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Summary Of The Week

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The trotliii borsei Cud and Asnos, whlota w ti 'ii .'-...ti Bmith' burn ntFlomington, N. J., nviv Ui II lii lihtiiing on tho U I Tur. SoutbCarol in rico orop had on tho 23d been iilmnst ruin.' i bj Bood. Tho losscs of the planters w re i n i mms, and the colorod plantatlon banda w rj threatened atarv&Uon diirln t the winter unies relleved by pabilo oharity. Petuified liiiinaii remolni wen found on tho Í23d in an exoavallon kt Walnut hill, Cincinnati, snppos 'd to bo thoso of giants nlno foct htrli. Thomis Mi Im:iuu:, a prominent grocor of Allrpli'Miv City, i'.i.. was stinding in front of his stoio on t o .23 i when a largo iron letter foll from Iba sijru abovo the door and (truck nlm on the ho.i.1, kiliing him. Wiiü;its for pensiona amounting to over Í16,OOO.(KK) wero issuoi froin the United Stales Tretaury on tho Ui. The lixed for tlio redemption of trado dollars will expire Nvptembor 3 next. Aftor that date tra ia dolar will have no valuo cxeopt as silvr bullion. Up to the 23d nearly 7,5O,i,o i) "t ,- d a" had been ex3 changed for standar I dollars, s A fihr on the '-'Hl at J awronceburg, Ky., 1 consumad a hvri.v st b!e oontaimag fourteen horses and twonty vchides, a large block of business houses, the colorod Baptist church and sevral prívalo residonoos. A PAMINGBR train on tho Peoria, Decatur & Evansville railway was thrown from tho track on the 'Li I near Salt Crook, 111., by train -wreekara, who had removed the flsh-plates and spikes Irom the rails. No ono was injured. Reinhakt Stein, on aged Gorman, living near Madison, Wis , was on the 23i sentenced to nine years in the ponitentiary for iiu'est w th his four daugters. In McDowell Couaty, W. Va., p?rsons wero dying by scores on tho 23d from soms unknown disease. All business had been susended, nnl the p3ople were devoting themselvcs wholly to cari ng for the siclt nnd burying the dead. The Beat National convention of colorod Masons met in Cblcugo on the -'3 I. It was stated on the Ü8d that tho defalcationa of Norman Roberts, the abscondine Baltimore banker, wouli rearh nearly half a million dollars, of whioh alinust WOO.OOÜ was stolea from the Norman heirs. A kf.coovtzf.I) authnrity on sugar ostimated on 38d that tlie world's production of the article in ÏSSO 'S7 would be about 1H.KIJ tons larger than that of the last precoding year. Mii.o HcCa-íkf.v, who had threatened the life of S. G. Spangier, was shot and killed by the latter on the 23J. The mon owned larse ranches near Ness City, Kau., and had quarreled about their property rights. Finteen immigrants were soriously injureJ on the u'5th in a wreek on the Baltimore & Oh;o railroad near Wheeling, W. Va., and the engineer nd lireman were killed. The largest cornet that has appoared in many ycars was ilsuvml at ludianapolis on the night of tlie 'J4th in the northern sky. Countn G. L (i:v -, Lii'iiienant Colonel of tho Twentieth lowa Cavalry, and Brigadier tien 'ral ot the Kansas National Guards undcr Governor Qlick'a admmlstration, was burMd to death in the barn of the Topeka flre d-]iur:mnt on the 24th. Four horses also perished in tho fiamos. Krntt.Br, Todd & Co., of New Vork, dealers in dry goods, talled on the 24lh for 1116,903. Goverxor Adams, of Colorado, on the 24th called upon the Government to seiïd United States troops to drive Colorowand his band of renegado Utes back to thcir reservation anJ kiep them thei-e. Thb annualmeetinsf of tha National Eiitorial Assooiation will convene at Denver, CoL, on Tuesday, September 18, A stable at tha Latonia (Ky.) fair grounds took tiro earlv on tha morning of the 'J4th. and tWO horses. valued at ílü.ODO, Billy Rogers anJ Paragraph, were roasted. The schooner Clara went to pieces off Miller's, Ind., on the Ü4th, and of the crow of two Captain Oleson lost his life. The New York crockery-delers wero organizing on the 24th for