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'linie tulil,: tnkinK effect Nov. 14tb, ij Central Ntandard Tlm. CHICAGO T(l DKTItOIT. "TtilïTiri ÍLS?llÜi_:B U.K. A.M. P. P.H.iP.M F a 7JT Chicago . . Lv. 6 50 it ) 8 10 4 40 8 15 , i ' Kalamazno... 12 17 ll 6.58 D60 123 as L Battle Creck. 1 12 2 27 7 33 n( qÍ2?Í2 ¦"¦k-o" SIS IV 84 3 15 4 .2 Grana Lake. ... 8 38 ïn5 Cheliea 3 SU " 22 ÏS Dexter 4 14 55ül(ur Delhi MUIb... 4W .... ¦ Sïï Ann Arbor.... 4 83 5 30 945.... 4 36 'ft (10 Yusllantl 45U 545 5t) 4K jK tfaynejunc. 5 15 6 06 51S647 1M Detroit.. „Ar. 6 00 7 1.1 10 45 .. 6 IJ 7 a, 2 m t.Thom.. 1U5 248 100 955 8 FallsVIew 546 . li N Fall 222 548..... 139'5'in B"ff''o 485! 756 725 366 ñWT DETROIT TO CniCAGO. A I . -; f ÏÏT O D.& t JÏI ï " &1 h s la I _ZÏLLi. A.M. A.M 1 ¦ A M a w Buflaln 1180 54B 606 900 1ÍM N. Falls 1-2 15 31 12Í0 "¦ St.Thomai. 4 15 100... 11544" A.M . M. P.ll P.M. P.M. r m Detroit.... I.v. 700 9 10 130 4 00 8 00 is Wayne June! 7 40 53 2 03 4 45 837 bbs "' Ypsllanti .... s 111 10 12 2 20 5 12 858 1020 oKffiÉ:: $,10' a f b::::: 't-r 888 5H Ü Cheliea 8 48 6 06 952 GrasaLake... 10 8271015 Jackon 935U35 3 32 7 10 10 52 Í208 ' ' " Battle Creek.. 110;) 111 4 40 8 52 12 12 185 " Kaamaïoo... 1152 15015 15 , 120 2 36 Chicago.. .Ar. 5 15 40ao, . I 7 0p 8 06 10 20 oW KiG'-K8. H. W. HAYK8." T;,gent Ann A"Chicago. Tol ulo, Ann Arbor 4 Norili Michigan Kal I fray. riMK SCHKUULB. Totake effect at 11' o'cloct, noon, on Suniluy, .linie 19th. 1887. Tralnp rnn hy Standard Time. QOINQ NORTH. GOING SOUTH tnr -11 a SU l SI "ATIOM f. U I "¦ ai L L P.p m. 1. Il Lvi'. Arve a 1 v wi - 6 S 15 5 1.5 rolado i I-i i íó K 8 50 ? 2? .„„...„Junc 08 105 g "J 6 50 3 M 5 27 Alexis H 03 1 00 8 tíl T 10 3 40 5 45 Samarla s 12 48 8 SI , .i , .,) a 112 MunroeJwic t '0 12 si H m I M 4 M J 18 Du.dee 8 10 ií M 7 S 8 0 4 lb b 25 Aza la 8 00 12 14 7 4n 8 25 4 88 6 35 Milán 7 50 12 04 7 8 m 4 45 8 .50 Urania 7 r, 1 m 4 fl 00 4 68 7 00 PltStteld 7 26 7 t Sí, ' ¦ I-elan' li 15 11 11 un ¦ 5 Ho"- Il00 181 ZS IJurand I 9 SOI 4 .i 't? ín,,, (,orI"'" B 1 4 15 "55 10 01 Omiií-o 9 1 8 10 10 (ft Owgüso June .. á-, 4 ip 9 15 11 16! Itha a ' 7 4. i 11 SS Si. Lom. I" 7 37 1 S Jl 11 3 A'nr, I ..... 7 ó 2 P. M 10 8Ui 12.10 Mi P.-.Hnt a.m .si) 1 íi .oiiUi Lyou Kraiicli. NOKTH BOIIND. STATIONS. UOUTHBOÜND Train 6 Train 1 p ¦¦ pm 9 50 I.v. I.elando Ar. ¦ 4', 10 00 Ar. Ar. H 111 10 20 Ar South I.yon i.v. j Connectlons: At Toledo, wlth rallnir' dWarcuil;; at Manhattan Jnnctinn, wlth Wluvllne Erie H. K.; at Alexis Jnnctlon, i h .vf. C K. K., U. ft M 8 Ry. nnd K. & P. M K. R .; at Mi)iiroe Junctiun. with I.. 8. Jt M. 4. Kj . al I)iudee, with U B. M. B. Rv.. M. & o. H.; i Mili n Jonctlon. with Wahash. át. Looíh A Facifl hv atPittjfleld,w!thL.. & M. S. l(y.: at Am Arboi w th Michigan Central li. R., and at South Li.n with Detroit, Lanslni? A Northern H. K., and Mlch. A. L Div. of Grand Trnnk Ry. At Hambnrs wllh M. A. Line DM -"ion Grand Tronk R. At ll'iwi'll with Dntrolt, I. inning Nonhem K'y. M Uurand wilh l'h c ign & Gnind 'Iruut It'y aud Detroit, Grand Haven X Milwuukee R"v. At OwokBo.liinction wiih Hetroit, '-rand Hnve'n A Mllwaukee R'y and M xhluan Central R. K. Ai Ht lxjui with Dctrnit. Uiimiij: Norlh.m li li. and igi naw Villi-T A Bi. Louis h'y. At Alma i[ . Dotro t, UnsinL' & Northern Hy. Al Mt. PlniKr.ut wllh Flint & P-re M.irquette liy. W. II. nKNNETT, 6. 