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Ann Arbor Public Schools

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The first school opened in this city was in the year 1825, the iwM vear r.llnwnijr iU settlement, in a building situated wherc Mr Duffy's toro now U,-opposite the present post oilico. History Klis us that Miss Monroe was the teacher, and a few rude boliches and n chair constituted the furnitiire. In 1830 the public' schools were orffanizcii here, and the high school building shown below (or one-linlf of it) was erected in 1833; to which the castern hall was added in 1871. Daniel B. Briggs was the first principal of schools in the new building. HeifU followed by U. W. Lawton, who was the first Superintendent of Schools. Elisha Jones succeeded Prof. Lawton, and our present Superintendent, Professor Walter S. Perry, succeeded him, Imving held the potition since 1870. Aimunl Renort of the Superintendent. To the Board of Education of the City út Ann Arbor : Mkssbs:- Ah a part of my Oficial duties, I herewith present to you my seventeenth Annual Report of the schools under your care. The important statistical part of the year's history will be found in the following table of enrollment, attendance, etc, of the three departments respectively : The enrollment distributed under the usual age limita was as follows : NumlxT SDdar I years of age 4ÍI Number between 6 and 1H years of age 4% Number over IS yeart of age 1487 Total 1982 The attendance during the year in the high school was fairly regular. The enrollment, 578, was 28 more thiin that of the year preceding. In the grades below, the aggregate enrolment was 49 higher tlian that of the preceding year, but the average attendance was lower. This was caused by sickness. No such wide s)iead interuption of the school work has occurred here since the schools came under niy charge, 17 years ago. During the latter part of Feburary, aml the whole of March, nearly 990 pupila were daily absent froiri the schools with the measles. An estimate of this broken attendance shows that the grammar grades lost 1848 days of attendance, and the primary grades lost 5,551 days ; or in the aggregate 7,3!)9 days of school work were lost to these grades by the unusual prevalence of contagious disease. Soiiie of the rooms in wards III, IV, and V, were closed for a time. Nearly 100 pupils, withdrawn from school by reason of sickness did not return. Such an amount of absenteeism could not but Ieave its effect upou the progresa of the various classes. In a few rooms the work in the several branches- as apportioned in the course of study- was not completed, while there waa less than the standard thoroughness in what was attempted. The promotions to higher grades will be less in number than usual, and will be also a somewhat smaller percentage of the number examined for promotion. I cannot but commend the spirit of our teachers for their endeavors to overeóme these difficulties, and for the measure of success they attained. In view of the large amount of enforced absence during the year, the unbroken record of attendance of the following pupils must be regarded as highly creditable. HIGH SCHOOL. Alice Beckwith, Frillie Beckwith', Sopliia East, Anna L. Sober, Carrie M. Sperry. For twogtmrê - Fannie C. Gardner, Anna 1). Schatter, Watie Wheeler. BIOBTB CENTRAL ÜUII.DINO. Claude J. Price. For two years - Albert E. Greene. rOHR WARD SCHOOL. Ida Bliss, Henry Korte, Mogk, Clara Murphy, Mary Pusfield,. Frank Sutherland, Orie Sperry,. jFor Jour trrcrx - Edward liui 'khard't. For cight yeetrs- Bertha Kose. SECOND WARD SCHOOL. George Gauss, Henrietta Haebiok, Clara Karts, Víctor Kurtz, Karl Mayer, John Mayer, Albert Staebler, Theo. Statiger, Alice Staebler,. Wiilip Weinman, Alfred Weinman, John Waltz, Mary YValker. Fur wocars - Julius JSurkhardt, Eninia Fisber, Otilie De Fries, Julia Mayer, Adolph Mogk, Lena Noli, Anna Wwoh. '1'IIIRD WARD SCHOOL. Mary Almendinger, Mary Itobl, Pauline Wurster, Victor Wurster. For two ycars- Caroline Sbultz. i)UEÏH WARD SCHOOI,. Juliu Gwinner, Cassius Orr, William Orr. FIFTH WARD SCHOOL. Lizzie Shadford. For two yeáre- Sarah Felch. SIXTH WARD SCHOOL. Margie Carhart, Annie McOmTier, Earnest Wines, Minette Wheelock. In8truction in the grades h%s been subject to the usual amount of discussion, InveSllgaTtoTi, and reformiiit; of conclusions. The grammar grade teacher is constantly confronted with the task of devising Noh inetliods in teaching as will call into action other fuculties of the child's inind besides meniory. Tbe itupld, uiiskilled teacher sets taskn in a book and sees to it that they are thoroughly coiiimitted to memory. The skilled teacher sets bis pupila to investigating facts, laws, and principles, and sees to it that they are presented in such a way, and Utider suoh reijuirenients, as to necessitate observation and thinking. The branches that require most thought and judgment In the grades I are Ciramuiar and Aiithnietic. They are usually regarilel aa practical studies, but their greatest service is in er.listing the various activities of the puptl'a mind- classification, judgment, reason. lo Grannnar, the beginning classes have been set to inspecting the sentence, without a book, as they would inspect a ílowe r, hunting out its parft.i fiquiag tbeïr usen, umi jmttidg them hi classes. Üutrammeled by cfefinUlona and rules, the pupils have