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n-%" lawrem 'i!B6i v- ' ¦ 'JÉ WSltrM," lb )Uon -taJjmilJLJt'ISgt ¦(eMYwk.&OSIoi, -.-.JRV. Jtl fca frfoni PMM. - 'o Tl .,!WiH Time tablc taking cflect Nov. Uth, 1886 Central Miiiidnr.l Time. CHICAGO TO DKTROIT. i ij is rFTTi STATION. ! MD. ó SP ; tl = , f. ! ï Ü J Í L K . ls_lü.Ülá U.H. A.B. P.v. r.M. r.K. a 7VT Chicago.. I.v. i 650 900 S 10 41(1 BU 7,. '.;?: Klamzo(,...!13l7l 150 658 950 12 31 ïsfilii? Oreek.l I 1Í ï 27 7 33 143 Í2: !L Jackson 3 15 4 23 S 4 3 15 ÍS; o?? OransLake.... 3 38 gïï L Chulsea 35 5 5a Dexter 4 14 fi w'luir Delhi Mills... 423..... ; ,K Arm Arlor.... 4 33 5 30 945.... 4 35 'ë (10 5! Ypsllanti 450 545 956 4 52 624 10 40 WayneJunc. 5 15 605 615 4711(0 Detroit.. ..Ar. 6 00 7 15 1045.... 6 IJ 7 só 12 ik t.ThoraM 1115 246 100 9 55 lu Kalle View 5 45 1 N. Palta J22 54fi 188 ie""' Buffilo 435 755 7x5 3 55 610..!]' DETKOIT TO CHICAGO. & I . -: i Í7 .,.t,o„. sS its SS M jj í _!_L F A.M. A.M i. M A. U A M .... Buffslo U80 54fi 6 06 900 lis... N. Falu 1J16 (IS1 120 ' St.Thomas 4 15 1001.... 115 44,..!" a.m . a. im. p.m. p.v. r.11 Detroit.... Lv. 7 00 910 130 4 00 8 00 915.'' WayneJunc. 7 40 953 208 445 837 956 YpsilantI .... 8011012 2 20 512 858 1020 '."" AnnArbor... 81H1025 2 3Ï 580 911098."' Delhi Mills.. 826 542.... Dei ter 886 560 932 Chelsea 8 48 6 06 952'.'."" OrassLake... 9 10 6 27 1015 Jackson 986 1135 8 82 7 10 10 52 1208 Battle Creok.. 11 03 lla 4 40 S 52 12 12 1 SS "' Kalamazoo... 1152 1 50 5 15 I 1S0 2 : 445 Chicago.. .Ar. 5 15 40 98U.... 7 00 80sl0a O. W. RUGGLB8, H. W. HAYKS G.P.&T. Agent Agt. Ann Aibor. Chicaeo. ToJedo, Aun Arbor SC JioriJi Mlohli?an Kailwar. TIME SCHBDULE. Totake effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Sunday, June 19tli, 1887. Trains rnn by Standard Time. GOING NORTH. = 5 f STATIONS. $ íó P.8 o o s 5 w.s 8k o. o. 1 "a. Toledo Lv 5 15 3 ?5 6 i 5 60 Manhattan Janctiou 520 320 640 6 10 Alexis 527 8 26 6 50 6 somaria ¦ 5 45 3 40 7 10 7 25 Monroe Junctlon 8 02 8 55 7 86 8 10 ?un.?c 6 15 405 7 60 8S0 A':'.1" 6 25 4 16 8 10 9 00 M" 35 4 33 86 930 Urail-; 50 445 8 50 10 00 Pittsfleld 7 00 4 53 9 0010 20 Ann Arbor 715 5 ]0 995 o 65 Leiand 7 331 5 30 9 50 165 Whitmure Lake 7 46 6 45;Bs.l2 21 HOWI 830628680500 üurand 9 30 7 20 9 SO r M 'orunna 955 74610 35.... Owosbo looi 7 55 11 00 Owoeso Junction 10 05 8 10 1116 Hhaia 1116 9 15 2 .....' St. Lonls u 35 9 33 s 85 Ata 1142 9 41 3 55 Mt. l'iuasant Ar 12 80 10 30 6 00 r. É. r. . p.m (iülNU SOUTB. STATIONS. i U -f p - L MuPleasant Lv 40 B 30 ""i 80 lm,a-- 10 15 7 20 2 20 .¦.¦;.'.' ? Lo Il 85 7 27 2 26 'thaca 12 25 7 im .. Onoseo Juuction 4 00 8 55 4 01 Owmeo i os 9 UI 4 00 '...'.'. CoruDna 4 as 8 08 4 16 .... IJurand 5 16 SU 4 36 a. n. llowell 7 40 10 40 5 38 iw Wbumore Lake Kxp. 11 OU B lti 8 50 LeUod (45 1114 6 80 7 SI AnnArbor 7 15 1130 6 50 10 55 HtUfleld 7 26 1148 7 04 1130 'rania 7 35 1150 7 15 1150 Milan 7 60 12 04 7 28 12 U A.alia 800 12 14 7 40 12 48 Dnudee 8 10 1 24 7 50 110 Monroe Junction 8 20 12 31 8 00 180 Sanmria 8 46 12 46 8 21 2 In Alexis 9 08 1 00 8 4 ) 2 45 Manhattan Junction 9 08 1 1'6 8 60 3(0 l'oledo Ar 9 15 1 10 8 55 S 15 A.M. F. M. P. w F.M. South Lyon Brancta. NORTH BOÜND. STATIONS. 8OUTH BOÜND. Train 0 Trin 1 i' m. r. m 9 50 Lv. Lelandi Ar. 6 45 10 00 Ar. Wordens Ar. 6 40 10 20 Ar South Lyon Lv. 6 30 Connections: At Toledo, wlth rallroads divergIng; at Manhattan Junction, wlth Wlieeling A Lake Krle K. K.; at Alexis Junction, with M. C. K. K., L. S. & M. 8. Rt. and F. P. M. R. R.; at Monroe Junction, wlth L. S. & M. 8. Ky.; at l)nndee, with L. 8. & M. S. Ry., M. O. Hy.; at MUan Junction. with Wabash, St. Lonts & Paclñc Ky ; atPittsfleld.withL.S. & M.8. Ry.