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Eat one or two lemons daily for in Ham - matory rheumatism To be Absolntely Ortain of most things is difflult, but f the united testimony of people in eyery walk of' Me, for more than a quarter of a century, be good evideoce, then dyspepsia, loss of appetite, headache, wakefulness and debilitation froiu whateyer cause, maj' becured by Dr. Harter's Irou Tonic. , The Appetite Slay bc liiereascd, tbc Digestivo orgaus strengthened, and the Bowcls regulated, by taking Ayer's l'ills. These PMs are purely vegetable in their coraposition. Theycontaiu neither caloinel noranyotlier daugerous drug, and may be taken with perfect saiety by persons of all ages. I was n prent suflerer from Dytpeptta and Constlpation. I had no appetite, becanie greatlv debilltated, and was con¦tantly atflieted witli Headaiebe and Dizziuess. I consulted our fainily doctor, who preseribed for me, at various times, wlthout affordiuK more thun temporary relief . I finally cotnmenced taktng Ayera I'ills. Iu a short time niy digestiou and appetite IMPROVED my bowela were regulatpd, and, by the time I fiuished two boxeaoi tha l'ills my te ndciii'y to headscbai had dlappeareo, and I became strong aud wcll. - üarius SI. Logan, AVilmiugtou, Del. I was ttonblod, for over a ycar, wlth Loss of Appetite, and Qeneral Deblllty. I comiuenced taking Ayer's Pilis, and, before finishing half a box of this medicine, my appetlte and Btrength wcre rectorad. - 'C. O. Chirk, Danbury, Couu. , Ayer's Tills are the best medicine known to mo for regulatlng the bowels. and for all dlseasea caused by a disordered StoiiKieh ainl I.iver. I snffêivd for over tlm-e yearn with lloadache, Indigestión, and Constipation. 1 bad no appeute, and was wtaU uud uervous most of the time. BY USINQ three boxea of Ayer's Pilis, aml, at the sume tinu' ilirliiiL;' myself, 1 was completeJV CUfed. My dijrestive organs are SoW i'n pood order, and 1 am in MrtSCt kealth.- l'hilipLockwood,Topeka,Kaus. Ayer's Pilh have brnofited me wonderfullv. For nioiulis I MitlVivil fnun IndiEetNOII nd llcadaclie, was rostless at Dlgfct, mid had ¦ bad tast in m nioiuli iVory mornlng. After taking oue box of Ayer's PMs, all tin-e trouutoi Bppeaid, my food digested well, and my ¦leep wa refreuln. - Henry C. Ilemllieuway, [tockport, UDIi I was eured of the PQm by the nse of Ayer's PUI. Tliey not ouly relieved me of that painful disorder, but gvt me Inerfliwed vigor, nd reatored my health. - John Lazains, St. John, N. B. Ayer's Pilis, Trepared hy Dr. J. C Afw Co .Lowcl!, Mim. Buld by llbruggmu uud Deakra iu Mcdklue.


Ann Arbor Courier
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