8. WA! KS Oen'i. Hm. Tickt-t AsfiK. Local hgaut. Mort grage Sale. DEFAl'LT huvlng been mudein tlienm. ditum oí 11 oaruüu mada liy Aijiry A. Irlsli, as executrix of tlie will ot Jo seph D. Irlab, daeaaaad, of Ann Arbor, WebIgan, to Samuel P. h(ier of the sanie place. beaniit; date the elevenlh dajr of Iboound tiglit nuiulred and eigbly-two, and rtvorded in the offlee of the lii't;iKter ot Dafdl for the County ot Wasliii-imwou 1 Minie Uay, lu Libel' fti of M rtgacea on page 258, oD w Inch inortgnge there i eiaimed to M Mt ut the date of lins notlce. the ruiii of mim hundreii and ninety-flve dollam and nlnety cents, anii DO Milt er proetH'dinu. eitlier lu law or equity. havliiR been loalltoiad lof1 cover the inoneya Bec-ureil by tbc saul iurlgage or any part lliereof: now, therefurt', by vlrlueot the power of ale oonlalned lo sald uiortgage and the ita uu 111 such cusen made and provlded, notice ld h rehy K'ven tlnti sald mortgüiii' uili be foraokoaad 011 Thuratly, the emhili óuy ot Beptembér, UB7t at ten o'cloek In the forenoon, h. usaleai public aucllun, lo the highest bidder at Ilie ¦¦aldoor of the (¦¦nut house in the L'iiyof Ann Arhorslhnl l't'liif; place where the circuit OOUrl tol iilil coiinty of WashtellllW is held), of the premlses deseribed in Bald mortguge. or i inuct lliereof, as mnr ba essary 10 pny the ainonni doe ou tud mortgage and the note accoiopauying i.'.e sanie wlth iuterest atol all lacu co.sis. lododlBi all Attorney fee of lwen[y-!Ivr doJias provlded tor in suld niortgage. The prciuixes belng daaerlbed sai.l moriiate r.s folfowi : Al thatcertalu piece or parce of land. sitúate In the city of Ann Arbor In the county of Washtenaw and State ot Michigan, and described as follows to-wit: CommenolDg four (4) rotls south of the soulhwest corner of ot four (4), block (4) south of IIutod slreet, range ti east. thencesoulh along Ihe east Hoe of Kifth street four (4) roils, Ibence parallel with Ihesoulh line of sald lot elght (S) rods, theucenorth fo'ir (4) rods. t henee wcstelghl (8) rods to place of licginnint:. (KOKliK C. l'AC.K, .Ik.. Exeentorof the last Wlll of Samuel r Koaler, deoeaaed. i;. li. Kinnk, Attorney for saKI Kxccutor. Dmted June 11, 1887. $25,000.00 IN GOLD ! HUL BK 1'IID FOB ARBÜCKLES' COFFEE WRAPPERS. 1 Premium, - $1,000.00 2 Premiums, - $500.00 each 6 Premiums, - $250 00 " 25 Premiums, ¦ $100.00 " 100 Premiums, 850.00 " 200 Premiums, $20.00 " 1,000 Premiums, ¦ 810.00 " For fullpartlculnrsBTxI riirectinns see Circular In every pound of Abuccki.ks1 Coffee. 1M1-1SH WtlOÑZÍlIliTS MonumentsaStatuarv! ' EH(d tótBlciJkSupEBl,„y'O THE ABOVE G00DS CAN BE SEEN AT M).53SÜUTHimiNST., OPPOSITE KECK'3 FUNI" TURE STORE. BENJAMIN CULY, Agent ¦ s


Ann Arbor Courier
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