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Summary Of The Week

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In a colusión on tho Saratoga (N. Y.) track on tho L".tth tho well-known jockey, Wost, was fatally injurcd' and Jockeys Wlnohell unit Petivy Boriously hurt Hknrt Fhancis cuthls tliroat on tho 30th uit. over tho grave of lus niothor at Hoyalton, O. Ho hal been a DOtorious criminal for many years. IsitAKi. Lucas, treasuror of Auglaize County, O., was on the SOt'.i uit. discovorod to bo a defaulter for 130,000. He had gone to Canada. Heavt rains had on tho 30th uit. floodod the country In Northern Texas, aud at Cleburno oieven persons wore drowncd. The St Louis carwhaol works ware burned on tho 30th uit, causing a lois oí 1100,000. Tus whole country past of Mexico, Mo., on lire on the 3'Jth uit, and all ths outbuildings, fences and haystacks on several farms had been destroyed. The Ohio State fair opened at Colurabus on the 30th uit with a much lartcerattendanee than on the first dav of formor years. A GHBAT inany wholesale liquor merchants and suloou-keppers in New York were sw indlod on the UOth uit by a clcvor swindler, who sold them ticket (or imaginnry picnic and fcenevolent enterprises. Vih:.k throshiag operations wore in progresi oti the ;ti)th uit on the furm of l.yinan O. Curtís, nc;ir Fiint, Mich., lire broke out among tha straw, followcd by an oxplosion of tho boiler, Uní man was kille 1, two others woro seriously hurt, and three young womsn wore bidly wonnded. The Ure dostroyed the banis aud season's crops. At Rirlimond, Ky., tw opera houses and sevo al build ngi, iuluding a livery atablo and seven. hors.'g, were burnei on the ;)th uit. Riiirin Hakf. PowklIí & Co. and RobcrtHar;, l'owUN Son & Co., coal and iron operators at Philatelphia, faileJ on the30th uit., witli liabiliües placed at H,500,001) aml hs-.o;s at 4,ÜO.I,OOJ. A coi. lisios of frcilit trains on the Grand Trunk railroalnear ShaiinoiivilU', Can., on the 3)th uit deatroed $73,000 wortli of rolling stock. Mits. Hei.i.ii Pcbui, an iuniate of tha county jail nt Clarion, Pa., wat burned to death on the 30th uit by a tir.; wbich iha had kindled with pnper from thi walls. Sevbkai. !iti. tn in Michigan had on ths 30th uit been floo tel with $1 anl$2 bilis ingeniously raised to to, fli) and ti. William ArBold, of Uuran I, hal been arrestad. At BinjfliaiDtoa, N, Y., on the 3Jth uit. an aeronaut droppcd from bis balloon a dis tan ce of throe tliou-an.l {eet, with tha aid of a parachute, and fa uled in af ;ty. It was announcei on the 30th uit. that in the South tha corn erop wou ld exeeod that if BH by over lifty milllon bmhU, and that section of the country would be naarly self-upportinr in the matter of coro. An attempt was made on ihe 30th uit. to burn tbe br.dgB over aculvert on the Wabash road ncar Lafayette, Ind. Fortunatelv the lire was discovered by the engineer of an approaching train. A si-ruNMoN df work was orderei on the 30tn uit in the miues of the Lehigh (Pa.) rettion. 'lhis was made necessary by the largc accumulation of coal ut various points. At Rockford, IIL, on tho 3Jth uit a savage cow attacled Mr. Lunbi'rg's child and almoat killod it The auimal's horns enterad, the babe's raouth uni tore its face in a shocking manncr. Muskeoon, Mich., celeliratad on the 30th uit the seventy-flfBh anniveisary of tbe establishment of a trading post Ui re, and the semi-centenni il of her organization as a township. Thomas IfoODT, a duriüg TmuM stagerobber, was reicated Irom ihc Chester (111.) pcnitentiaiy on theiioih uit ona writ of habea? corpus, the court holding that senteucos to tnepeaiteutiary must be upon indictment anl not inionnatiou. Forest fir.sagain broke out on the Sist uit in Cheboygan County, Mich. Late vegetables aid fruit werj drying up, as therehad been no rin for two mouths. The Washington aulhorities received telegraphic alvicei on the 31st uit that Colorow and lm followers wore