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and at Sooth Lyon with Detroit, Lansing & Northern R. R., and Mlch. A. L. Div. of Grand Trnnk Rt. At Hamburg wlth M. A. Line División Grand Trunk R'y. At Howell with Detroit, Linsing & Northern B'y. At Duraud with Chicago Grand Trunk K'jruil Detroit, Grand Ilaven s Mllwulie R'y. At Owoo Junction wiih Detroit, Urand Haven A Mllwaokee R'j aud Michigan Central R. R. At St. Lonfi with Detroit. Lansing & Northern R. li. and Sist naw Valley & St. Louis R'y. At Alma with DeUult, Lansliif jt Northern R'y. At Mt. Pleasant wlth Flint I'ere Marquette R'y. H. VS'. ASBLEY, General Manager. W. H. BENNBTT, O. G. WALES. Gen'l. Paus. & Ticket Agent. Local Agent. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havlng been made In the con - ditlon of a cerlaln raortgage made bjr Mary A. Irish, as executrlx of the wlll of Joseph D. Irish, deoeaaed, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Samuel P. Foater of the same place, bcarlng date the eleventh day of July, one ¦ thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, and reoorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw on the same day, in Llber &i of Mortgages on page 258, on whlclt mortgagre there is clalmed to De due at the date of 1I1I.1 notioe, the snm of seveu hundred and nlnety-flve dollars and uloety cents, and no sult or proceedliig, eitlier in law or equlty, havlng been lDStltuted to recover the moueys secured by the sald mortgage or any part thereof: Now, therefore, by vlrtue of the power of sale contalned in Mtd niorigiise and the gtatule in suela caaes made aud provlded, notlce is hereby given that said mortgage wlll be foreclosed on Thiimihiy. the eighth day of September, 1867, at teu o'ciock In the forenoon, by a sale at public anctlon, to the hlghest bidder at the i'ast door of the court house in the City of Ann Arbor Ui:it belng the place where the circuit court for sald couuty of Wnshtenaw is held), of the preraises described In sald mortgage, or so mucli thereof, as may be neces8ary to pay the amonnt due on sald mortKage aud the note accompauy ing the same wlth interest and all legal costs, lucludlng an Attorney fee of twenty-five dollars provlded for in sald morlgage. The premiaos belng described sald mortgage as follows : All thatcertaln plece or parce I of land, sitúate in the city of Aun Arbor In the county of Washtenaw $nd state of Michigan, and described as follows, to-wit: C'ommenclag four (4) roils soiuh of the soutliwest corner of lot four (4), block (4y south of Hu ron treet, rauge H east, thouce south along the east Une of iifUi street four H) rods, thence parallel wlth the south line of said lot eight [81 rods, thence north four (4) rod, thence west eight (8; rods to place of beginning. OROE C. PAGE, Jr.. k.xt-1-utorof the last Wlll of Samuel P. Foster, deceastd. K. 1). Kinnh-, Attorney for snid Kxecutor. Daled June 11, 1887. $25,000.00 IN GOLD! WIIX UK l'AID FOB ARBÜCKLES' COFFEE WRAPPEES. 1 Premium, - $1,000.00 2 Premiumi, - 9500.00 each 6 Premiums, ¦ $250.00 " 25 Premiums, $100.00 " 100 Premiums, $50.00 " 200 Premiumi, ¦ $20.00 ' 1,000 Premiums, $10.00 " For full particular amldirwtlons see Circular in overy ih)iiimI of Auikcki.ih' Corrí. 1341-1S93 I1AHOXU BIRECTOIIÏ. Ann AkbokCommandkry, No. 13 meel flrst Tuesday of each nionlh, W. ü Üoty. E. f.: W. A. Tolchard, Kecorder. Vashtknw chaptkr, No. 6, K. A. MMwíU Ilrst Mondiiy ach inonth. Ic Haudy, 11. P.J . Hoatli, Secretary.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News