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Sehoolscommeneeil. How the oyster sigbs at the September r. Tbe B. & O. Telegrnpb Co. have a tclephone. The rains of yesterday were very acceptable. Suyler A Son bftve a ncw front In their store. Wines & Worden are reqarpatlng tbe new Beta Theta house. He wbo gloats over the downfall of a brother Is not a chrlstian. The City Mills are now running at full capaclty and shipping tbeir producto south. " A now tenement bouse Is being put up by tbe Cornwells on the pulp mlll grounds. The bookstores have been like beehives this week- the parents furnishing the honey. The sumnicr resorters have returned so fast that our columns will not begin to hold the names. The June-bug dlsappears In Ju ne. The llghlning-bUK In May ; Tbe bed-bug iikrs hu bonnet off, A,nd says "I've come to stay." Evelina M. Baker was granted a divorce from Alfred Baker in the circuit court last Friday. Better looking hay was never brought in the market than is being brougfct a by farmers these days. Herman Armbruster gets a $20 target as bis prize tor good shooting at the Detroit Schutzenfest. One of our Ann street grocers has swung this sign to the gaze of customers: "Terms all cash - Book-keeper left." The slight hitch ia the finance of the city tliis week will soon be tided over and everytliing sailing smoothly again. Eberbach & Sou have a ëtereoscope in t)ieir window imported from Germany which is a beautiful piece of mechanisni. The Detroit ball club defeated the Chicago chib this morning by a score of 8 to 2. In the afternoon by a score of 8 to4. Evart Scott went up to Eaton Raplds last Friday and g.ive the people there a talk on "Grapes'' in the evening - not sour ones. Accordiug to the Sentinel tn Ypsiluiiti livery man lias put in the first coupe ever seen in tliat burg. It was a great event for Ypsilanti. Wlien a M tl down kick him, of course; it's the way of the woild, and so iiiin-h easier tlian lo extend a hand and help a tallen brother. There are three biiht Hule boys for adoption, one eight, one six and the otlie.r one year of age. Enquire at Mrs. Dr. Hartley's, 40 Wïlllam St. The stone sidewalk craze bas struck Ann street. A new walk will be laiJ in front of the market of C. Vogel aiul the saloon of Millman & Collins. The M. C. K. R. are taklng out all mu ill or iveak ai;x.arn# irons in their bridges over tlie Huron and replacing tfiem with lurger and alronger ones. It is MtonMiIng how the Detroit papers and eoine others insist upon nuking Dr. Vt. 15. Smilh. V. I) Smilh. W. D. U of in entiiely ditt'ei-ent breed ol cliicket)8. It h;is been pertly suggested by the Argus that the best way (O obtain a supply of natural gas is to bore for it. Yes, the pcople are inxlously awnttlng tliat bore. Our photogruphiTsaru ptlttoiu throughout the state. People oome herc froin the Saginaws, Fliut, Holly, and even Detroit to get their piclurcs taken iu lirat-class style. The people of Yptllanll showed their good judrmcut Monday by the election of Clias. VV'oodruff, editor of the Sentlnel, as school trustee, ü. E. Thompson being the other fortúnate orHcer. Ye local is off on the excursión to-dny and Uie paper II in the hands of the oÉco devil, so f there is trbythlng particularly pleasing n our columns, which of course there is, give Satan nis due. We are in receipt of a bound copy of Senator Palmer' speech made at the semicentennial celebration of the state univer9ity. It is one of the best we have read. - Manchester Enterprise. Carry the newS to Cyrus. We often hear of a young man or boy being drovvned while bathing, but rarely do we hear of a girl so doing, which elearly shows that il is stlll lots of fun to be a boy and go swimming, but far safer to be a girl and bathe in a tub. A club of youngsters have rented the old skating park building on Miller Ave., opposlte Walker's hotel, for dancing purloseB. They pay $1 per week rent and hire a fiddler, and have just as good a time as if they had a palace. It will be remembered that the reunión of the army of the Tennessee will be held in Detroit, Sept. 14 and 15. Gens. Shorman and Sheridan will attend. A large number of our old soldier boys have concluded to be present upon the occasion. A fellow down in Texas, from " a county never heard of before,'' has written to the editor of the Ypsilanti Sentinel for a "specimen copy'' of hls paper. According to the prevalent impression of that state, the Sentinel ought to be popular down in that unknown región. Eugene E Beal was considerably surprised Tuesday morning when informed that the common council had on the evening previous selecled him for the offloe of city treasurer by the unnitimoiix vote of that body. It is a compliment which we feel assured will be fully ajv preciated. The Detroit Evening Journal last Thursday eelebrated its fourth birthday by a grand news-boy's championship ball game between the Detroit and Chicago club, the üetroits beuting. The Journal w8 also enlaraed to n eight column paper, and is now one of the largest as well as best evening papers published. To hear gome people talk one would think that the city had been bonded for a $1,000,000 or more at tlie recent election, and rni irretrievahly into debt, when the fact Is there is no proposltion to run the city into debt ut all. If W,000 can not be afforded to Irelp itself along, after it has been so voled at the polls, hadu't we etter sell Dit? Miss Emma Sabin, who taught in the 4th ward school last year was married on Monday, Aug. 29th, at her father's house in Memphis, Mich., to Martin Crocker, of Mt. Clemens, a prominent attorney of that city and a member of the present ejtislature. The couple are takin a bridal trip of several weeks to the White Mounuuns, and other eastern summer resorts. Miss Sabin Das many friends in "l"1!,",!10 wil' wlsli her an extended "re, full ot usefulness and happiness.