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E. B. Abel returneil from the e:st Friday. Prof. D'Oogo lias rclurned from Europe. Mis. Thoa. F. Bours is In Detroit for a few days. Miss Brawnie Wfaedon returns from Saginaw this weck. Oliver M. Martin and wife are visiting i riciiils in Bay City. Mr. and Mrs. Prof. C. II. Stowell have returned from Bay View. Miss Celia Burke ha9 resumed her school teaching in Jackson. J. Hice Miner has returned home from Denver, Col., on the sick list. Frank Smith went to Battle Crcek Monday, with N. EL Wiuans. Miss Josie Davidson is once more clerking in Andrew's book store. M. C. Petersou and wife returned from an extended vislt east on Frlday last. Wffl Becker, o? Brighton, was in the city greeting old friends last Motulay. Miss Gertrudc Clancy has gone to Monroe to attend St. Mitry's academj-. Prof. A. II. Pattenglll has goue to Xenia, Ohio, visiting Mr. Allisou'spcople. Miss Watkins of Watkins Station, spent Sunday with lier sister Mra. S. W. Clarkson. Wm. A. Clark is suflering from a severe attack of inflammatory rhcuuiatism. Mrs. Q. Ë. Stnitli and son of Detroit, are visiting Mrs S. A. Howe, on 8. Fifth street. Mrs. Julina Ri-tnis, of Bennington, Shiawassec Co., is visiting Mrs. A. T. Church. Miss Mary L. Pratt, of Zancsville, Ohio, is visiting Mrs. Dr. Efordman on E. Huron st. Dr. Wm. Fuller of Kansas, ie here visiting his brothcr and sister John '1'. and Rhoda Follar. Aid. Stitherland is nioving into the house he purchased of Clias. Boylan, on S. División st. Miss Mary Adair, of Ypsilanti, lsspcnding a few days here, the guest of Mr?. Charles Stoup. Mr. VanDenbelt of Detroit spent the Sabbath with the Andersons on the South Ypsilanti road. Win. Perman, and family, of EImorc, Ohio, spent SunUay with Dr. C. G. Darlinr and family. E. W. Whipplo, law '87, was in the city over Sunday. He is traveling for tlie Standard Oil Cj. Alderinan Kearm went to the Vlektburjr reunión of Custer's old brigade Monday evening. Miss tda Wadhams, of Mt. Pleasant, is visiting her brother, Warren W. Wadhains, of this city. Itev. S. II. Adams has rented Aid. Sutht-rland's house on Madison st., and is moving therein. Mr. and Mrs. X. B. Beers led for Northvllle, this a. m, to be absent several dayi visiting friends. Fred H. Belser was in Toledo over Sunday. Hit wife and childrou an - iting relatives In Detroit. Mrs. B. F. Grauwer has returned to Ann Arbor, afk-r an absence of three years in California and Texas. Cliarles Richards, so long with Mack & Schmid, has gone to Cleveland, Ohio, in the emplny of a Wholesale house. Mrs. A. J. Shively, of Brooklyn, New York, arrived on Friday evening bist for a vMt with her nother, Mrs. C. Best. Mr. A. J. Sutherliud and wife are once more residents of our city, having rented the Phillips house, on ï5. Main st. A. J Pateley, the ncw agent of the T. & A. A. R. R. at tbis station, has moved into the house of E. E. Beal on N. Main st. Mrs. Johnson of Detroit, and Mrs. A. Stalker, of Clinton, are visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Hcndrickson, on State st. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Worden, of Green Oak, spent Sunday with Mr. Worden's sister, Mis. Maj. Win. C. Stevens, of X. Ingalls st. Frank A. R;ish and Gtiy Keifer, of Detroit, drove over to Ann Arbor last Wednesday and visited f i iends in tlic city tlie rest of the week. S. L Foïter, Supt. of tbc Tliomson Houston Electric Lt. C., was callcd to San Francisco, Cal., Monday beCaUM ot the sickness of his motber. Win. L. Tidd, of Chicago, s'o,ied over to viíit his son W. W. Tidd, and his only grandilan;liter, a lew days tliis week, on hi way to Auburn, New York. Mrs. M. J. Spalding, of Kansas City, Mo., who h:i8 been in the city for the past six weeks, taking care of her inother In her last illness, returned to her home last Friday. Mrs. C. J. Kintner returned from her trip to Washington, etc, last Friday and expects to remain with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Pack, on N. Ingalls st., for some months. The frequent visits of Mr. Cyrus Yawkey, of East Saginaw, to Ann Arbor, will culmlnate in about three weeks in Ann Arbor's losing one of its n.ost estimable young ladies. Dr. W. E. Newton, who has Rtudied with Dr. Darling for the past year, and was a member ot the medical class of "8S, has gone to Bellevue Hospital, N. Y., to complete his studies. Miss May Whedon has been tendered and accepted a position as teacher of vocal culture in the SomerviUe Seminary for young ladies at öt. Clair. She leaves next week for her new work. Wm. Dorr and wife, of Florida, are visiting Mr. D's mother, Mrs. Crosby. on Maynard st. When they return they propose to drive back, giving them a line opportunity to see the country. Mrs. Jonathan Blencherd, fonnerly of Ann Arbor, now a resident of Los Angeles, Cal., is making a visit to her friends here. It is a number of years since they parted with her, when she went to her new and dlstant home. II. B. Asudvorian, M. D., a native of Alleppo, Turkey (Syria), and a gradúate from the medical department of the Central Turkey College at Aintab, bas arrived in Ann Arbor, and will remain here to tnke a post gradúate course. It is a fact worthy of note that many of the professors of the Turkish university of whieh he Is Hn alumninus, are graduatcs of the U. of M.


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