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Tlio following tnblc shows the standing ...

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Tlio following tnblc shows the standing of the league clubs up to date: Won. Lot. Tercont Detroit I .8 Ublcago 5t 4i .584 Plilladclphia 5! 47 .656 New Volk 68 47 .553 Boalon SS 46 .519 l'itivbunrh 4.5 57 .Hl Washington 'W 83 JgS lndianpolla 31 74 .2ft The domocratlc party by ts dastardly act in keeping Dakota ont of the Union, has not endangered the prosperity of that tcrritory. Slie is growlng in populatloD, in wealth, and every other way. Will Congress dare to refuse lier appeal for admission this winter? We shall see. An advertiseraent in a New York City paper calis for bids for "six dozen enamcled cuspadores1' for the custom house and postofllce of that city. Shades of Jefferson ! Cuspadores ! enameled at that! for a democratie administration! The Jeflersonlan simplicity of Cleveland should cause all of his employés to use a common pine box ülled with saw dust; in no event should they rise above spittoons. The new Labor party continúes to grow notwithsbinding the frantic efforts of our democratie friends especially, to pi event. Some republican papers very foolishly deprécate the formation of such a party. The masses, the laboring people are terribly In earnest, and they wilj never stop until they accomplish something. The old parties may as well make up thelr mlnd to this first as last. No greater despot ever rulcil a nation tlnin is ruling this at present in one line of business, and that the petroleum trade. It is a shame, a disgrace to the people of a great nation that they must be placed iinder the heel of a great monopoly like the one controlling the oil trade, and crushed and ground down. If there Ie no law to prevent, the beet thlng the people can do is to raise up in thcir milit and make a law. We would cali the attention of our readers nnd especially all friends of the univerfity to an article taken from the Detroit Eveninu Journal, lieaded "A Fine Chance to Do Good.1' Now is the time to send In your mite to swell tho fund needed for a new Christian Afsociation buildlnï. If you can send $1,000 send it; if #500 send that; if $100 don't be backward in coming forward. If you can't send but $1, or even 25 cents, remember that every little helps, and that drop by drop the great lakes and oceans are formed. Elijah Hayes and wife of Wursaw, Ind., have done a very crcditable deed, and one well wortliy of emulntion. Tliey have given to the church extensión so clety of the M. E. Church, through Clmphun McCabe, of Chicago, the largest single donation ever received viz, $150,000 wortli of property, their entire possessions, reserving only $500 per year for the maintainance, which suui the church has increased to $1,000 per yer. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes had no heirs it is understood, and desired to put their property where it rnlght do good. Tftiy have succeeded adinirably. An article In a recent iesue of the Adrián Times, purportlng to be the words of one of the offleers of the Southeastern Ann Arbor delegation coming home and giving "garbled reports" of the meeting which decided to lócate the last encampment at Adrián after Ann Arbor iiad made a bid for it, and ends up by predicting that tüere will be a big fight for the next encampment between Ann Arbor and Jackson, and says that between the two places Jackson ought to come out ahead. All right, my dear. Ann Arbor is wllling. She will enter into no contest for the encampment. While the people of Ann Arbor would be very glad to entertain the asaociation, and would give the old boys in blue a right royal welcome should they decide to come ■ here, yet they will not urge them to come if they don't want to, so just keep your shirt on.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News