all back at the Ouray agency and willin" to remain the re. Neak Lozanspórl, In! , on tnê 31st uit, Henry Fletcher waa blown to pieces by an explo-iion of dvn.umto whicti t6 was blasting stumpn. The saw-mill of Kimbail 4; Clark, noar Hurley, Wis., wat burnod on th 31st uit Loss, 10O,O0J. A man uamed Schmklt, with his wife and four chüdren. were drowned by a waterspout on thc31st uit noar Cleburne, Tcx. The scaffolding at tho new Annunciatlon Cathollc Chnreh in Willi.imsport, Pa., gave way on the 31it uit, and four men feil sixty feel to the groun l and wart killed. Nineteev suHs for dMinag-s growing out of th Chatsworth (Hl.) disaster, aggregat;n? I&7.5K1, liad on Ihj 31st uit been ent;red in tho Peoría c.rcuit court Haukï 11ix.-k.u-bi.low was burneJ to deatb tn a stible ut Fremont, Neb., on the 31st uit. Fire broke out in Huldwiu's hvery atable, i.nil ia an uttenpt to save the horsos tb i man lost ti is lif _ Nme animáis perUhud in tho llame t. The plant, frnni hsc and business of the Baltimore Sc Ohij Kxprcss was sold on the Sist uit. to the United Btatos Express Company for a perio't of thirty years. The price paid was $3.5 10,000. Fkank C. Hi Nkili.ï, a clerk in the Saco and Biddeford Savmjs l:istitutiong, at Bjoo, Me., decampjd on t!vo 31st ut, taking Pi 503 in casn ml United State and other bonds nmounting to f478,000 belonging to the bank. ÑBR Wabaih, lul., on :tnt uit two brothers named I)arrov were suffocated with damp while diKing a well. Os the Sist uit. two opira-houses and tevoral buildings were burned at Richmond, Ky. Loss. t()),0OJ. C. A. Campbell, uu extensive coal dealer at Boston, failed on the 31it uit for 1350,000, with assots estimated at füsO,000. An oil well was struck on the 31st uit ncar Cygnet, O , that flowed five thousaud barrels in tweuty-four houra, being the largest well In the Ohio oil territory. Thk Matlonul Conference ot Charities arul (oirei'tions adjuurned on the 31st uit at Omaha, Neb. The next meeting will be held at Buffalo, N. Y. Thb public-debt stitfiment on the lst shows the total debt to be 1, 74.081, 815; cash in treasury. t44, Tik), 90S ; üebtlesscash in treasury, tl,LTO,?7i,3d6. üecrease during August, KW,47.Y The statlstics oí immlgrnti n at Castle Garden (New York) for the minth of August show that 37.906 iinmitfrants were landed, as against 'J5,2(W In Augmt, 188Ö. The total irnmigratiou thi year up to the lst ii2r,r(5t, being au in crease of 8, 937 over the same period of last year. The total coinage exei uted at the mints : of the Umted States during tha month of i August was '),2i,W0 pieoes of the ralue of 3,803,300. Of this amount i),000 was half-eagles, $a,710,00J sllver. $lU5.OU0dimea. ] and (18,800 minor eolni TtM total gold coinago .1 l ',UJ ) uu 1 total eilvor tti, Itiü. ¦ 000. THB Canailiun slcini-'r Hastiogs waa seizod on tlio lst at 1iwwimi, N. V., for carrylng pas8 'iisjors bjtwoeu tbat port and Olcott, botti leiiig American port. The ''White Caps," ii lawlcss mob in Harrison l'mmty, Iud., took John Hildobruut, a justire of tlio peaoe, lrom lus bed on the lst and beut hlm uumeroifully becausa thoy disapproved his decisions. A PiTTsBUituit vegetable peddler namcd Thomas Joyce fatally shot tiis wife and daughter on the lst. He w;is half drunk, and satd ho intend !d to kfll ttiom and hlmsol f. A balloontst name l liundall Blakesloe made an ascensión at the fair in Morcer County, Miss, on tlio lat, holding to a trapazo. When live hundred foet frora the ground ho feil and was killed. A cOLOitr.i) fomale servant diod suddenly on tho lst ut Cranberry, N. J. The postniortcni cxaminatioa ruvcaled the facl that the woumn's heart had iplit noar ita top. A pischahoeo keeper natnod Butlor asserted on the lst that of the 1,750 ïnmatea of tho Wiird's Island (New York) lunatic asylum 300 woro perfoctly sane, and that most of the otliers wcre harmless lunática. A company was formed i n the lst to operato a devit-e for utilizmg tho watorpowerof