a war upon the tea men, who they claimei wero ruining their trade by giving away erockery or solling it below cost. Dürino a storm in Aiken County, 8. CL, on tha J4th Hrs. Uri Noble ani Mrs. Allen Pool were killed by lightning and four children wero seriously hurt. Coi.oxei. Rt tiierfokd, a wellknown pension-claim agant, was nrrested on the "4ih in Washin?t)n on a charge of brib:n? a clerlt in the Pension Offl e an 1 taking record ani file from that office Twr.NTï -Kivr ihmmikd quarryim-n at Youngstown, O., stru k on tho '4th for higher wages. A NF.w disease among cattle, which baffled the veternarians, broke out on the 24th at Galesburg, 111. Ten eowa out of one herd hid die I, and the malady was still sprea lin?. Jamk P. Mihpht, a wealthy Citizen of Kittann ng, Pa., m run over and kille i by an expresa train at that place on ths 24tli. He was n uety-on3 years oíd. i The register anl recoiver or th) United BtatC3 land ofHce at Prejcott, Arizona, were initructed on the 24tU to O[ en for settlement the land In the;r distr.ct 1 hitherto w thdr.iwn for iüdemnty purposes un Ier the Atlantic an I Pacittc grunt. Piiof. H. S. WHITtBT, of Excelsior Academy, on the shnnM of Lake Minnetonka, Mmn , wis drownej on tho 2öth, whilo trying to r s u; thie,: children from a similar fate. At New York on the 25th Mr. and Mrs. Avery committed suicide with morphine. A nota was found in thj room rcquesting that tney might be buned together. Poverty was the ra The First National Bank of Dansville, N. Y., suspended on the 25th. it had a capital of Ï50.000. J i dob Potter, of the New York Suprame Court, on the 25th granted a stay of proceedings in the Jake Sharp bribery case. Tho appeal would be hoard at the general term of the appellate court in October. The remato of a mastodon were discoverei ou tne 25th on a farm near Montpeliei-, In I., wh re similar dtaoov irles hai b' en preriously made. National t)ink depositories on the 25th beid jü,O(X),OO} ol c Tim-nt funds, the gr;atost amount etep hald at one time. The National Conieresoe of Charities an 1 Coriection opened ut Omaha on tho 25th. The Covernors or Kansas, Colorado, Ohio, Wicinsin and Minnesota on the 25th revokol th ir quurantine prorlamations against Illinois catt e except is they apply to Cook Cnunty. John Mtiuck (eolored) was lynched in Bear; County, Ala., on the 25th by one hundred poople of his own race for a et minal assault npon Mra. hasmore, a white woman. Goverxor ofColoradA was notifled on the 25th tliat Major Leslie had Colorow and his band of Indians corralled. The lot'!c-out of wool in vor!c ?rs at Louisville, Ky , sodad on th ¦ SSth, tlio men returnin,' to w ril al the old viuga, and agreniL,r to vo nteniinoe no lurihor interFerenoe bctweun ih na iel ve and thoir employea by the Etnfg itsoi l. Ukovkktekv - Pbi i„ nf New York, stock-brnkcra. fiil ¦ ! on tli . 'Hn for II,UB5,OOO; IIWU, iibotli ;iiMiki. It was report 'i on t i i HBtli that tho erop of poaclH-s, grapen and pean along tho Hudson riv ;r w ml I bo v iry Uiro, and that tho roaclics woul I ! th - ün 't over shipppil frin th ¦ Rood iut Becüon. Texa9 fev'i-r bM tnle it appearanco ¦inioTiK tb oattle ai a dUMIlery noar C'inciniiati. Srven hova dled, ainl on the 23th twenty othen ei e ¦ The cap'am of the t'icvoland Baso-Ball Club was flned ten dolían on the 25th for playinjj tlio National punt on Sunday. This was a test caa ¦ . n.v ordinanca parmits nnl the 8 tut 1 l.w p oliihits ball playin? on tha li r-i ; il y of the weok. Yankton, 1. T.. w is on tlie 'J5th selected as tho 830 city of the il O leM of South Dakota of tho Cathollc C'hurch. A cathedral and school would Le built. A WK1.L on tho Martin lanu, near Oil City, Pa., whloh was itraok Juno 22 last, had up to tho '.'5th inst. yielded 14S,000 barrels of oil, netting the owner a proflt of ÏOüOO. The w.'ll was still flowing at the rato of tilty burrols un hour. Ei (íBNK HairstoN (i'olorjil) was lynchod on the 25th at. Oreensboro, N. C, for criminaüy