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"Vacatlon Is over, the small loy crled, nd llif lears from hls eyes dld wtpe. "Tlie hatelul old cluKil baglna," he sighed, lust as Hpples and peura are rlpe, nd a fellow must lom all tlie fruit and fan 'Cause vacatlou is over and scuool's beguu.' Vacation la over," the farmer sak!. As He rubbed hls hands In glee, "And a man can enjoy hls own fruit, iustead Of haviug boys sklu eaeh tree ; And the dog wül have sometniug better to 'at Tlian a thlevlsh urchln's trousers seat. Tlie extensión of Churcta street is beng opened up. Tlie new boiler works tinn have tlie frame up for tbeir new building. Q'iickteps B, Athens 4, Honday. A Httle too quick steps for the Athens. One day lust week a flock of quails were flying around the outskirts of the 6th ward. The county fair will be furnished with flrst class muslc by the Uu ron Cornet Band all four days. Tlie peach scason is about vauished- the last of the late varieties will be stripped from the trees this week. The streets of Ann Arbor are once more MHUülng a busy appearance. The students have commenced to return. Carpenters' uuion open lodge meeting to-night lias been changed to the City Hall, in order to acconunodate the public. The Washtenaw county fair will 1111doubtedly attract a good niany of our readers to Ann Arbor. - Manchester Enterprise. Selden W. Shurtlell', whodied recentlv, has had bis will probated, and there will be about f11,000 to divide among his wife and children. Wonders will never cease. An Ypsilauti paper Is trying hard to boom the towu. It is the Ypsilantian.- Detroit Evening Journal. Mr. O'Brien, of whose injuries from a ruuaway accident the Courier spoke lust week, is getting along quite favorably, so his physiciau tells us. The Sunday evenin; service of St. Andrew's cluirch will be held, hereafter, eomraenciag widi next Sunday at 7l3' o'elock, instead of at 5 o'clock. The South Lyon kid club played n game with the Ann Arbor Blues - also kids, S.turday p. m., 011 the fair grounds, and the blues beat them 29 to 9. Qeo. W. Mooie went tlirouh the painful operatiou of having a tumor removed from the groill of the left side last Saturday, and s lloiog well at present. . Dr. Runajr will iill his own pulpit nest Sunday, but the congregatiou will not le in the main anditortiun until the 21 Sunday in October, if it don't rain. Somebody claims to have discovcred ■ substance which is "300 times as sweet as sugar." The "ubstance" is supposed to be about 18 yeará old, und wears a bustle. A grand wrprtoe awalti the members of Welsh Post, Na 137, muiediately after the business meeting on Friday eve. nexr. Let every comrade be in altendanee. jiiry Kahoc I -tart i; In liufluess tor lihnself, occiipyiug the old and popular stand over the post office. 11e expects to have a grand opening in about two weeks. In giving the ffi:tis of the senior class of the hijih school last week, the name of Clinton MiA luster should have appeared m tmrarer, Initead of Miss Southmayd. Joseph Murray, at une time an employé of the ConuKK ollice, diecl Sunday of quick coiisuinption, at his motlier's home on JellVrson st., after a six nionths' illness, aged about is years. AM. Sulherland is doin some work on street CFOmlBg llmt will last, and 50 years fr.mi DOW will be aa jood as to-day. Ue will have three car loads of flagging UBed wben the season doses. The Detroit papers credit President Auell with being one of the most graceful spinakers, at the recent banquet. A full synnpus of his sjwech will be fouiid upon tlie tirst page of the Couimer. The old "Board of Trade" next east of the P. O. is vacant once more. It has had numerous tenants in its brief existence, but none had a jollier following tliau during the reign of Johnie Oould. It has been suggested that a buft of somebody should be placed 011 our public fountain, and that some paper should get up a popular subscription thercfor. That is an idea. Don't all speak at once. The articles of incorporaron of the Ann Arbor Improvement Company have heen filed and recorded in the oftlce of the secretary of state and county clerk - this means - can we announce it? - tbe capsule factory. The Washtenaw County Medical Society held a mee' ing at Saline last Fr day. Papers were read by Dr. W. C. Stevens of Detroit, and Dr. Batwell, of Ypsilanti. The next meeting will be held at Ann Arbor, next December. Daniel Fairbanks, of Santiego, Cal., Wil talk to any of the people of the city who may be intcreated in going to that región, in the office of County Clerk Howlett, on Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock. There are several people bcreabout who contémplate going. The safe at Deubel Bro's mili at Scio, waa broken into last Monday night, and so damaged that at the latest accounts no one had been able to open t. It Is thought that the burglars failed to get in, but had tbeydone so they would have seeured ouly a few dollars that was left therein. An exceedlngly pleasant gatliering of about 30 relativa and immediate friends of Mr. and Mrg. N. B. Beerg, of East Liberty Street, occurred at their residence last Saturday eveniiig to observe in a pleasant manner the 80th birthday of Mr. Beers, which occurred on that date, Sept. 17th, and several very appropriate reminders of the occasion were left by them. The house had been handsomely decorated with flowers and evergreens, dcliclous refreshmente were gerved, and the occasion was one not goon to be forgotten. Among the guests present were Mrs. P. H. chapín, of Medicine Ixxlge Kansas, and Mrs. C A. Vail, of Ht' the conpU Mr. Been la ■ hale and SSSSLTtS f)r onc of 'll8 Rnd rfceived tlie congratulutions of manv haTañot'r6 V'0 Jt i8 t0 be d hatanother decade may tind hlm enjoymg Ufe as well as at present. Ttie glrl who hooks a flsh will Bhrlek In m-r lis frnntlo wlggle, But when she hooks a man- queer freak ! slic -inipl y ulitis mul kIííüIi'ü. -[Charleston Enterprise. ('arpcntcrs o scveral jobs stuck ycsterday. Excursión to-day o ver tlic