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C. Mack returned Saturday evcning from the east. Prof. H. C. Adams has returned from Eldora, Iowa. "Dick" Kcarna is hoine from Lansing, on the sick list. Postmaster Duffy has returned from hia eastern trip. Miss Lizzie Dean went to Detroit today to visit friends. Mrs. D. Story Is going east to be absent during the winter. A 11J Ib. asslstant makes Dr. Sullivan greatly elated these days. W. W. WInes went to Bay City last Friday for a few days' stay. Qulncy Turner is to move into the Climie house on Maynard st. Mre. C. L. Wood of Owego, New York, is visiting Mrs. J. L. Stone. Miss Mate Clark has returned from a short visit with her sister in Chicago. N. Stanger of Wines & Wordeu's went to Detroit Saturday to visit friends. Miss Allie Prny and Miss Mabel Stiles, of Whitmore Lake, are attendtng school here. Probate Register Doty and wife went to Manchester Saturday to visit relatives and fricuds. Frank Randall, of Pittsburgh, Pa., visited his parents on Spring st., Monday and Tuesday. Dr. Breakey, Evart H. Scott and Major Stevens have returned from their trip to üld Misslon Beach. Major Soule went to Denver last night to atten'd the National Grand Encampment of I. O. O. F. Mrs. G. W. Doty, of Manchester, is visiting her son, Probate Kegister Doty and family for a few weeks. Capt. S. B. Rowellof Ann Arbor, spent a few days this week among Dundee relatives and friends.- Reporter. Wm. Wagner and wife left yesterday for a montlrs stay at Topeka, Kansa?, visiting their daughter Mrs. Peers. A. R. Beal, and Heibert Williams and wife, returued to their home in Dexter from Alpena Monday evening. John Gillen, postmaster of Saline, accompanled by his brother Michael, of Britten, wcre in the city yesterday. Miss Millie Pipp and Miss Mary Loch, of Brighton, have been visiting friends here and In Ypsilanti, during the week. Rev. Wm. Galpln preached his farewell eernion at Hamburg last Sunday forenoon and at Brighton in the evening. Miss Abbie A. Pond and her two little nieces Lilian and Bessie Pond have been visiting relatives in Flint during the week. Mrs. Mary E. Clark, of Ann Arbor has come to make her home with her ilanglitcr, Mm. .las. IJ. Lee. - Brighton Citizen. Prof. Dunster is now at Passaio, New Jersey, where he expects to reoaain a few weeks before returning to his dutics at the university. Miss Minnie lïuss, of Soutli Bt-ml, Ind., and Miss Louise Butler of Rochester, Minn., are visiting Mrs. Dr. P. B. Rose añil family. Cliicf of Pólice Sipley leaves the city to-day for a week or ten days well-earned vacatlon. He will go to Cadillac, Petoskejr, Big Rapids, etc. G. A, Gerner, a forrner Ann Arbor boy, now in the jewelry business at Cheboygan, has been vifiting his old friends here during the week. Miss Kittie Fohey of the central tclephone office has gone to Chicago on a visit and Miss Cora Pulcipher has taken her place temporarily. Miss Pauline Smith, formerly of Tuomey Bros., left for Jackson Monday morning, havlng accepted a posltion as saleslady with that finn. A. L. Noble returned Friday night from a three week's trip to New York, Boston, Sprlngfield, Hartford, and his old home at Albion, N. Y. S. S. Renshaw, of Grand Rapids, Mich., agent for the Michigan system of the Grand Trunk R. R., was a pleasant caller at the Courier office Saturday. Prof. W. H. Buttshasfinally concluded not to accept of the proffered professorship in tbe Iowa University, but to remain in his old position at Orchard Lake. Prof. C. N. Jones is rusticating in Detroit. It is quite doubtful whether the professor resumes hl position in the. university the coming year, having been oft'ered a much more lucrative position. Among those gone to Detroit to-day to attend the reunión of the Army of lbo Tennessee, are President Jas. B. Angelí, wuo ia to respond to a toast, Col. H. S. Dean, J. T. Jacobs, and Maj. Wm. C. Steyens. J. L. Stone, Chas. E. Hiscock, J. J. ' Reed, B. F. and Will W. Watti, II. Bryan, Saín Langsdorf, Z. Roath and Kirk Harry J. Clark, had n grand old time at Strawberry Lake for a few days last week. Mac C. LeBeau will be stationed at Jackson during the state fair, with headquarters on the grounus, and if any of of our Ann Arbor people attend the great show this season, Mac will give them a hearty welcome. Mr. and Mis. O. G. Wales leave Ann Arbor to-day for a western trip, taking in Chicago, Milwaukoe, etc. They will not return here, but go to Toledo whero Mr. Wales resumes his position as relieving agent of the T. & A. A. R. R. Dr. Frothingham returned from Washington Monday, from the International Medical Congress. The Dr. read a paper before the sectlon of Otology, upon "Indications for Perforating Maatoid Process, and the Best Method for Performing the Operation." Henry Todd, of Webster, carne in to see us last Snturday. Mr. Todd landed on the banks of Whitmore Lake on the 14th of June, 1837 and has been a resident of this county ever since. The changes of this country from a wildurness to a garden have all been made under his eye.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News