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VITIATËD BLOOD. SCROFALAS, IMII.kl l'i:i) AM COXTAGIOUS HLMOKS CUKED BY CUTICC1M. THKOl'OII the medium ¦ f onc of yoar book recelved throuifb Mr. Frank T. Wray, Pggist, Apollu, Pa., I became acejimiuted wlth yuur CunruKA Mkmüdiis, and take opportunity ti teatify u yo i thit taelr uwe Lhk Denaajntly cured me of one uf the ur-t uf blood polsoniDg, In counectton wlth eryt-ipela. tliat I have ever feeu. and thta after haviui; been prouoauced incurable br some of tbe bet jibyiticians Jnourcouoty. I takegreat pleaaure In Ibrwardtng to you thie testimonial, unaolicited aa It Is by yon, ia order that otben uilerlng fnirn similar maladic may be encouraued to give your Cl tkiha Kemkiheh a trial. P. S. WHITUMOER, Leecliburg, Pa. Refurence: Frank T. Wray, Druj;giet, Apollo, Pa. SCROFULOÜS ULCKRS. Jamea B. Kicbardeon, Cattom House, New Orleans, on oath says t "In 1H70 Bcrofota lieer broke out on mjr body nntll I wa a nuaa of corrupnon. KTerytblng known to the medical faculty waa tried in vain. I became a mere wreek. At ilmesoould uot lift my hand 10 my head, conld not tarn Inbed; wat In cnnétant paiu, and loukcd upoa lift aa a curse. No relief or cure la ten yeari. In 1SN0 I heard of the Outicdba Kkjuuiis, ujed thtra, and waK perfect y cored" sworo to before U. S. Com. J. D. Chawtord. ONE OF THE WORST CASF.S. We bave been eellinjz your Outïcura litmedles for years, and have the flret complalut yet to recelvi; from a pareuaner. One of tbe wonit ca-i ¦¦ of Scrofula I ever aw wan rnrrd hy the ue of live botlleauf CtUicuru Uisolvêat, VutUura UutU-iira toap. The Soap takes tbu "cake" here aa a medicinal Boap. 1 AYLOR a TATLOR, Driigulst, Frankfort, Kan. 8CROFÜL01S, IMIKRITE, And ConUgions Humore, with Los of Halr and Eruptious of the Skin, are ponltvely cured by t'uicura and Outicura Soap uxternally, and Uuticura Xetolvent inlernally, when all other medicines fail. Send for Pamphlet. URUOGLSTS USE THEX. We haye obuined aturactory resnlts fnim (be ' o the Cntleiira Kemedlee In our own lainily, and recommend them beyond ny otber remedies lor dlneasee of the skin and blood. The demand tor them "rows a their menw become known. MACÍM1.LAN & CO., Druglet, Latrobe, Pa. Cntlcura Remedieg lrifi "P14 evrywhere, Price: Cu'icra, tho Oreat Skin ture. ri niits ; t'utteura Soap. snd Kxuulslle Beautlñer, ï". cent; uuticura lietolvent, the New Blood Purifler, fl.uu. [Potter L)rwj wul CktmlctUCo., I lotion. Pjyi'LKS, Blackheads. Skin niemlshCB and Baby JL ia Iluuiun, use Calleara Soap. CHOKING CATARRH. Have you awakened frum a dleturbed eleep with all the horrible senaatiuns of an aseatin clatcbiag your throat and prejslna the lile-breath from your tifc'htened chest? llave you notlced the languor and deblllty that succeed the effjrt to clear your throut and hed of thla catarrhal matter I Wliat a depreaiinu lnliaeuce tt exert npon the mlnd, cloadlng the memory and fllllng the bead wlth Win and trauge noiae ! Ho# dlfflcalt lt Is to rld the uawtl pasia;efi, throat and luns: of thls PolsunoiiK mucus all can testify who are amicted wlth catarrh How dlfflcult to protect the syatera anlnat ita furtber propren towarda the lungH, Iver and kidneys, all uhyslclana will admlt. It 1 a terrible dlscase, and cries out for relief and c re. Th" remarltable curative powers, when all other remedies uttcrly rail, of Nando ril' .1 Railical Cure, are attcsted h thousnnd- who (ratefully recomniond It to reUowa-nSbrers. No statmeDt I made reaarnint; It ttiat cannot bn mh-tantiated by the ioot reepectable and rellable reference. Kch packet contnlua one bnttle of the Radical Cure, one box of Catarrhal Solverd. and au Imnrcved InhiUer,vh treatlae and dlrectlon andl sold by all druggUt for 51 00. I'OTTC ü0O AMD CHHm0AL0o., lloütotl IT STOPS THE PAIN m -v IN ONE lllMTIi. mFJR Arhing back, hlpK, and slde, kldncy ¦bT.1' uterine painK, weaknea an intlam¦sABuPniatioii, rheumaMc, nnd neuralgic, tcl. ¦ Afv. Uc' "miden, ghurp and m-rvou Dainu utffr (hf""1 """Hfved In one min L rtlJ new. legant and infalllble antidote v?í ïl. ' '""mmatlon, the utl urn Antiiulta?r!mtr- 6iür '; "'s" drugHts er PoTrK DKiu AtiuCannu ai. Co., Boitoi


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