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Half fare to the state fair. The opera house opens with a inlnstrel troupe to-morrow night. The Ann Arbor Browns will liave a dance at the rink on Thursday, Oct. G. Mr. Barber, fomicrly of Midland, has been clioscn janltor of Hobart Ouild Hall. The Higli School Seniors and Juniors have their struggle with the foot-ball Salurday. Early Sunday niorning ser viccs at St. Andrew's Church lias been cliangcd froui 1i to 8 o'clock. An adjourned director's meeting of the Washtenaw Fuel Gas Co. to night at Secretary Frueauff's office. L. D. Watkins, of Manchester, il one of the DOW members of the cxccutivc coin. of the state fair association. The M. C. R. R. nine of Detroit will play the Browns Thursday, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the fair grounds. The contract for medical supplies for the Unlversity hospital has boen awardcd to II. J. Brown on a close bid. Rev. Wm. Galpln will take charge of St. James' Churcli, Dexter, after Oot. lst. The congregation are to be congratulatod. S. Krausc presents his business to our readers this week in a ncw " ad," and it will be for your interest to read wliat hc says. Register Kearns received for record' Tuesday a deed dating back to 1S34 wlien Michigan was a territory, the land being located in the "towu of Pitt." The tirst regiment of Miehlgan Infantry held a reunión at Jackson yesterday, upon which Capt. Manly attended in the evening and responded to a toast. Mr. H. G. Sutton, the principal of tlie Ith ward school, received news of a brotlier's deatli in Oliio, this forenoon, and luis gone to nttend the funeral. John T. Fuller, the deputy clerk of Ann Arbor towu will receive wooilchuck scnlps at his oftlce and residence on the Dixborough road on Saturday afternoon next. Gco. W. Smitli, who lias had his cobbler shop on X. Main st. for 20 years or more, will not go oü' tlie tstreet, but will move his building next noith of Tony Schiappacasse's place, and ppg away as usual. The föolish virgin in tlie Scriptures came with no oil in lier lamp. Now slie comes with a four-gallon can of kerosene to pour on the kitchen fire, and her funeral expenses ure added to the loss of the oil. Thos. Burns, in jail again for the same old offense : d-and-d, was formerly cook at the Cook House, aud a right smart cook he was, too, but he will not abstain froni the flowinjf bowl, and so he has to board wilh Slierift" Walsh. Townseud's Sunday Life is the name of a new, neat and entertaining paper, puplished at Coldwater, and editeil liy Prederic M. Townsend. It is a society paper, a:id reflecto initch ercdit npoi its enterprising and able editor. A friend of our suggests tliat in building sidewalks that the buildings, however nice, should be torn down and rebuilt to Ut the grade instead of making a grade to fit the buildings. One end of the street will favor this view, the other end will not, of course. The Dundee Fuel Gas Co. was organized at Dundee lust Monday, and our enterprising fellow townsman Eugene K. Frueauff is one of the directora. Russell H. Nogar is the president. He owns tlie well already sunk- and supposed to have struck something. The Argus tells of a " radical proh:btionist" who has been hob-nobbing with brewers and saloon-keepers and securing subscriptions among them for the prohibition organ of this state, The Center. Which is not at all astonishing, in fact it is perfectly appropriate. The Follett House, Ypsilanti, has been sold by George Moorman to Wm. H. Woodmancy, of Fenton, Mich., for $22,000. In the consideraron is a fine farm near Vernon, Shiawassee Co., the balance $2,200 being in cash. Mr. Woodmancy is reported to be an old and expert landlord, wlio will make many needed improvement. The present landlord, W. II. Lewis, will continué in possesslou. Residen ts on the nortli end of N. Main st. are complaiuing bitterly about having tlieir slumbers disturbad at all hours of the night by the shrleking and wliistling and blowing offof steam and racket generally ol the T. & A. A. engines. They are iuclined to tliink mueh of it unnecessary as they are as near the M. C. tracks as the T. & A. A. and are never disturbed by them. Evart Scott's Maud S. mare coneliided it was time to go to the train last Saturdiy p. m. so without waiting for orders she lit out from in front of his Elm Fruit farm with 25 bushels of pears on board. Coming down town she turned on to 12th street and tipped the load over miich to tlie delight of tlio sinall boys of that locality who feasted on the pears. But lor the accident of turning over the load the mare would have reached the depot in time for the train. The new tax law is having its effect on capitalists. Thls law makes mortgages taxable, and now money loaners propose to come up on interest. One agent in this city who has loaned $30,000 at six per cent. since January lst, now says that those for wliom he loans have directed him not to loan a cent on mortgages for less than 7} per cent., the araount of the tax. On notes the rate will remain the same. The law will have the effect probably of changing the usual form of obligatlons, but the intent of the law - to tax the ricli and relieve the poor - will be circumvented, and tlie poor will have to stand the racket, so to speak. Whatever else may be said of tlie last legislature, they were prolilic in laws. Here is another law, and a good one too, that goes into effect next Wednesday: It provides that any girl between the ages of 10 and 17 years, or boy between the ages of 10 and 15 years, who shall run away or wilfully absent himself or herself from the school he or she is attending, or from any house, ofDce, shop, farm or other place where sucli person is legititnately cmployed to labor, or shall frequent saloons or other places wliere iutoxicating llquors are for sale, oc_sjiall be found loungingupon the public streets, or other public places of any city or village, against the command of his or her pareuts or guardián, attend any public dance, skating rink, or show, shall be deemed a truant or disorderly person. and upon conviction shall be sentenced, if a boy, to the reform school at Lansing until 17 years of age, and if a girl, to the reform school for girls at Adrián until 21 years of age. There are about twenty boys, and we are sorry to tliink, a few girls in thls city, who should be made to understand tlie provisions of this law, at once. The Industrial school has reopeood. We meet every Sntimlay aftcrnoon ia Cropsey's hall on Washington st. All our former chllürcn will receive a hcarly wclcome. Also any new ones wbo wi.sli to leara to sew. This school is free, and mothcis who are too busy to tcach thcir childrcn at home, will lind it a grcat help to seml them here. We are now ready to rcccivc donations froni frienda. Matilda H. BbOWK, Hupt.