aMaulting Miss Mahala Sapp, a whito (tirl. Sa Diboo, Cal., va nslted on the 25th by a sharp sarthquake shock. No damage was dooe, Tna CivilScrvico Commission on tho S6tti reoaived froia the Bjcretary of War roquests for tlio er li atos of 212 eligiblcs, all malos, fr un wjci flfty-thrje selections may b: m ido to fill vacancies now existing in h,s oftic . This wilh8 largost roquisition ever malo upoii the commission. R. G. Din & Co., of Now York, in thoir weekly review on the 2th, noto some improvement in general business throughout the count y. The volume of legitímate traile was large, although in gome important branches the-e was a shrinkage. Tlic ton lenoy of prices for most oommoditlei was upward. Thk tishiiig schooner Lydia T. Crowell, of Beverlj', Mass., which carried a ciew of lllLi.ill, n ,13 uil LUC lill Jril Up ]l[ 1USU Lioiitnisg on the i.HSth d;striyod every thinj in tho nous) of W. G. Kitchum, at Owosso, Mich. Pcturc3 W8P3 ruin.d, bedsteads were buniod, and all tho plasterinj was broken off the w.ills. TiiEitE were 133 business failures in the Unitoi staicsdurinst theseven days ended on the 86th, aguinst 135 tho previous se van day. faun m.iskod men broke into the farmhouse of amuel Chew, ncar Mansfleld, O., early on tho niorning of the 2ith, and alter fatally beating tho farmer, who is eighty-thr'o years old, and terrorizing hls wife, they took 1300 and some silverware. One of the Susquchanna Coal Company's mins at Nantico: Pa., was deluged with water on the AH h thathad boen storod In one of the upper veins, and thrs hundred colliers narrowly escapa 1 drownlnd The Georgia Legl slature on the ' passed a resolut:on takin? away the ÍS.000 appropriated to the At anta University red) unless that instituto shall give tha Qorernor istiifsotory assurance that it will not acrept vh t pupiis. Neak Chattannosa. Tenn.. on the 'J6th a pas0MLer a?id froight tr.iin collided, and tb y peraons on tho passenger train were induro!, soni'! scivously. Advicks of tlio 'Jtith reporta fliíhtbeIwtii the lii'liu'i and SherrSt Kcndall's men nenr Meeker, Col., In whlch one of the sher.ff's posse wai killed and sevcral woun ed, an I nino Indians wero killed. Govehnor RiciiAKnso.v, of South Ca'Olina, on the C6th commuted the semence of Axey Lheny, the twelve-year-old (firl con' of mur.lerand sontenced to behung, to impr. son ment iu the penitentiary tor liveyears. It was roported on the 20th that Georgia' convict-lease system wi:s doomed. Tho crueltios practiced on the unfortunato crimináis were said to be shocking, and State cffleers and people were determinad to abolish the practico. Taptox Dauzt (colored) was hangod on the 26th at Charleston, S. C, for murder. Bz-COHSBBUXAH Gibsox, of West Virginia, was fined flfty dollars on the 26th and sent to jail at Huntington, in that State, by Judge McGinnis for contempt of court. It was announced on th3 36th that the salcsmen of the various large cities of the country were about to organize a National Assembly undor the auspic33 of the Kniglits of Labor. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Rear-Admiral Craven-, on the retirel list oí the United States Navy, died at Uia Charlestown Navy Yard on the23J of heartüisease, age 1 sev-nty-nine years. A cali, was issuei at Philadelphia on the23i by th3 Exeeutive Committee of the "American party" for a convention to be held at Philude phia Bjptember 16 and 17, lor th purpose of perfecting the organization. Among the define 1 objects of the movemeiit ara tha restriction of immigration, a thorou'jh revisión of the naturalizatiun laws, the suppresíion of polygamy and intetn pe raaos, the promotion of the free-school systein and an equitable solution of the labor problem. Vn. mam Oi.ns, ünitei States Consul at Brockville, Ont, died on tho ÜM of heartilisease. Mr. OUs was a resident of Richmond, Va. Mks. Sarvii Jaokon wife of Andrew Jaokson, Jr., and iiiisir.;ss of the Wliito Houso duriiu' Preiident Ji ckson's second term, diei at N:isliv.llo, Tena., on the 23J, agod eighty-one yeurs. At the ihiity-second a anal Republicnn M.ite i'onventon held at Des Moines. la., on t'ie L'4tti tover:ior Larrabeo and Lieutenant-Goveruor Huli were renorainatel. Fenator Robins' n, of Storm Lke, red the noÁlnatíon for Buprenie Julffe, and Henry Sabin was nominated !