ewlnfr, of Readinjr, Mich.. ainl rls. Ilcniy Ewlng of New York City, were In the city yesterday. Mrg. Ewlng experts to come to Aun Arbor und aducate her son. l'iof. ('. W. Belier and bride sails from New York on the Sta to be absent two years in Germany. Prof. Alexander Lange, of Manchester, also arrómpanles thein across the water. Miss Almeda Armstrorift, of the Ptli ward, for soine years a teacher in the 3il wurd school, lias accepted n position in the Minncapolis, Minn., schools, and lefl for that place yesterday. Ilons. A. J. Sawycr and J. C. Knowlton of Anti Arbor, and Chas. R. Whitman of Ypsüanti, and thcir families, returned from a two weeks cncampinnit at (Javanaugh Lake yesterday. Miss Maria H. Reade of Lombard, 111., a former teachor in the grammar school, made Mrs. Tripp a short visit on her return frorn Romeo, whither she.liad been to vi8it an agcd mother, who died white she was visiting lier at the nge of 101 years. To-morrow Drs. Frotliiui;h:mi, Btrdman and Vaaffhall go to Washington, 1). C, to attend the sessions of the International Medical Congress which convenes in that city Sept. 5th. Dr. Vaughan Is to read two papers, one before the section of Pathology on "Tyrotoxicon," and another before the section of Diseasesof Children, upon "The Use of CoW'l Milk in the Artificial Feeding of Infants." Julius V. Soyler leaves Ann Arbor next week for Berün where he will rumain for a year or so, to advance his musical education. He Mtilfrom New York on the 8th of Sept. on the "State of l'eimsylvania." Durinr ¦ portion of the UoM Mr. Seylcr will be under the discipline of Hans von Bulow, the greatest living muBician, at Frankfort. Mr. Seyler now ranks high in musical circles and is rapidly clinibint; up. Frederick Mayer lias taken out liis full papers as a citizen of the United States. The new laboratory will be built for $20,793.99, if there are no extras to be taxeil. Services will be resumed in the Uniturian Church next Sunday. Morning aer vice only. The paintiug of the steeples of the M. E. Church have been enough to make a inan's hcad swim, but the painters have s.icceeded without breaking tlieir necks. The New York Times in a recent issue gives a long article to the discovery of Tyrotoxicon by Dr. Vaughnn, and creilits the work done to the Maine Board of Health. Lct'd have a libel snit. The animal meeting of the Washtenaw County Pioi eer Society will convene at the curt house on Wednest'ay, Sept., 7tli at 10 o'clock a. m.,t'or the election of offloer and the transaction of other business. People desiring to rent rooms will do well to leave such information as they may desire about their rooms with Secre. tery Wade at the university. There is a large board reserved for that purpose at h is office. Elmer Crawford has sold out h is interest in the EastSaginawSatiudiiy Evenins Telegram to his partner, and hu Dfl retired to the life of a private ciü.'ii once n.ore. The venture was not the bonanza anticipated. The T., A. A. & N. M. E. E. will sell excursión tickets to Petoskey on Sept. 6th, via Ilowell and the D. L. & N. R. E. for $0.20 for the round trip tickets aood to return on all train 8 until Sept. 1 5t h Tlic train leaves Aun Arbor next Tuesday at 7.15 a. tn. Wagner & Co., make the following novel offer to school childrsn : To any scholar who will bring to them a note from the teacher certifying that his or her percentage in the last examination was 90 or over, Wagner & Co. will glve one of their canvas school bags. The Washtenaw Lodge No. 719, I. O. G. T. will hold an apron social at Qood Templar Hall, over Stimson's store on Friday Eve., Sept. 2d, 1887, to which you are all invited. Come and have a jolly time and give the lodge a good benefit. Kefreshments will be served. N. II. AVinans has sold out his grocery business on State st. to the iirm of Brow'n it Cady, the members being J. A. Brown of this city, and C. II. Cady of Ypsilanti. Mr. Brown will look quite natural in this store agaiu. Mr. Cady Is a former Ann Arborite who has been in business in Ypsilanti for a time. It is awful tempting to a poor wretch itlniut a cent in his pocket to see so many cheap excursions advertised to alnost everywtaere Just think f it, $3 to Potoakey and l)Mck, $1 to Toledo; $1.2." o Detroit and Star Mand. Oh! deur! .{ a frllow only liad time and nioney iow be could skip around the country iow, aud try the water around at all these different places. Charlie üibson tells us-(and Ch irlle always tells the truth) - that he has a nine week's oíd chlcken that eats snakes with as great relish as a robin eats angleworms. The other mom ing this wonderpil chicken caught a striped snake two eet long, and inside of ten minutes lie lad picked the snake to pleces, Bwallowed il in, and innncdiatcly flew up on a fence ost and crowed for more snakes to conjuer. Geo. C. "Witlierby left the city yestcrlay for New York, where hc meets Mr. Andrews, ar.d closes up the business of dlssolvlng the fnm of Andrevs & Witherby. Mr. Witherby goes to Eau Clairc, Wil., a the manager of the Eau Claire 3ook & Stationery Co , a large concern doing a fine business Mr. Witherby has many f rienda in the city who will greatly regret losing him, but who will bespeak 'or him the good will of the commiinlty to wl i h he goes. Mr. Andrews will carry on the business in this city alenc, wc understand. Frank Howard willes us from Detroit that while his loss sustained in the burning of the Anchor Manufacturing Co.'a buildings, at Delray, a suburb of D( troit, has been considerable, yet it will not ei ip[le or even inconveniencc him any great extent. Mr. Howard was a stockholder in this enterpriso, which was conildercd one of the most profltable facto ries In Detroit, the principie business belng the manufacture of barrels from one pleco of wodil. The company'i b foots up at íi300,0C0, with $40,000 iuBurance, bui alarge eastern capitaliats re Intewited the factory will be rebullt at once, t vir 400 men werc tlirown out of BtnploymeHi listhe fire. Anionsr the old papers givn to the Pioneer Assoclation by E. W. Morgan recently, we notico a copy of the " Daily Michigan Argus," Jan. 15th, 1639. This was the 2d No. of Vol. I., but the enicrprhe only held out 8 feu days, though the paper had a line lot of advertising, showing th it tin' early d iy bürtnesi men here were wiile awake. There is also a copy of a paper entitled "Old llcro," a paper publishcd by the state central eommittM of the o!d Whlg party, and flying the name of Wllllstn Henry llarrison and John Tyler: " Tlppacanoe and Tjlcr too" It is not an overly larga sheet, bilt " cliock full" of vini and sharp argumenta.