Niágara Fall. John F. Kern is the inventor, and has disposed of hli patent for agood suni. Richard Emerhon, a boy s xtoon yars old, dicd at Konosh i, Wis., on the ltof bvdrophobia. Ho was bitten by a pat dog two montliR ugo. Oak Gnovi: b'EüfisARY, a (Ju ikcr school at Vassalboro, Mc., was burnod oii the lst, and a sixteen-yoarold son of Stephen Jonei por.shed in tho Humes. Josiuni tlmiX was hangcd on the lst at Columbus, O., for ttie minder of an old man nameJ Phelps. While cuttin,' timbar on the lst in Bandy I.ako townshlp, Pa., Frod Bmith was crislied to deutu by a falllng tree, and Hutrhinson, a single decker, was fatally injurod. The Rii'liniond Paper Company, of Providence, K. L, suspended on lho'.id, withliabilities of 5J0.00J. Frank Hammond, a m.irrled man, shot and kill d bis parumour, Mrs. L zz e Tate, a widow, at Clncinnati on the 2.1, and toen killed himself. About half of the two hun tred inhabitants of Lockport, Pa., were sick with black diphther a on the 3i, and thirtcen had dii'l in Hvedays Two MOHTHi ago the law-abiding people of Falrmount, Ind., used dynamite in blowiii' up a building intended to be used as a saloon. ï'lie owner erected another house, but the people on tho 2d tor it down, piling the material in the strect. Governok ADtMi and OetïDral Crook reacheJ un agreement at Meeker on tho 2d by whicli two companies of United States troops will be kept on the lino between the Viiitah reservation and Colorado for the protection of settleisan 1 to keep the Utes out of the latter State. Near Luncaster. Ky., on th 2d Peter and Henderson Öreen, broih rs, while drunk, o]ened nre without cause on Ed Cooley. The lattir replied with a shotgun and a big revolver, killing the Green brothers. Theke were 175 business failures in the United States during the sevendaysonded on the SU, against lia tUe previous saven days. Nsah J.'bamm, O., at two a. m. on the moraing of the lst obstructions were found on the railwa over whiohan excursión train oi eleven cus and five hundred passengers was to pass. The objjet was supposed to be robbeiy. Nobody was hurt. The state of tra Ie throughout the country was on th2 21 re por te J eucouraging. In the Northwestern Slates the uumber of sales was said to be great-ar during the past seven days than for several uiuntlis before. On sixty-two of the principal railroadsof the country, in July, the trross earnings per mil3 exceeded by 2.Ü per cent the caminas for July, 1SS6. Geokob MotNT and James Grady, prominent farmers of Nodaway Couuty, Mo., fought a duel with knives on the 2d near Mnrysville, and both were fatally wounded. The collego of St. Mjinrad, at Indian Town, Ind., was destroyed by Ure on the 2d, including a valuablo library of fifteen thousand volumes, a lurge coll ection of old and very raro co;ns and a large museum. The total loss was Í20),000; no insurance. It w.:s announeed on the 2J that the Baltimore & Ohio railway had bein purchased by a syndicate, including Baring Brothers, J. S. Morgan & Co., and Brown, iShiuley & Co., oí London; Drexel, Morgan & Co., Kidder, Peabody & Co., and Brown Brothers, of New Yorjc The syndicate is to al vanee íl0,000,00ü to pay the floating debt All the outaide eutjrprises are to be givon up- the Western Union probably takeng the telograph Unes. 1t was report !d from Indiannpolis on the 2d th it 116 persons lost thoir lives in the recent Cliatsworth (111.) wreek, and that the actual extenl of the calamity was concealod. Tuk ühio O.l Company (cap. tal 5J0,00Ü) was formo J at L ma on ihe Ud. They will market their own proJUct, and cut loose irom tlie Standard Uil Company. Beven persons accusol of mm-der were in the Chicago Jatl on the 2d awaiting action of the grand jury. Tea already indiciad muraereis ere awaiting triaL PERSONAL ANO POLITICAL. Gesekil tiCKMSn was ïnaujuratod as Oovernor of Kautui-ky at Frankfort oa Um 80th uit. Mrs. Nei.i.ik Bartoris, General Grant's only daughter, arrived in New York from England on the S)th uit. fche would make her mother a long visit. New York Demócrata wül meat In Btat convenüon at Karutoga September 27. Prof. ü Bbowi Goons was on the 30th uit appointed by the President to be Commissioner of Kish and Fisherios, vico Prof. Baird, daceaa -J. Skvatok Qiav on ths 30th uit. resigned his plac3 as Ntutu treaiarer of Pennsylvania, and ox-State Treasurer Lvesey had been appuitit'd tosuc.eed hira. The remalns of Mrs Mary Yearley würe buri;d on the 8 st uit. at Brownsville, O. Bhe ha I atta ned the a?e of 105 years. 