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Where They Go

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The M. E. appointments for tliia county and vicinity :ire announceil as follows: Presiding Eider, Adrián T, .f. Joilln. Ann Arbor- W. W. Ratnsuy. Chelsea- J. II. Mululusli. Dexier- S. H. Adanm. Dlxborougli- E. Jeuger. I.lmti- H. l'ulmer. Miuichester- W. U. Pope. Mlliin umi Oukvllle- .f. II. litirtruin. Sal i uu- D. H. Yocum. 8tony Creek- M. H. MuMahon. 8alem-H. W. lilrd. Whltmoro I,uke-S. W. Blrü. Yp8llantl-J. VtütnliiK. Vi, íntíy- L'llnton- Arthur W. Mtalker. llellevllle- K L. llewsou. HiiKliton- ü. U. OdelL Diimlee-J. G. Moricnn. OraKS Lake- J. M. KerrUlge. Howall- J. II. Kllpatrlck. Morouct- I). 11. tshlcr. Norilivllle- O. W. lluclson. l'liickney - H. Marshall. Plyiuouth- M. Tlmiiii. HMgewuy- W. H. Dentón. Houth Lyon-F. liradley. Stookbrliliie- L S Ledmaii. Wnyiie- J. A Mcllwaliu-. Wulerloo- C. I,. Churcli. Our opinión is tlml if a man ciin't be sitifflfd wiiii tiie opportunltlea thU country allords he liad better gtay awty. VVe liiivc ii RTCftt dt'al of patience wlth honest criticism, but whcn the anarchist beging to break thinjrs ani] to uso the knife and istol we are apt to liandle bina a little rnulily. It's a way we have, a 8ort of excentricity, wliich is apt, as in the presease, (o produce dlMgreeable resulta. - New York Herald. Richard A. Watts lias beei) nppointeil ludgfl of lh Adrián circuit vicu Judga llowell retigned to enter upon the pructice of hls profession at Detroit. Tlie foliowlng labio shows the staiulIng of tlie league clubs up to date: Won. Lat. l'r ci-nl 8tt::::::::::::::::::::::S g g MtEEE!r.j g Wwhlnffton -' Indlanapolis. ' - Saiilt Ste. NTuïe at last rejoices witli reatjoy. The iron horso has entered her booniiiig precinets, and the average Sooitecati rot be tonclied Jart now witli a ten foot pole. And the Soo still booms. Her citizens kuow enoiigh to know tha' ndvertlslng py, ind tliey keep standiti".' "ads'' of toe grwit HdvanUget of tlic town iu thc Detroit and other papen. There has been a disposition to condone criminal acts wlien tliey have been comrnitted on a large scale. The tcndeney is one of the most serious defeets n our present social state. The only way to prevent the demoral iz;ition consequent upon the triiituphs of fraud is to punish those who can be convicted of these offenses in a manner tliat will cover Uiem oiwl Ihnir noto witli II II I'I:I IILr diseTllCe.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News