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The "fathcr of the House of RepfOMntatives," Wllliam D. KHley, will in tlie Forum for Octobor oller a plan for preventipg the aecretion of a surplus In the national tieasury. Speaker CarlUle will Irive an irticle in tin1 Forum for Ootober, MtUng fmih the ííriMiniU upon Wlilcfa the democratie party Imum its expectatloo that t will be eontiuued in power at Washington. The slgnilicance of the dread iHltonct of exeomiuunieation in the Knman Catholie Cliurch, will be explained In the Forum for üctober by the Kcv. Professor Huiginn, whose arquaintanee vvith the Canon Law gives hlm special HtneM fot the task. Tlie many panOM whn, while f.iiniliar witli the term evolution. are uncertain as to the scope of the doctrine, w'll be inIciesicd in the answer to tbe question, "Wliatis Evolution?" which Professor Joseph jc Conte is to give in the Octuber "Popular Science Monthly." "The Sarpjnff of Boyhood" is the Ptrikiiijr tille ol' hu iiistrucli ve nrticle by John Johnson, Jr, to be pablinheri In Uie " Popular Science Monthly " for Octabcr, in wliich the autlior pólutS Out thnt linee a boy'l development is un epitome at the dcvcliipiiirnt of thu liuniun race, lic niiluriilly passes through a sta;e wheu Bruelty Is so charanteristie that a tenderliearted boy nniot be dt-cineil disca.scd. People who desire brlght and pielty piano mudo and songs will like the following new piecei wbich are fouiulamon (hls moutli's inu.-K':il publieations: '-The Manhattan Heach l'olka," by Rnymond, (35cti); "Jennle Zane," mük and choras, by Turner, (30 ets.); "Sailin' down de Oliio," a BOM by Keyes, for male or mixed voices, (IC) ets.); "We Were Together," a Son? by Lombard, (30 ets.); "Cricket on the Ilearih, song and chorus by Minier, (35cts.). Any of these pieces malled to auv addresa OH receipt of price by 011 Vtí'r Ditsou it ('o., Boston. Home Itule is proytn to actually exist in one of Eneland'l provinwi, by au article in tbe September Harper's on the Isle of Man. Dr. Kichard Wheatley shows that this Isli.nd of Mona has long enjoyed the right of controllini; her nwn all'iiiis, alter a fashion, and bas been gradually strenuthening her indepeudunce, until now she makes her own laws, ailmini-tera her owu justicc, and thrives in a well arranged system of self-}rovernmeiit, with only a governor appolnUd by the Crown to represent her fealty to the Queen. Sóme of the Manx laws and custouia retain their aneient quaintness. but the prosperity of tlie Liliputian state fumi.-hes au e-icournglng instanca of what intelligent Home Hule can do. The nrticle is illustrated by views of the chief cilles of Man, a portralt of the (overnor, an erigrBTlnfi of the lcL'islative House of Kcys in seásion, und a m ip of the i-lalld. An etching from A. Moore's " The Oreamers" forms the froitispiece for the Muya.ine of Art for üctober, and is worthy of the honor conferred upon it. üiher full page pictures are ''Ooing Westward," trom the palntiiiK by Alfred Parsons, and ' Ën Mer," from a painting by Frank M. BogfK. Mr. Parsons is an ËiiKlishiuan who hua won a reputation in America by his charminsr drawings in The (V.ntury and Harpers Magazine, and Mr. Boggsis an American who hM mad an euviable reputation. The engravings that give as a glimpse of these paintings are admirable, and preserve the spirit of the original to a remarkable degree. The other illustratloiis of the number are intereëting and instructive. In the matter of letter press we have somc line reproductions of industrial art work, iron, hrass, and the like. T'here is a pretty noem by Kate Carter, "Her üardcii," and copious art notes bring the number to a close- Cassell & Co., 3.50 a jear.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News