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Real Estate Transfers

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B. W. Lamkin to W. P. Lainkln, York. 3,100 Koznnn Walsh to M. 4 P. Qalllgan Aun Arbor 7.... löO Hudson T. Morton to Oscar O. Borg, Anu Arbor " j-g Susan M. (iay to John W. Blakesloe, Ann Arbor loco Jennett West to Henry W est, Anu Arbor x wo Ellza C. Blrd to Addie D. Blrd Ann Arbor 3.0OO Ellza C.& Addie D. Bird to Wlllie O. Hlr.l, Salem 209 5". O. B. Pester et al to Wm. J. Clark, YpgllHI'tl jo.oio Abby P. Hunt by Probate Court to Bessie P. Hunt, et al, Decree of Asslg't Susan A. Qranger to Fred. J. Schleede Ann Arbor o 000 BurnettHteinbach to H. A. C. Stelnbaeh, Chelaea 3iooo Henry stelnbach to Jacob Stelnbach, !'im 2,100 Henrlette Ottmelcr to J. H. utlmeltr Ann Arbor qqq Robert Oeorge to Cornellus B. Carr, Manchester 3,600 Kmma B. Jenness to Ellen B. ïuttle Ypsllantl 800 Samuel P. Jewett to Adolph B. Covert Ann Arbor ' 300 Francia Archer to Mary Archer Ann Arbor 9oo Mnry Archer to Henry Cornweli, Ann Arbor 1,800 Llllle A. Cliandler to Wm. M. Fetridge PlttsBeld .. ïixx)