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VITIATED BLOOD. SC'ROFiLAS, 1MIKKI I Kl AND CONTAGIOU8 III MOKS CURED BY CÜTICURA. 'PHKOL'OU the medium of one of your books Í received throueh Mr. Frank T. Wny, Druggist, Aputk, I'., I became acjualnted wtth yi'ur i L-ncri hoium, and (ako tule opportonity to Unltj to yoa toat tiialr use bu pormnncdtly cored toe of one of the worst c&r of nlood polsonirj? la connectlon wlth eryslpela, that I have ever een, nd thla aftr haviut; been proiiounced incurable n aoute of the beat phyulclaM lu uur cuunty . I tako reat pleaaure In forwardlng to you Uiii teatlmoni!, ODaoKclted a It lu by yoa, iu order that otker luflerlBif frotn ilmllar maludici" may bf encouruged to irir our ('itbiika Kimkdikm a trtal P. S. WHITL1NUKR. Leecbbur.', Pa. Keference: Ftsnjk T. Wray, Druuglrt, Ap'llo, l'a. StKüH I-ül S ULCE1W. Jamei K. Rlchardion, Cuitoin Honae, New Orl6"- "o uatb tj,: -in itni) Scrofula Ulcera broke out on mi body nntll I was a maas of corrnp-"'.Jj!ie7'WnK known lo the medical faculty wa. trled [11 vatn. I becaoae a raer wreek. Al time could uot Ufl m handa to m head.could not tam in bd; was In conatant pain, aud iualud upon Ufe as a cune. No relief or cure In ten yeari. In 18N0I heard of theConcuRA Kdiis med them, and wa perfactiy cnred" Sworn to befer U. S. Com. J. D. CnAwroRD. OXE OF THE WORST CASES. W have ben sellinpr yoor CuHeitra RimtJUt tot year. and have the flrst cumplali.t yet to re51"? " ne of the worst cae oí ! fír , ,'v.f "w ï" ,cnred b'the une of ave botfles of Vidicuro Rtsolvent, CutUura Cutirura fln-.1í,.ep.'!üllPUkeiU") "k"" "- TAYLOH Í TAYU)B, Druggtst, Frankfort, Kan. 8CR0FUL0US, INHERITED, And Contanioua Humors, wlth Lom of Ilalr and Kruplioui of the Skin, are ponltvely cured by ■ euro and Ctitiaira Soap extemallr, aud Vaticura ''Olveni interually, when all otter medicines ■all, Send for I'amphlet. DRUGtilüTS USE TUE31. n.e#hívVobulne1 "tlafactory resolta from the Í ase of tneCutlcnra Remedies In oar owu tamlly i and recomraend them beyond any other remrdli s tor dlseaaes of the akln and blood. The dïmand l m ';nl,'5';owe lh)lr rita become known. MACMILLAN t, CO., Orugglata, Latrobe, l'a. Cutleura Remedies Hrifin"Sld ""Jwhere, Price: Cutiera, the Oreat CHOKING CATARRH. Have yon awakened from a dlsturbed sleep with 11 Uw horrible senaatlona of an aasasaln clntchUg your throat and pressing the llfe-breath from your "ebtenedchestr Have yoa notlced tbe languor and debtllty ihat ucceed the etfort to clear yoor throat and Vad of thls catarrhal matter I What a depresslng toBaeuce lt exert upon the mlnd cloudlnif the emorv ,Dd Hing the head wlth' palnsand.trane noUe, t Uo dlmcoU lt il to K hïï2ÏÏrb Sñ'i,.?" ,teattf)r "toarStJIIlcted agiinstlia lnJ?h llmclt to prowct the sjstem ■" lorthf progreis towarii tbe Iungs.


Ann Arbor Courier
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