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Wiiliacr's biock in Saline is nearing completion. Wm. Yeaeer, of Dextcr villnge, died last Thursday. The Saline Baptist Cliurch is being repaired i'X worth. J. H. Bortle is building a brick addltiou to Iris store in Saline. The wagon bridge across the Huron at Dexter is being repaired. Grass Lake will soon enjoy a new station house on the M. C. R. K. The Dexter Leader has changed its day of publication to Friday. The lean men beat the fat men at Chelsea by a score of 35 to 53. Geo. II. Mitchell, of Lima, bas iut np a fruit evaporator on his farm. A. A. AVood, of Saline is buying shrep up nortlf for shipment to Texas. Senator Gorman and bride have arrived home, and will live in Lyndon. The Sliaron farmers will not hold apicnic this year. Too mauy been on vacations. Schools throughout the county pretty generally coinincnced operation9 last Monduy. Fred Roper and wife of Whltmnre Lake, think of removing to Anti Arbor this fall. Theold "Figlitiiig Fifth" infantry will hold a reunión at Fowlerville, on Tuesday, Sept. 2Oth. Geo. Jedele, of Fieednni, who accidently shot himself while out hantlng rccently, is dead. Pinckney is rapidly Phoenixizing her burned district, hindsotne brick buildings taking the place of the burned ones. Miss Olive Wlieelock, of Bridgewater, commenced the fall term of school in tlie Posdick district of York, last Monday. The ludies of the M. E. cliurch presented Mrs. Odell with twenty-live yards of beautiful carpet on Aug. 24tli. - Hilan Leader. The lean men of Manchester will pouud the grease out of the fat men of the same p lace, on Aug. 81, il' aothlng happens. A. F. Clark, of Saline has Inretrted a new-fangletl wind ml 11, whleb he will display at the coming county fair and other faire. The Ladies Library will be open cvery Saturday afternoon from 3 to 0 o'clock from September Ut to March 1, 1SS8.- Dexter Leader. Alfred "Davenport is finishing up one of the linest farm houses in the county, on hia place four miles east of Saline, on the Manchester road. The station agent of tlie T., A. A. & N. M. R. R. at Pittsfieid Junctlon is also telegraph operator and postmaster. He bears his burden well. The total receipts of the Oerman picnic last week, were fihout $080, and deducting the expenses leaves the ntee sum of $300- Saline Observer. What with cutting corn stalks, gettlng the glimmer fallow ready for BOWtng difi wheat, and other neeessary "fall" work, the farmers are mighty busy just now. It is stated that "Parties holding receipts for the oíd Michigan Air Line stock can now get thelr money on them by presenting them at Pinckney Exchange Bank." Thirty new flut cars, .just out of the Peninsular Car shops at Detroit, carne up on the Wabash yesterday forenoon for the T. A. A. & Ñ. M. railioad - Milan Leader. The supply of coal for the court house and jail was bought at $575 per ton.- Manchester Enterprise. Now see here Bro. Blosser, arn't you putting that on pretty thlck ? Mrs. Will Hateh, of Anu Arbor while boarding at the Cllfton house caught nne of the largest pickerel in the Lake. You ought to have seen it.- Whitmore Lake cor. So. Lyon Excelsior. Postmaster Gillen and Fred Wallace went over to Ann Arbor, Tuesday, to inspeet sonie hall scenery. We understand :hat Mr. Gillen will be the manager of Wallace's new opera house. - Saline Observer. The Wabash will sell round trip tickets ;o St. Louis, Mo., Scpt. 24 to 37 for one :ent a mile, tickets good to rot urn up :o Oct. 5th. This rate tnakes the fare from Milan $9.30 for the round trip. One Lodi farmer sowed 20 bushels of wheat on 40 acres of land, threshing 79 )Hshcl of wheat. A Scio farmer threshcd J!' biishels of wheat from 18 acres od which he had eown 28 bushels.- Leader. Next Wednesday the Manchester Enterprise is sweet 15, (and, by-the-way, you will have to lmnt over several st.ites o rlnd its superior) and proposes to celébrate the occasion by a mammoth t'dition. If ants bother your bees or hives, it will be well to sprinkle plentv of salt about the hives and if there should be any ant bilis near your apiary make a jood salí brine and pour on plentiful. - 3o. Lyon Picket. At the last minute of the last hour the Pinckney ball club sent word they could not play hete last Friday, consequent ly a large crowd was dissapointcd and our boys say "they are af raid lo meet us again." - So. Lyon Picket. W. W. Todd, of Adrián, rodo over liere on his wheel, Sunday, iiud after niiking the triangle, returned home. We understand he will soon attempt lo beat the 24 hours record on a bieyele of 305 miles. - Saline Observer. At a meeting of the S. L. Gas Company last night it was decided to locale Ihe test gas well in the Corporation, on a site to be determined by the directors. A portion of the machinery to be used in boring the well, has arrived and work will begin in a few days. - So. Lyon Excelsior. This is the way the Enterprise does up the limber man who exhibited at the Brldgewater farmer's picnic recenily: "David Jones, the Manchester nerobat, was present with his paraphernalla, and convoluted, wrigglcd, wrlthed, and gyrated among the oak leuves like a 8atyr In the sylvan shades." From a copy of the Delta, we Icarn that the McCullough Bros. of this place, who recently removed to Gladstonc, are pushing nhead with tlieir buildings, and will soon be in operation. Gladslone, tlieir present location, is situated on the west side of little Bay de Noquet, at tlie head of Green Bay, in Delta county. It is soon to be the point of several important railroads, and bas excellent harborage on two sides. The place is new, but isgrowing with lurprisfng rapldlty, and indulges in large exj)ectations. - Vpst. Sentinel. Mary Ann and Jumes Ltlley of Unadilla visited their sister, Mrs. Geo. TayIor eouth of town, last Saturday and Sunday, leaving tlieir house in Uiiadilla alono Saturduy night for the first time since it was built by thelr stepfather the late John Taylor, some thlrtj'-flve yearg ago.