T. & A. II. H. to tlic Soldier' Home at Dayton, Ohio. Tlie capsulo factory loonis up big over n the 2d ward, nd is being ruslicd up rapúlly. Andrews & Co. will open up a new bookstore in tlic new NKkels' block 011 S'.ate st. Policetuan Clark lias been skk for a bw days ;md Aid. Sutlierland lias takcn bis place. F red Alber bM broken grouud for a new rcsidence at the comer of Fulleraud Elizabeth ste. Tlie buildings, etc., of the late Aun Arbor Luniber Co. hayo been purchased by Mack & Scbmid. The comtniltce on tlie slaughter house ucstion appears to be quite dunii mt. Wonder if 'tls sleeping? The Wednesd.iy evening service of the Episcopal church will hereafter be held ít llobart Hall, at 7 o'clock p. m., local time. The Hilan club played the Ann Arbor Mrowns last Thursday and were scooped 6 to 7. The Ann Arbor boys play ball ?ou notice. Rice R. Miner, nephew or John H Miner, of this city, was inarrled in Deroit, yesterday to Miss Edith daughter of F. K. Buruliam. Mr. and Mrs. Miner ittcuded. The Model Class Register of Messrs. 'nes & Nichols is meeting with great avor u school eirclos, nnd the sales are apidly improving, Mr. Wines tells ua. Wlik'h vc are pleased to chronicle. The Plyniouth Mail is the title of a col. quarto published by J. H. Steers, Vol. I., No. 1 of wliich has just reached )ur sanctum. It looks as if the people of Hymouth liad Steer-ed into a pretty good ;hng. Frank Martin, a young man aged 21, ivlio was brought up by ex-Ald. A. F. Martin of this city, was run over by the :ars on the Detroit, Lansing & N. R. R. aear Fovvlerville, one day last week, and jrobably fatally injuied. If ever there was a rlrlit man in the right place, it is D. li. Greene, ot Ypsiliinti, as one of the superintendent of :he poor. He is one of few men peculiarly litted to have cliarge of the poor and attend totheir wants. Referring to the forgery by a young man of this city of li is father's name for j!13 worth of goods for hisgiil, the Adrián Press ask-: "Wlierp m the prosecutiog ittorney all this time ?'' Here. Hut the MpeirtoOfl pay hlm $300 bonus to avoid as far as poMlble proseeutions. Mrs. Attorney Muy C. Whiting has bought the tine property of Dr. üesaac, af Milan, consisting of the bank, drug store and a vacant lot. The Dr. desired ready money to invest in San Diego, California, to which place he has removed in liopesto reap large returns front the rise of property, as there is a great boom in real sstate at that point just at present. Probably as tine a buggy as ever went out of Ann Arbor, has been shipped to the state fair at Jackson, where it is placed in cnmpetition this weck with work fiom all over the state. If there is aiiythiug on exliibition there to cqual it, it will have to be a pretty fine piece of workmansliip. Mr. Sclimidt used tlie celebrated lock spring goar in the conttruction of this prize vehicle, and feels pretty proud of his work. A serious accident occurred in the yards of the M. C. IX. R. at this station last Monday cveuing at about 6 o'clock, resul t Ing In Albert liucklyn of Delhi, losing a foot. Mr. B. was trying to jump o ft' a moving freight train and slipped and feil with ïhe result of IIBtalliOg his foot so that amputation BDOVe the ankle became necessary. The unfortunate young man is i.bout 25 years old, married, uliil fainily of tWO children. A story is told of one of our fruit jrowers who took hls gun theother night and crept cautiously into lus vineyard, where he suspected the boys were helping theinsclves. He heard a rustling noise and bluzcd away at the point from which t issued. Thcn all was still as ileath. Fearing tbal the shot had proved fatal he made his way through the vines to investígate and found lying dead on the cold grouud - his most valuable calf. A lady who had occasion to enter the high school building a few days since, had some considerable diftkulty in picking out a way up the steps in which her skirts would not become bedraggled in lilthy puddles of tobáceo spittle. It is our understanding that there is a law or rule which makes the use of tobáceo on the school grounds a sufflcient cause tor suspension or expulsión from school. It might have a bcneficial effect to make a few examples. Thcft stalks bare-faced and unabashed In our miilst. The minions ot the law will need to cultívate their alertness in order to discover and circumvent these miscreants. Thursday last a man drove out on tbc south Ypsilanti road, alighted froin his carrlage.went into Mr. Morton's peach house, coolly removed the covers of eight baskets of peaches, selected two of the lincst baskets, walked to liis carriage with them nnd drove off. He was followed as soon as possible but eluded the search effectually. Thos. F. Moran left here yesterday morning for Elk River, Minn., where he bas been engagei'. as principal of a school at a salary of $1,000 for nlne months.- He graduated with high honors ut the university and being a young man oí excellent character, he has scores of friends among the student and at home who will join us in wishing him success. - Manchester Enterprise. The many friends of Mr. Moran will be pleased to learn of bis debut as a professor. No one doubts for a moment his success. The report of the last council proceedings in the Register, so far as It referred to Mr. Eugene Beal'g language, was a delibérate falsehood, and shows how far an unfair contemporary can go in falsifying. Mr. Iteal did not speak a disrespectful word to or of the council, on the contrary he thanked them In a respectful marnier for thcir confidencc in and compliment to him, but stated his disiuclination to conform to all the requirements as laid down that nlglit by the city's legal adviser. Furthermore, Mr. Beal in rcply did not say an ungentlemaniy word to the person who taking advantage of his position, In an undignilicd and ungentlemanly way attacked him opon I matter of personal ditlerence which was entirely out of place before the council.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News