done some thinking, iiiul have acquired Bonte' power of classifying the elements of language. I think our teachers of these grades all agree that their classes have done more independent thought work by this method than they had done by the method of defïnitions, rules, and old-time parsing. We would be glad to use a book that meets the conditions implied in the above method, but do not know where to find it. In Arithmetio our teachers are doing reasonably well with the means in their hands to do with. The end here to be attained is clear- always in siglit. Pupils ir Arithmetic must be able, not merely to penorm Aparatiooéa with the pencil, they mustbe able to think out matlicmatical relations; and th power to think is not an art- it i.s a growth. This latter part of the work, we are not well equipped to do. üur ;ours; and text-books do not sulli ¦irntly include and emphasize it. Th 1tii arrangement for arlthipiètica) study dispenses aTogetlicr with tlic mental arithmetic, distinctly'as such. I believt; tliis lias been a vcry preceptible loss to theseliool, H damnge to the reaaoning iower of the pupila. The Boppoaltion i that teachers will etull(y reasoniiiK processes suflleieutly without tlie aid of a text-book ; but the average teacher cannot do it. lt rui ui res too inuch time and judgment, in OoUeotlng, trading, and adjuating material for soob h ]ur]o8e. After muob Htuily and experiment in this purt of mr oourae, I am impelUd to udvise thal we return t the old batbs, authoriztng tbe of a distincl Mental Arithuietic in addition to tfie Elenieotary Arithmetic wc now have, or substitutie for our present boots one that taina n reasonable balance of mental and written work. The book in present use was adopted ftbout 2i) yeara ago. We have made some progresa In teaching Qeography. [nstead ofeommiitiiifi paes of the Qeography to metnory, aud huntlng out the answers to qaantitlea of map qaeatlona, tbe ciiil.l is pui to obaervfng and atudying map. 'l'lie elevation, thf drainage, tbe contour, large towns, and even the cliinate, soil, and produottons, aro objecta of map Btudy. Nearly all georrapbioal facts are rcad bom the nia]. The map thus becomes a picture- a species of objective reality, embodying all the child's geographical knowledge. The subject matter and mapa of the text-book ure constantly used tor reference and information. What we greatly need In this connection is a good set of physical wall mapa in all the 5th, (ith and 7th grade rooms In the city. With respect to History and Geography as related to each other, we have always aimed t introduce considerable History into the Geography work- and considerable Geography into the History work ; but during the past in the 5th (rade we have combined History and (e. about equal proportions. This to be the ideal way of teaching these subjects in lower grades, and tbus far the experiment seems very satisfactory. The exhibit for the second year, of drawings, kindergarten work, and clay modeling, wat highly creditable, and showed this clnss of work in tbe ¦Ohoola to be in B healthy state. To carry out our plans in Drawlrjg for the coming year we need quite an addition to our présent stock f forma and modela. It ia well occasionally to give expression to views upon the matter of discipline in the schools. I believe that good order, and discipline of a positive type, are essential characteristics of every school that anjiwera the purpose of fts existence. The best discipline is that which secures order and süidiousness through the personal power and persuasive arts of the teacher. It begius at the heart aud works out Id conduct. But all teachers are not thus gifted, or experienced, nor are all pupila thus subject to the gentier inlluences. Therefore either corporal punishment must, at times, be resorted to, or more of the disorderly elass "f pnpfb maat be banished from the school. It is often more merciful to punitb a child in BCbOOl, tlian to send liim into the street where the surroundinKs are morally hurtful, and often invite to evil. In the use of the rod the teacher is to be reasonable, and is uuder the ame restraiut legally as a pannt, in the puniahment of his own children. liut public opinión is ofteu intolerant of school punishment, and is given to hasty jiidgments agaiust the teacher inflicting them- jiuignieiits that veiy often orippje the usefulness of the school. Aftera teacher bas been passed upon by the Board, as a lit PSCaon to take charge of children, all aasumptiona ahould in hls or lier favor until reliable evideni-e eompels a reversa! l opinión. Again it Bonietimes happens that a teacher's errors of judgment or praor tice, not serious in tliemselvis, nor ditricult of correction.areso magnitied by public comment, as to greatly injure a teacher's usefulness. The effect of these thiugs is often to weaken the teacher's confldence in her support, to slacken the reins of good government in the schools, and to Increase the number of cases of suspension - a result which we all alike deplore, and which, by a little candid reflectlon we might prevent. IIKÜI BCBOÖL. The aggregate emolment of the Higli lor the year, was 578. An tooronao of M over the precedió g year. This increase would have war ranted an adilitional teacher in the department, bot there was no room in tlie building tor an adilitimial class. The only alternativo was to place thé surplus elassea out