í r hupiT.ii'cM l.-nt "f Baboola, The plat form sirongly indois ;s prohibition ; favora a protective tariff; op osos criminal and pauper imm (fratlon; npproves of civil¦ervlce reform; arraigas the Cleveland Adminiptr;ition for as tr, atraent of Union soliliera; demands ant.-monopoly legislation in the St.iti1; f.ivois a liberal pension polky, and e.-:tnJs sympitliy to GHadsione and ParneU in tlieir strugle íor Jrelund's free lom. 'luí: National Reform party of Now York will hold a Hteta uvention at Syracuse Oetober 4 un.l nomínate a Htatn ticket. Admikai. Samiei. R Kiiaxkms, Ín command of tho European squadron at New York, was rntired irom thu service on the 'J4th by roason of a re Tiik Maryland Republloaní met at Baltlmoro on the 24th and nomioated Wal ter B. Brooks, of BaltWiore, f r Oovemor, upon a platform cbieflr deroud to State issues Bx-Jdsoi S'ii.1. oí the Massachusetts Supremo Court, di.-l at Lisbon, Nsw Hampshire, on the ith, aed sixty-flve years. The Feonsylvanla ProhibltlonlsU met in Btate ooavenUoo at llarrisburg on the 25tli and nominated tí. li. Chase, oí NorthampUm Comí '¦. tor Supremo Court Judgc, and D. C. Ir.nh, of Lawronoa, for State Tnvisur r. The p atfi nn l''niuncos the Luor t r ' !1 . ra vori p' mertion to ABMrtoan lal or nn I ¦ p -i ", j t pensions tosoldlert; pquh tnxii on; litration in lubordiiput smul woniun uili-.iu'". At r Ml ' ' ¦ . to i Itor of tou Troasury, waton lli.' ¦.; i iipl i '"i' ni'isioner of Fisto ii iv i Palien ¦., 10 sucoeed the late Prof. Balrd. Tiih New JTort l't-oli. bi imists mot ia Stato c mv.' al 3 i "'' on the lth anj noiniii ite 1 ¦ rul] Sai uk 't. vritli I). W. C. Huntrng on, of Aüegany County, torSeoreUrj bf Stut The form declaros i ganist licansa ai f avori woiuun suffraf?" F. (', rhief clerk of the Clieycnni! affsncy, wm msrricd at Pierre, D. T., on the 'Jiili ti the wealtTiiet helreas of the Sjoux reserv.ition. The ceremony was witiirssi'd by BVr oiiü thousand Indiana. Rt. Rit. u. w. ü. Eixiott, itishop of Western Texas, dio.l a' buwanoe, Tenn., on tlie 'Jiüli afl ir a long illness. FOREIGN. Br tlio fall of a icuffóldiag on the 23J at tho nnv eitv hospital in Berlín s:x workmen woro kille 1 and S-'Vurul othor persons wero badlv InjurocL Sik Jiin M ai niNAi.n, the Dominion Premier, matatain a ílrm attitude touchtng the rallway troubles In Mmutoba. In a coiivorsiition on tlie S8d ho doclared that the constiuetion of thu Red Rivor Valley railroiid would be stnppjJ if It had to bo dono by Briis i i-c?ulnrs. rsa rtots betwsaa Bnglish an l Belglan fishormen at Ostond ere renewed on the l!4th. The troopi tininvi their artillery on the rioters, killiag two and wounding sovoral otbers. A pioolaraalion forbtddiue the astsmbÜBB of CTOl 1( as ïssucd. The Ennis (liii'.l Bo.ird of Guardians on tho 24!h adoptflil a ri'SOlutiou defyin the Britisli Government's pi-orlamation of tho Irish National League auJ exhortlng all Boards of Uuardi.ini to advauce the principies of th 1 iiffue. The mis .nf boat of the bnrning stcamship C it y oT Montroal was piekod up at sea sevoral duys ago by a Germán vOíseL Ihe thlrteen occnpant ere landed at Falmouth. Eng., nn tl. e J4th. Pkince Fbrdinavd, tho newly-electod Bularían ruler, w s roported as deprossed on th ) 2th in consequonco of the isolation In which h; foun 1 hlmw'.l at home and abroad. Sevbv new eases of cholera and seren de;itlis vver ¦ rep'Hted In Malta on the 25th. The scjurge was tncr.tasiug in violence in Italy. Wikel-Mvyer, the -iiatit, who was said to be th3 largest man in the world, died in Austri i n he 'J5th. John EtüSKIN, the famous English author and art critie, was on the 33th