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Bï tho fall of u pilo of lumbcr in tho stroet railway in jino-housa in Kansa City on tho I3tb six mSB worj sovorely In jured, and four worUmon were badly hurt by thj full of the roof trussos iu the new Jewish synagoguo in Chicago. The National PreteoUvo Associatlon o Distiilars anJ Wholesale Whisky Dealer met in convention on the I3th at Cincin nati, tho principal purpose of the gatherlng bcing to próvido means for iightin tho prohibition movement in Tennesseo. Eastbhm railroad managers decided o tho 13th that travcling thoatrical compa nies aro not "families," and are not thereforo enülleil to travel up.nifannly mileago tickets. List June a murdersr named Miobcl escaped f rom jail in Uoncsdalo, Pa. On th loth ho was recaptured in a barn nea Ihh old homo by tlio sheriff. The liational Browcr's Union in ses sion on tho 13th at Detroit, Mich., passci a resolution condemnlng'tho action o Mastcr Workman Powdorly in speakinj against tho sale of intoxicating boverage. Jacob A. Talbot, ayoung colored man, committed suicide at lialtnuore ou the 13th by nangin?, believing that that wa th truo wayof reaching Hoaven. Atiiain with 257 layors on boan wasdoruilod on tlic 13th ou tho Aspon ex tensión of tho Mullan 1 road in Colorado and four of tho men woro instantly killCK and sixty-ono wore injurod. The valuo of broadttuff exports from the United Statos during August past was US,3vi,44i, against tl5,ilö,Sil in August, 1688 Oviiii a thousnnl cigar-makers woro lockeJ out by thoir cmp'.oyers on the 13th atBoston, the troublo growingoutof the cmployinent of uu apprenticu in violatiou of un ion rulen. At Norwood, O., on tho 18th the three weeks'-old chlld of A. Kuscher was, by mistake, given a dose of carbolic acid b' its crandniothor, and died in great agony Ovkh 4.' Hormonfl from Englan l arrivoc in Kansas City on tho 13th on their way to Salt Lako City, The uiajoiity wcre wom en and chiUlren. J. .ris Wilson umi W alter Graves, farmers of Princeton, Mo., quarrelad on tho 13U) over a pieoe ot land and Wilson killed Graves wllh a ho. The murJerer was in jail. Wim.K workmen wera orocting a trestle on tho 13ih near tha Mudfork (O.) mines tho structure feil, killinjí throo men and fatally injuring four others. WitB hundkeu miuers in the employ of i'aliol & CO., at Washington, lnd., struck on tl) liiih for blgher w.ig -s. TnE ntneteea Ohio monuments at ücttystrarfd l'a , werj dadlntad on tho uth with impresslve anaappropriateexercises. At Lincoln, Neb., on the 14th Jay-EyeBee trotted a milo agaiint time in 2:15J. This was the fuswst mile v -r made by any horse on a lialf-m Ie track. Thiutï-five collieries in the lower anthracite coal región of Pennsylvunia weie ïdle on the 14 th. At Chil.icothe, Mo., on the Hth Nathan Young snot hs ilivoncd wlia, and after an ineffectual attempt upon her sister's lile committed suicide. At tho BoetiBg of tlie Ariny of th.ï Tonnc8sce in Djtroitonthe Hiii John A. Logan, Jr., was unaniinously elccted to succood to his f.itli -r's meinbership The report of thetreasur'r sliowod that tha society wu9 out of d bt and liad i 11, 000 lnvcsted in Ouvcrnmcnt bonds. Is tho Chicago Anarchist casos on tho Uth the Supremo Court of Illinois affirmod tlio decisión of the rriminal court of Cook County that Spies, Schwab, Lingg, Fielden, I'arsnns, Kischer and Engel be hanged, and Naebo bc conflned 'm, the penïtentlury for lift 'en years. Tlio date of the execution of tho sentenceis üxed for November 11. Buuxob 1'ai.miíu, of Michigan, on the 14th contributod Í10.000 toward thj erection of a hall at Dotroit for the use of Grand Army pnsti. GoVEiisou Oglesiit, of Illinois, was on the 14th placci on thj pension rolls under tho lavv passod by the last Conuress ponsioning all survivors of the Henean war who have attained the age of sixty-two years. J. C., a farmer of Roekford, Mieh., died of liydrophobia on the 14th. He was bitten by a mad dog several years ago, and experienced uo trouble with bis wound until recently. TnE sixth annual meeting of the American Forestry Congress began at Springfield, IU., on the 14th. The annual report of tho secretary showed encouragmg advancoment was being mado in many States in forost preservation. Thb Buffalo (N. Y.) Stan lard Stove ('ompany's works, stock and patterns wen1 burned on the 14th. Bi 'icetaky Baïahu on tho 14th made au unf.ivor.ible report upon the roquet of State of Illinois that an application be niüde for the i xtraditinn of McGarigle. Th S-iTi'iary dkeclavaa that there is no ground upon wliich tho United States can ïntcrfere in the matt 'T. GovebKÖB BftJiDOS, of Georgia, on the 14th signed the bill iniposing a tlJ.OOO tax on wiiH'-rooms. 