of regular achool hours - in the afternoon- and culi up on the regular teaehera to inatract them with pro rala allitional Wages. The ttntouul of BUcb extra bay was 446 78 This does not include f7ó paiil for the OOrreCtlon of essays in English work. The coat waa abouj the same as would have heen that of one teacher for the full year, but the arrangement is open to objection on several grounds. Teachers caimot ordinarily apend six and geven hours per day in the class room as efflcieutly as they can flve hours. Pupils are annoyed by it, as it breaks up their continuous study hours in the noon. Moreover the gom! order of the school BttSërs by the promiscuoui use of halls in the afternoon. It I niight also bc added tliut as teachers with blgber salarles are often called upon to do this work, it beconies relatively expensive. The only part of the buililiii!; uuoccupied, is the central gectioü of tbc chapel, a room uuulted to recitatiou purposes. Possibly, however by removing the platform, and making other modlflcatioDï, the room might be used for som e recitatiou work. Such a plan would compel us to dispense with chapel service, and all general gatheriugs of the school. It is quite apparent that the want of more room is a prewing one. The general work of tlie High School lias been carried forwanl with tlie customary force and efficiency. I cannot speak too highly of most of the instructiou ; itcomports well wilh the wide reputatfon W the school, and with the promUea held out for patronage. While this is true in general is it uot possihle that we ¦ometimes forget the great reaponslbilltlee that are laid upon us to furnteh to tlie pu pils reaorting bither; the best possible facilitics for educatiou lu all of the varled coursee and branches o He red in the HchoolV Kspecially it is Imped that we may Boon have facilities for mleroscopic work In Botany aod I'hysiology, aml that the instruction In Klocution and General English piay be giveu the scope and opportuUity their importance demands. The ttchool is apparently well entrenched in public confldence, but to insure its retention of that pwsition, its equipment for doing its work must be geuerous, and the work itself, in all its details, must be coutinuously and critically scrutinized. The needed help in the Physical Laboratory was lurnished by two niembers of the senior cluss, who had made special proficiency. in this work the preceeding year. Their awlstancfl proved to be eflicient and satisfactory. The following tabte fives the branches taiiglit in the High Hchool during the year, and the number of pupils in each brunch. Prof. Perry't Report Concluded. Through the kindness of the University authorities, the twenty-eightl Graduating Exercises of the High School were held in University Hall June 24, 1887. For once no one wai turned away from the doors, and the feeling of comfort thereby afforded to those who had any connection with the exercises was decidedly grateful The size of the room was a souree o no little fear that our pupila would not be heard, but as far as can be judged, those who composed the literary part of the program, passed the ordeal with more than anticipated success. The teachers for the coming year are as follows : W. S. Perry Superintendent. HIGH SCHOOL. J. G Pattengill, Principal, jMn and Greek H. N. Chute Physical Science. Lucy A. Chittenden. German and Higher English. Emma U. Chapin, . , French and English Language. Levi D. Wines Higher Mathematica. Benj. E. Nichols, Commercial Course Branches. Mary E. Hunt Natural Sciences. Florence C. Milner Mathematics. Lewis H. Rhoades History Muda O. Sprague English and Elocution. Iris Carr Assistant in Book-keeping. Nellie S. Loving Librarian. -lt l tl'i ut AND I'IIKI m Knii i ui: rs. CENTRAL BUILDING. Eliza C. Ladd, Principal Eighth Grade. Mattie O. Campbell ...Assistant. FIRST WARD SCHOOL. Clara G. Plympton, Principal Sev'th Grade. Emilie J. Eldridge :...8eventh " Anna D. Robinson 8ixth " Mary Trueblood Klfth " Carrie Baxter Fourth and Third " Maggie T. McDivitt 9econd and First " SECOND WARD SCHOOL. Mary Mulholland, Principal Sixth Grade Estelle G. Mozart Fifth Julia A. Howard Fourth " Emily Gundert Third " Fanny M. Taylor Second " Amelia F. Luti First " THIRD WARD SCHOOL. Hattie I. Boyd, Principal-Bixlh A Fifth Gra's. Sarah G. Come Fourth and Third Vlay C. Book Second " Emma C. Banfield First " FOURTH WARD SCHOOL. H. G. Button, Principal Seventh Grade. Annette L. Ailes Sixth and Fiah " M. Belle Sperry Fourth and Third " Belle K. Edson Second " Lucy K. Colo - ,First " FIFTH WARD SCHOOL. Mattie E Goodale, iV(ncpai.6th and 5th Gra'a Charlotte L. Millard Fourth and Th'd " Alice M. Lovejoy Second and First " SIXTH WARD SCHOOL. Adda C. Jewell, Principal .ttlh and 5th Grad's. 511a S. Wright Fourth and Third Matie Cornwell Second and First " SPECIAL TEACHERS. Benj. E. Nichols Penmanship. Geo. W. Renwick Music. Alice M. Hunt Drawing. With such a corps of teachers in charge of the schools, our patrons may be assured that the education of their children will be in safe hands. A large measure of the teacher's jest endeavors will always be due to the appreciative support of those to whom they stand most nearly and officially related; and for the many words of encouragement, generously spoken by the Board, the teachers in your employ have reason to be specially grateful. Respect fully submitted. Ann Arbor, Aug. 31, 1887.