- Chelsea Herald. Weeds mnltiply very rapidly. The number of seeds each plant is capable of pnulucing is estiinated as follows: Dandelion, 12,000; shepherd's purse, 37,000; pepper grass, 18,000; wheat thief, 7,000; common tlilstle, 65,000; chamomile, 10,000; ragweed, 5,000; pursaline, 388,000; plantad), 44,(M0; burdock, 43,000. A sad and sorrowful event occurred In Sylvan last week. On Tuesday mornLng August 23d, after a sickncss of two weeks, the spirit of Cora Burchard took te flight. It ha9 cast a gloom over the cooiraunity Buch as has not been feit for a long time. Her funeriil occurred on Thursday, and was attended by many people.- Chelsea Herald. The Buckwheat erop is sald to look very fair in portions of the country. That's good. We are itcblng for ji;mcakes once more. - Courier. If we are not greatly mistaken, Mr. Courier, you will itch more after euting the pancakes; at least that is what " they say," you know.- Dexter Leader. Well, we can do our own scratching. If the Editor of tlie Ann Arbor Couriku will come down to Milan we can convince him inside of fifteen seconds that we have a natural gas well that will buril a 4-inc-lj blaze over four feet high. The Saline Observer man s ffWIng you straifilit goods, Mr. Coürier, on our pras well.- Milan Leader. Glad of it. There's nothing too good in thls world for newsp.iper men - not even gas wells. We learn that John J. Hobison inteixU to move back on his farm next May and offers his three brick dwellinrs lo Ann Arbor for sale. - Sharon cor. Manchester Enterprise. Yes, we are sorry to 6ay that It is true. We all dlslike to part wlth him, notwithstanding his dyed-in-thewool democraey. We Hke him because of his excellent republican father and the good qualities he inherited from him. Sunday ball playing should be sat down upon by the parents of the young men who engagein It. It would be a great deal more credltable to the young men to be found at Lhe several Sunday schools where beauty calis, and tbereby glve the young ladles a Talr chauce to look at the Umi - Mtockbrldge Sun. If the Sun continúes to dart such rays as that we shall all melt, sort of float away as it were on a melody of Sun-day short-stops. School Director Masón was around last week, taking the census of childreu of school age in the district. The number is 278, a gain of six over last year, of wliom 173 live In Saline, 55 in Lodi, 28 n York, and 22 in Pittsfield townsliip. In two families, he found six children jetween the ages of 5 and 20; four fami lies of five; 11 families of four; seventeen families of turee; and 28 families of two. - Saline Observer. The Pinckney paper has this item : "Doga have been raislng particular havoc among the sheep of Hugh Clark, Sr. Four were killed, 21 wounded and three missing. Ju8tice Blunt was called to issess the damages, who says that of the wounded ones 16 will probably die, as they are badly mangled. Ears are torn off, heads lald open, and the worst work of dogs is apparent. One guilty canine lias been shot and other are in danger." The smartie who presides over the 'County and Viclnity" column of the Ann Arbor Courier (that's us) is makIng himself famous (tliafs right) by perverttng the grammarof exchanges (that's a whopper) and trying to say something :ute by wayof criticisin (tliat's another). [n an item in the Dispatchhechanges the wording to make the sense appear ridicuous. That's elegant city journallsm. - yiipped from the Pinckney Dispatch, (all hut the words In parenthesis, which are original.) Tho people of Dexter are not at all selflsh of thelr school luxuries. They would llke to have fifty non-resident pupil; fifty of the boys and girls of the suirounding country who wish to do more advanced work than can be done in thelr district schools. Some wish to prepare for teaching; some wish to take idvanccd work in the common branches; eome wish to stndy book-keeping; some wish to prepare themselves for admission to the Universlty of Michigan. Yon all will receive a heaity welcome. The ¦ohooll of Dexter can gratify all these wishes. - Leader. The familiar ring of tho old school be!l, a sound that strikes a discord in the Lireaet of the siuall boy, that harmonizes wlth the studious spirit of' the good girl, that awakens echoes of childhood's happy Iiour8 in oldcr hearts, and that performs other more pertinent and practical functions, will after its summer rest again be lieard next Monday morning. The lower ]art of the High School bnlldins lias been repainted, theseats In the High ¦íchool room clianged so as to face south Instead of wes-t, as formerly, and other minor iinprovemonts havo been made. The teachers in all t.h nitv tinildini'H ill


Ann Arbor Courier
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