said to bs hopelessly iIih uk1. Cheeih Rr:vted Mr. Gladstone in tho House of C'ommons on the evning of ths 'Jijtli when he aróse to arraign the Qovernment for proelaimmg tha Irish Land League. He said the information on which the organ zation was procla.mod would not b ar the light. Frazier and Stewart, who wore sent by the Dominion government on an observation tour tlirough the northwest terrltory, roported on tho 26th that shocking destitution prevailed at Fort Chippe.nyan ind alonf the BfcEenzla river last winter. Many persons died of starvation, and ono Old woman adtnKtod havng killed and eaten hor whole Family. A fike broko nut io the composing-room of the Moniral Ilcra'd on the 2(ith, and three compositora porished :n the flam s. A half dozen business houses in the building we ie destroyed, and the loss would roach (5 M.OOO. The excursión yacht Monarch was caps z;d by asquallin the Eristol (Eng.) Channel on the '30th, an:i iifteon persons werO drownel. Tuk Br tih House of Comuioni on the 2fith rejecteJ Hr. (ilaiistone's tnotion for an address to Ihe Queon asking that the proclamation of thu L:ni League bo revoked, by a majority of 78. Vrsooi t Doseuaile, of London, who was bitten by a fox last January, died from hydropliobia on tho 26 h inst. LATER NEWS. Tuk recor I '. tli i i ubj In th Natiën il Leagu i tor i!i treek anti] on tas .lih was as Followj: D.'troit (unie won), 66; Chicago, 52; New York, 52; Phlladelphla, H8; Boston, 49; Wash naton, 17; Pilttburgn, ; IndianapolU 29. A RAG rmt o currjj in Decatur, Ga., on li ¦ '-? h. 'li r ijg uli eb iwo white and ons negro w r' klllo 1. Ir va . in loiini' 'd on thi 27th thut tha Ute W81 in (nu ulo was at an end. The n 1 ana ware nga:n on thoir resTvat'on, where Govarnm -nt olncers vrould try o k ep tbem CiKii's ui North Carolina waro vory much amaga i by fl lotta on th i 27th. BBOcn of e rihquake were feit at Charleston, Columblarille and Summerville. 8. il, nnl at Augusta Ga., early on the moraing of the ÜTlh. No damage was ro) ort -d. Tuf: !i ;it porner in Francisco was beoken on tbe 'ís h by the f allure of leun, Drlabach & Rise.ifeM for $1,5W,()!K). Thiï attempt of tho Captain-General of Cuba to purify tha pabUoaervloa had on the 27h ciuicd t!ie p'op.e to rise in rebillion, and th i olty of Havana was placed lindar a military guard. At Jerseyv Lle, III , on the 27th Georg3 Goodriih, Bgx) trnty-one y 'ars, comraitted su use lii-s sweetheart wouM not allow him to spend the evening With her. CA. Pe'icï on the 'Sth puurt through tho NiaKa:-ii Whirlpool in a life-bo;it of hl own inv.'ntioi. Th experiment, iwhtch was eniire'.y OHsful. wa. ir.ada to tolt his boat. which he clalnii will stand any sea, howover boist' r u A m and poweriul ¦ i vil of the Standard Oil Comrany, known as the W?starn and Atlantic Pipe L s, was organuod at Pittsbui-!?h, P.i., on the Tih Theke was an onn-air demonstratlon In London on Iha 27 h, at which speech were made denounclnif lhi Government's action Again t the Irtsh National League. Dr. JogrPH PiRKÉK, or the City Temple, lo Jeu, ai r. red is Si w Yo-k on the 28th! Be com s t d 1 v. r ,. .-ulogv on Hei r War.l Beecher on Oo ob 4, and will also lecture in irruís [lace tnroighout the ountr.. BTLTi oj H Sw Kr the United Labor candidato for S at Eng neur and Bjrveyor, in N v Y r t, doolmed the nom nation on tho Wth, The numb r of nciv c ises and d aths from cholern in It Jy on the 2Hth wera s follow; Mal ia, liv ¦ new caies and four deatha; M.-ssini, tino ! c tes and two doaths; la rmo, eight c ses and elght üoaths; C i hu a twelvo deaths. Thhek Fl iland in were drowned on the 28th by the of a boat near Connor'sPoint, All in. At twenty-su leadlnf cieuring-bouses in the ünlted Btate the ezchanM durln the weok endedon the 27tU aifgroifte'l 798,8,09 i. . [ , „ ,,, ,s ,;.-, m.srn tho p vious ve,.k. As comparad with the corr. pondin freak of laó, tha dcreaa aroouuu to :!.! yer cent


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