8. S. 1', of 1, uusIbiiü, was on the Sist uit. apiointed by the President to be Minister Resident and General to Bolivia. Thb celebratod Iadian-fljjhter, General Nelson A. Miles, ha.l a leg broken on tha Slt uit. at Los Ang.lis, Cal., by belnff throwu frum a coach. Mns. Jen.nie TwiTciiELi., founder and manager ot the CincmuaU Newsboys' Home, died on the 31-u uit Tue Pennsylvaniii I) niocratlc State convention, held at Allen town on the Sist uit, nominat d J. Rosa Thompson, of Erie, for Supreme Judge, and J. McCrann ior Btate 'lreaurer. Tho platform indorses the National Administratlon; calis for a reduction of Internal rovenue taxation and an increase of taxes on importa; favorj liberal pensions to soldiors; nquncoB ui ' ' mi i ¦ ' n Is vimA Mi}' tt Irol-in In n 1 i mt o rula. I J f ArUIKAI. 'lilkillOAl 1' UlIKKV, U. S. N., retirad, dieJ u Idenly ou ilio Sist uitat his homo :u .! Itr.v. N. II , ut t Do age of 8i'vi?tjr-sovM y.'iirs. The (Jrrpnh.irif inrt.v l''ii Iers m Iowa Ba( in li.'s Uolno on the IMt uil. uud ro solve! thut th.' ; a y lloro ifter bu knovin as the l'iilon I.ilioi tu.i-tv. No ttckrt was nainei, I ut a ro -luiion aJopted atkihg the farm.'M (o ruil u non-partisan Statu lonwnii.m tu pliic'J uu liidepmdent ticket in tli ¦ hVM. Thï goUli'ii wedding ol Martin M. ICimbell aml Sarah A. Bmatley vai oelabrated on the 31st uit. n t the homestoad in Jefforson, 111., wh'Mv tb ' couple havo livel evef slnce niarna:? whloh took placo in Chicago in 1887. Thk Iowa 8t:ito Uomociatii' oomoulion mot at Im Mc nM on tlie Isl and ni.ida tha followinx noininat oiu: Fur tiovornor, Major T. J. Andorson; IJoutonanMinvernor, J. II. KldiT; Hupronifl ('out JuiIro, Charles S. Forp; Siipenntcndi-nt of Pub licInstriu'liiMi, II. VV.Mawv.T The platform adopleJ IndoriH ('l.:voluiul's Adininistratlon; approvos th civil-srivic polic.i'; eommcnd.s tlio elÊetency oí tti pension departinent; of Conjcrefl a ivmisslon of lanff laifrW; wi'k-crncs to our shoros th i librtv. loviug rpopUj of all lanrts; ai'prOTf tne cfforts of Uladstofta and Parlu'H in U--h.llf of tlu) csmso of Iroland; lind favors loral öpttori au I hip;ti lironso and tlio ropual of tho pruiunt proliibitory liqunr imr. Prof. Joh y Avi;io, oL Bowioiu Collage, dtcd at Nortli Iíridjíoion, M.v. on the lst Ho was a roiumzod autliorily in anciont lan C. M. Huvtr, the well-know hort'culturUt, died on tlio 'J I at CuBQ inlgj, Mass. He w.ih scvi-nly-si'voii yi'ai-s if jo. Bisnnf Wii i.i oí 1.. Rárkís, ol tho Methodist E b opal rli ardí, diml in Non' York on the 2d, of héart-d:ons ti',r d seventy years. !!¦¦ loavsi a wi.iow an l tliroe childron. Biftliop U rrs was fSorD in Ohio, November 4, 1817. u'id was nrtrioed a Bishop ui Knwk'.vn, N Y , In May. ISÍ3, K-l'. ui n ii 'igtit yourg of age, d;ed at So ;th M in) mi 'M He was pije of thu thj-i'i! m mi wlio 11 'st settk' I in Ui it lcHalny, an I u a one of the fnunders of South lleiid. lnd.. ni 1N4:!. FOREIGN. Tiik AmerlCin ship Kopo$, 4.