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Council Proceedings

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Openetl by roll cali and reading of minutes. The 8eats of Aids. Swift, Soabolt, and Ware vacant. rilKSKNTATION OF PETITIONS. Of W. I). Hiirriman and flve otliers, asking for a sldewalk ilong the west sitie of W. First st., between 8. Madison and W. Jefferson sts. in the 2d ward. Heferred to Sidewalk Com. Of H. Bliton and five others asking for a sidewalk "in front of the property of Chas. II. Hlclunond, on the west side of E. University ave., between HUI and Monroe sts." Referred to Sidewalk Com. Of Cuspar Rinsey and E. Luick, fire wardens of the let ward condenming the old building on S. Fourth st., opposlte Bruali's livcry stable, owned by Mr. James, and recotnmending its immediate removal as "beiuir dangerous to surrounding property." Keferred to Fire Dep't Com. Of G. F. Schoettle asking that his llquor tax be refundud from Sept lst, '87, to May lst, 'S8, he havlng sold bis business. Referred to General Fund Com. Of A. B. Wines and ten others asking that the electric lamp on Geddes Ave. be moved 100 ft. toward the cemetery gates and placed on a pole not less than 40 ft. high. Keferred to General Fund Com. Of L. Gruner, M. Birk, and Johaun Herrman, asking for the extensión of Second st. from Jefferson to Madison st., and agreeing to executedeeds to the right of way. Referred to General Fund Com. A communicatlon was read from J. E. Wyinan in reference to opening a market in the rink. Keferred to General Fund Com. A communication of J. B. Davis, City Engineer, givins: a new grade on S. Main st., between Washington and Liberty 8L, was received and the grade established as recommended. RErORTS OF COHMITTEES. Aid. Wines, from finance committee, presented the regular monthly report, showing the following expenüiture of funds for the month: lat ward fund.. _ 91 04 2d ' " „_ _.. 30 36 Sd " " .„ sss 80 4th " " . . . . 215 91 5th " " „_ 6 0 6th ' 109 48 General Street fund _ 149 S7 General fund „ 178 80 Contingent fund - 649 IS Dog tax fund. _„ 125 60 Total _ 51.839 95 Nlne bilis for services at the recent fire at Snow's livery stable, amounting to $24 were alo allowed. The city inarslial's expenditure of the poor fund ghowed the following figures: lst ward $8 39 2d ' 4 82 Sd " 16 97 4lh " „ _ „. . 44 30 5th " _ 30 38 6th " _ - ...... 29 50 Total _ t 134 36 Aid. Keunis from General Street Coin. reported in favor of grauting the right of way to the M. C. R. R. Co. to lay a teuiu track on the north side of Depot street, from Fourth to Fitth st , for a term of 20 years, provided the M. C. R. R. Co. lay and maintaln a 15 in. sewer pipe from the corner of Fifth st. to Allen's Creek on the south side of Depot st., and plank on both sides and between the rails of said track. On mntion the report was adopted. Aid. Herz from Sidewalk Committee recommended the repairing and rebuildng of several fidewalks in various parts of the city. Aid. Martin from special committee toconferwith Aid. Seabolt witb regard to his resignation reported that Mr. Seabolt was tirm in his delire to resign and moved that said resignution be acetpted, which was agreed to. The Recorder then presented report of the special electlou held Frid ly, Aug. 26th, aud the same was ordered spread upon the records. Aid. Allmendinger from General Fund Oommittee reported favorably on the liquor bonds ol John Schneider, Jr., and of Gottlieb Knapp, and the same were ui)in oved witb surelies. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Allmendinger: Resolved, Thftt a coramlttoe of flve membersof theoouncil of which tbe Mayor shall be ohalrman be appulnled to ron Ier witb tbe Business Men' Aas., relatlve to the expendíture of the ni y lmprovement fund. Which was agreed to and the committee constituted as follows: Mayor Sinith, Aids. Herz, Wines, Kearns, and SwilL By Aid. Kearns: Resolved, That the City Attorney be lnstructed to Investígate as to tbe tltle of tbe city in Monroe strekt, betweeu Muln Htreet and the Toledo R. K. Carried. By Aid. Kearns: Resolved, That thls council declare Second street opened from Jefferson SI. tu Madison street wben the deeds for the right of way are (lied wlth tbe City Recorder. An ordinance was then reported by Aid. Allmendinger in reference to pro;ecting the property of the Electric Light Rómpanles and the Telephone and Telegraph Co's, presented and idopted. Aid. Herz moved that the Marshal be nstructed to give notice to Mr. Bach to move the fence on the alley in the rear of his store to the line eatablUhed by the city surveyor, withiu 48 hours, and in case of failure the marshal bc instructcd to remove the same. EXECUTIVE 8E88ION. The council then went into txecutive session. Aid. Wines from the Finance Commit;ee read the report of the accountant, E. Jay Hale who had been examining the ooks of the City Treasurer and Kecorder showing the sum of $G,G7S.O9 still in the ïanda ot the Treasurer, and not in the bank. The resignation of Albert Sorg as City freasurer was received and laid on the able, and a inotion passed retnoving him From tbe office. A vote was then taken for a new tre.asïrer resultlng in ten votes being cast for iugene E. Beal, who was declared duly electeil. Aid. Allmendinger moved that we proceed tothe electlou of a patrollraan. Carried. The result of the ballots was as follows: lst. 2d. E. B. Gldley „ 5 6 Jusper Imus, - „ 3 4 Albert Plerce „ „ 1 0 Orvllle Sage _ _ .'..... 1 0 10 10 Mr. Gidley was declared elected. Aid. Wines ofiered the following: Resolved, That Mr. Eugene E. Beal place lu the hands of the Recorder a bond for the sum of eighty tbousand dollars, to be approved by the council before quallfylng a Jlty Treasurer. Adopted. By Aid. Allmendingcr: Resolved, Tbat the City Attorney secure a boud of 850,000 in proper form from the Anu Arbor Savlngs Bank, covering city deposlts, aud tbat tbe sume be flled wlth the Recorder. Adopted. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, That Mr. Albert Borg, late City Treasurejr Is hereby lostructed to pay over to the City Treasurer after be haa quallrled. the ¦um of fij.füxoil, the balance of city money remalnlng In hls hands on the flrst of September as sbown by the accountants report to the Finance Com. Also all booka, papers, and documents belongiug to the city and dow In hls posscsslon. Resolved, That the City Attorney take tbe necessary steps to recover from tbe bondainen of Mr. Alben Borg, as City Treasurer, any moneys which shall remaln In hls hands, and for which they ure responslble as bis suretles. E ach adopted. Aid. Herz moved that the city attorney be Iu8tructed to secure a deed of the 6th ward enlne house lot. Council then adjourned. Oh! Peaches! Thy dellghtful aroma perineates the air, and is waftcd o the autumn breezes with sweetness and dispatch; thy delicious Uavor spoils the palate for other f mits; and thy price is quite unsatisfactory. But is it really true tliat you are to blame for the hay fever, as soine people say ? Ker-ker-chew ! A young man about 20 years of nge - old enougli to know better, forged liis Father's name to an order for goods, and went to Wines & Worden's store and got about $13 worth of goods on the same. The fatlier refused to mke the affalr ?ood, but the youth's mother came to the re8cue and paid the money to clear her son. Where will the end bo of such a boy if reform isn't swlft, radical and sure?


Ann Arbor Courier
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