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,-fUU. WEI GF pRpmcrs CREAM gAKlKg 1 by the Uuiteti .States governmont. En dorsed by the heuüs of the Greal Unlveraitlei :i tho Strongest, Pnrest, and most Ht-alllifnl Dr. Prloe'8 Uieonlv Kukinu Powdertlml ilonot contHln Aiuiuonla, Lltue or Aluin. Solt oniy In raus. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. ¦IV YORK. i llll'AOO. ST. LOUIS 1 THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ I3 TBUTHS FORTHESlCK.n TTTTürriïïr!ïïhTvl?róö!TTTïï1Tr7riïï BIHoaaSprllRdepena roraeasewhereSiTL III onSfLlMirKlill 11 U PHDB BlTTKHS illlll It wlll ciitc yon. imtassist orcuiv. Il Kil Fi l...v nnvr.i.l "-"'¦ f""tl IthattMdandaUgonc cieanse the viiiateiIIJI reellog; if bo, du i,i,,(„i „tien yon set III sri.piirit Brnnu; ts ünporlüea ïiurstll itwillcurcynu. ngthrongb skiiilll MT;itiv.-s-h,.nru iniriinpl.:..,]il,iirlR-s.lJ M.J,. iv r..nfln..i ii, :'l Sores, liflv onJ QttSTlli nñ' "'orí " St-KPIM-R IT"'".Q IMSopi;cHikB.whodi I""1 liealtl1 wU1 iolS not procure snilii icnt _„ „ „ . „ III exercise.aDdaUwbc 8l ,,.„,„ BrrT, lt ueeonanedlndoon, u,n ,.„„, Uvor( ,„„ 1 1 shdwlil aae Bi lphvb ni„in i),,,..t i„. .iik I tom-: Thev „ iil Üï gc 5 ' J LI Qnol IlRUbcwcakauil ,.,„, s ' pi Bickly. " " rli in TtTTTTTwUh Rdlphck BittersH lltoViií-c.rfromKhcnm ' '"'ü'1 -" "Pandl I I latiam, ose a bottle of nkyou strougamll II ¦ 8CLPHDB l'.n il lts ; hoalthy. III III It m-w-r f;llsi.HMire. Sri.rm it ld i 1 1 lislij M l.iirt be without :i win make yonrbloodB I'boiilo. Try it: m jnre.rlchandtrong.aa will nnt n-irrcl it. UHJ ,mrllesli har I.jir lies in delicate Try srLPiii ii l!rï II hoalih. wbo aro all rïM tn-niitht, .iiiillfl rundown, sbonldtise ron iil ileep wollll Sri.rm it liiTTKKS. umi fooi In-tti-r forlt.ll Tío yon w.-nit the best Medical Wort pobÏÏshed? 8eml 3 S-oent Ftamps tn A. P. okuwav & Co, Boston, Mass., and rercive a copy, freo. MAïTi' t.atvïp rfirirNrrsrs arb orl'cri'd (r representad as good as the Faiuoua PEARL TOP Bl'T TBET ARE NOT! And like ail Counterfeit lack the Rcmarkablo LASTINO lualitics of Tïir. GEironrs. ASK FOK THE PEARLTOP And Insist yTTnrv T H I S pon aÈuBÈÈBSK Exact With X?ï CU1MXEÏ Pet. Oct. 30,1 SS :}. The PÉARÏTtOP is IQanu{a turod Ot,V by GIO. A, MAC0ÊTH & C0„ PITTSBUKGH, PA. Tutl'sPi Mlmiilat. s the torpld llvcr. tren?!!.. ' he digestiré rKniiN. rehuíales tlie uowvim, and are imeiualed us an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In inalarial .!jv(ri .s Ilieir virtnew are l.lilj rvriih'iiiziil. asl ht)j possess ¦ ,,. illar,r„erits In I r. . i,,B il„ „, Mem Trom tliai polran. ¦ :i.Uiiiulv ¦umi eo.U(l. Uosisinall. l'ri o. a5cst. Sold Everywhere. Oflice, 4 Murray St., New York í A T Tl aldi r Ktrca, dol ihmt h wrll U ¦ I I I I I Suaion Co., Portland, Mln,wil1 recetr. ¦ Tl I II '"'¦ fo" inforramion about work whlch I I I I "hejcindo, nd lirt home.that wil! py VI WiJii ihera from ts to f 25 pïr day. Some hara arned over$5"ln aday Etther pel, younf: orold. Capita.1 Bot teqoirad Yon are itarted free. Thoto wboctart at onc axa alxolulelj aoio of mos littla fortnnea. All ia new. nyCDT jCCpC orothers.whowlsh l3 p.jmlns '¦' ' aWlfl I IvtilV this paper, or obtam eitimates on adveriising spacO when in Chicago, will find it on file at theAdve.titingAgencyoi LORD tt THOMASl TRAVEL VIA IrïWQOTH ïl 'rou9 Trans tot'tft Dining I 11 InTlTllTrtl ars' PuMwün Palace SleepJJJ i_LL JI '"" ars' Modern Coaches. HrvHÉridH Ël Sure conf7ect'0'is ín Union ¦ Ij. 111 JHI Depots at its terminal points, I I rB """ trafns from and to the ¦ f así. West, North and South. mhFWWtWM Cheapest, Best and Quickest 2dhdifli9l flo"íe Am Chicago, Peoría DENVER, ST. PAUL SAN FRANCISCO, MINNEAPOLIS 0MAHA. PORTLAND, ORE. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSEPH, CITY OF MEXICO, ATCHISON. For Tickets, fíates, Maps, &c, apply to Ticket Agenta ej conneetmg Unes, or address L;PSo' H-B-STNL. PAUL MORTON, Ist V. P. Q.M. 0 P A T A For handuome Illuatra.t-l Bnrllnprton Bont' o'uide Book send K', imitare to tjie o. p. a T. a., Chicago. 11 MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Ratea Fout Trip per Week Botween DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND 8t. Iirnaco, Chsboyean, Alpna, IlarrisvUle Otooda, Hand Beaeh, Port Huron, fit. Clair, Okl;tnd House, Marino City, Xvery Week Day Botween DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips during July and Aufiut. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Ratfl and Bxourslon Tickets will b fumlshod by your Tloket Agent, or addrSB E. B. WHITCOMB, G.n'l Pau. Ag.nt, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. THIS PAPER %? v I III V I ni kil Kowell & Cos Kewspapcr Advcrtlaing Bureau (10 Spruco ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ tlslng contracta rnay HE Uf VflMK 1m nuuio lor it ia Hbfff I UlllV. Uf filTTITT to bemado. Cnt ihli out tnd re. 1 1 II V inrii 1" uf, and we wil] unendyou I III fl I fr60, something of grett v los I iin-1 tiiipiii-iance to you, that will itart yon in Iiukuk-hk which will brlDgyon In more momy t awny than anvtliintr cïaeïn this world. Anyonu "can do the work und live at home. Bltbef ei ; all icei. umvtblnK new, that jast cnlns mooey forall worktrf. We i will tiirtyoii ; capital no' neadad Thls lp one of the eennlnc.imporiant clianci'j ol a '!fetime. Thone whoareamlHi"U and enterprklng will not delaya Address Tkck & ('o., Au)fusta, Maine.


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