ÏJ0 tor.s burden. arrived at Tacoma on the 2Hth, twenty-iiiii days fmm Ypkohama, with n erop of tij. valiuid at n,5ü0,Q00. Advicks of Hie IJÜth u!t. say thatin a Ixittle in til? Bagual" (Kiypt) country tho Kabbabish tiibj killed ttiit-toen hundred DerviBhes. XnE L'indon Time protosts against the treatnient of lii-itisli sualers by Amerieaa autboritios in Alasita, and wants a lii-itish cruiser gent lo Alaska to protaot tlieni. It was reporte I o the Snli vilt. tlmt tho Brltlsh Culmi'l hud decidí to modify the proclamation in wferdnee to the Irish NaÜonal League so thdt il would aiply to oertain dintrlets onl. Puanzin'i, rhe mtinloi'er of Murie Reguault, hei' rook A-Unir (r.uuet, and tlio lattr'9 rhild, was behea led at Paris on tho 31st uit. Boi"PARi-on-the-Rh m was partiaüy destroyed by tin; on thï Sist uit, anJ souras of people ware bom 1 ss. Tns Chinese Oorernpient will Bend to America a eommíssioi. of sevjn members to study our banking, cointtge and postal system. Sevehal niomlicrs of the RtiS9ian mlssion wero killed on the Ut in a riot at Kashgar, provokcd by inaults offured by the Russians to Molí imnie lan wem -u. A fihe which sturt 'd on the Int tn tho Cttfe Bgyptian, Gairq, djstroyqd a whole blockof buüd n,'s Ihc los heavy. Heavv gales, inany minor niaiine disasters, wjre reiKirt' I on tlio 'Jd on the Englisli coHSt. As Anerioao sel o ne was seized on the 2d by a Cuñadía i iiu s r rtshing within throe miles of Cxtupohollo, in tho Bay of Fundy. Sik John Maihunm.d dtcied on tho 2i that he iutendod to soud Britisb regular troops to Uaniiol'a to prevent tho building of tho Red R ver ïval. LATER NEWS. Tuk ixvor.1 cl Uto Lmso-o.ui riiiin in tho National League fur the week ende 1 on the 8d was as followi: Dotroit (carnet won), BI; Chlcafó 54; New York, 55; Philadelpbia, 54; Hostou, 5'!; Fittsburjfh, 41; Washington. HS; tniTlanapolis. 129. In the six monihs yJlowed for tue rederaption ol trnde .lolluis ut New York 8,492,417 of tbam war ÍB kon ut the subtreasury. At twenty-six lendlng clearing houses in the Unitoi States the exchaiiKes during the week enJo.l on the :t I uífreated I945,644,7ÜJ, ajruloit i;it.ï,2l!HUJ the provious week. As compare I witn the corrosponding week of lsjü, tuo iiierease amounts to 'L!.& oer cent. Bt the upsettintf or a coal-oil stove in Cincinnati on the 3d Mis. John Martin and h;r two-yoar-uld d nigliter wcre fatally burned. Thh Land Ofllco at Washington decided on the :i,t toopei ui325,000uores of railroad lands in Wmronsin and Minnesota to sottlemcnt by huaiestead and pre-omptiou entry. Tue Roman Catholic Central Union of Nortn America opautx] its ttiirtv-second annual nicotine it 8t. Mii liaol's schoolin Chicago on thi t h It was report ut m tl:c :! 1 lint tho hoalth Of Euiperor Will arn was in ucli a coadition as to mHlcc it neceêsary to establish a recoocv o( the Gei in, m Knipii e iiumeJlotely. At 8t Hiniy, ninr Montri'a', Moseloy's tannery wus burned on the 3d. Loss, $100,000. Hoo cholera has broken out in tho northern part of Wabasu County, liui , and is spread ing mpidly. One farmer had on tha 31 lost Hfty head of valmible animáis. ïue Kimbiioan Ktutj convention of MassaetiusetU i. called to meet at ïremont Temp'.e, Bnton, Beptembjr 38 A mxDUKu inasked men took Charlas Coleman, a negro, trom j.iil nt Klemingsbury, Ky,, on l!iu lij uu i liaugud liim for a criminal outraite on u y u n jr ivliRa woman. All Che lab ir brtranizitioa in l'ittsburgli parud.-cl on I :t I liit vu tli msand men being in Ui ¦ piorcusiou. - Eautiiiji aki:s occurred In an extensiva área of IV u fnd Chili i n the Ut, 'd aui üU, but uo s riou damiiK w.ia r.'purted. l'im 3hi FaUs i,l Linar, or {.'lasow, fonndbred off V. nnuutU. i., on the :f 1, and twentv-four of the crew mt drowned. En Wili iams b lo farmer reidIng l'orUand, Iud., was shot and killed on the 4th wliile ti!spassiug on a field of meions b 1 ng ng to I-vi Pence. Tna followinz ¦% Ui we drop bul. letinof the Kervi.e Offlce at Washington for the reek tnded on the3J: Tha raln-fiill was shht y .n exress from E istern ïcx is i orthward t,i the Missouri valley, in Florida, ¦ d fie upp r portion of the MissUs pRi vuilcy, aml ui tlie other ¦ections thera irai a slij?ht dettciency. The deltolon y fur the aeason continuad large in tho Kowor Miss ssippi vallcy aud portions .f 1 l.nii sani lom.


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