'lui; Missouri (rand Lojge of Masons on the Utn revoked the charter of Naptliali I,oilge, of St. Louis, becuuse it held that saloon -keopers we. e eligible to iii.'inbership. IitA L. Dun murdered his wife and Uvo cliil lren on the l"ith at Barasata, Fla. Qreen was lterw%rd shot while resisting the oflicers. Edwaud Coi.i.p.noB, a farmer at Huntlngtown, Md., killed his wif.j on the 15th and then committed suicida. Jcalousy was the cause. At PlanihVM, In 1., on the ló;h was heil the thirty-sixth annual session of the Western Yi'arly Meeting of Frieuds. hundred delegatos were present, inclttdins many from England and Ireland. Foi'u Mr j men were bady hurt anl I3J0, - 0U0 went up in smoka in a fire that destroyed M. K Page's four-story Wholesale i ainlv factory in Chicago on the 15th. Kun mu A. JliiiPiiv, president of the First National Bank of Woodstock, III., dropped dead irom heart-diseaso in Chicago on the l'ii li. '1 uk most substantial portion of the business saction of L.ilce Crystal, Minn., was ski pt iiw.iy by üre on the 15th. 'lus corm'r-sione of a Young Mcn's CbrUUaa Assoclation building, to cost $100,000, was laia at üiuaha. Neb., on the 15lh. A CENTENXiAi, celebration in honor of the one hun tred tb mmiversary ei the adoption of the Federal lonstitution b 'gan in Philadelphia on the lOth and would continue three days. TtaAre was an immense attendance. A monster eivic and industrial parade was thj leading feature of the ürst day. Mrs. Gibsos, of Kelly's Station, Pa., poured korosene oil on somo heated coals oii the 15th. and tho result was an explosión, the wniiiao and a Uaugliter thirteen years of ago boing fatally burnod. At Ouray, Col., on the 13th a mob attcuipted to take Joseph Dixon (colored) f rom Jail for tho purposoof lynchtng liiin Failing 1o gain outrance thoy lire i tli Jail, and Dixou wms drownod In the wato thrown upou thu Humes by tho tiro dopurt ment. Severai. business housos in Syracuse N. Y., woro burned on tho löth, with a los of about f ](N),U.K). Grol'nd was brokon at Syraouse, N. Y. on the 15th f ( r the building of Kyracus l mviTsilv, whioh is to hold tho famou Von Kanku coUectioa of 150,000 books. Tbk Chioago Anarchist on the 15th sen ono of their represjntatives to New Yor! to rotain a lawyer as assoeato comise with Captain Black to conduct the pro posed proceedinijs befoie tho Unitei Btatos bupreme Court. The Society of the Array ot the Tennes ■ee, in sossion at Detroit on the 15th adoptad resolutlon iM respoct to tho mom ory of the late General Logan. All the old offioers were rc-electcd, General Shermaii beiDg prosidont. Thomas J. l'urE& Bno., New York metal dealers, failoJ on tho löth, with liabillties rcachinji tnto the ot thouaands of dollars. Tnï Joseph Peten furuiture factory at St. Louis was do-itroycd by firo on tha 15th, and several other bu.ldings wera partly burned. The loss agpregated $110,(XX). CnAlti.B8Pi.ANK an l Jerry McCarthy, young in ii of Logansport, luil , went into bavicl Hallam' sulooo on the löth and quarrelcd with the lutter's wife, who was knocketl to the floor. Hallam was ulso abusod by the men, wheo he shot thoin lint li dead. Toe ncw wutcr-wurks onginc stack at Salem, O., iell tifty foot on the ISth, kllling Joseph Dinsmoro imd fatully injuring three olher. The nciosiaiy instruí t ons were issued Iriini Washington on the litli to the local land ofhViaU in the matter of the restoraUon to sottlement of the Northern Pacific indemnity kinds. Abuut inoo million acres are in volved. Tiiiurr THOU8AKD soUlors paraded in Philadelphia on the 16th- the second day of tho consütutional centenniaL The President wa3 tendered a roception at the Commercial Exchange and made a speech. Forkst liivs wcro doiug grjat damuge on the ltitli near E ist Tawas, Mich. A ni (■Ki'Tnix was given on the IOtli at the homo of Mrs. Uarroun in Aurora, 111., to her moth ;r, Hrs. Ascenath Mille r, of Kt. Charlee, 111., who was one hundred years old August 12. In ■ apocial raca at St. Paul on the 16th for $ü,ÜOO between the pacer Johnston to wagon and the trotter Harry Wilkes to harneas, Johnston won in straihti in 2:16)4, 'J:l."."4 mid 2 : l." 'i' - the fiistist threa heat ever puCed or u-uiled to wagon. The flrst train on the Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic road reaohe.l Sault Stp. Marie, Mich., on the ltlth, the lust spike on the line having mi driven at noon. A MKTKoitic mas i s Urge as a railway car feil on tbo 1(1, li six milei Ir, mi Vanceboro, Me. lts heat was so intense ttiut people who flocked to the scjne were unable to approacli withiu several fcol of the celestial vagrant. Tue State convention of tha Women's Christian 'JiemperaiKe Uiii in at N ishvillo, Tenn., on the KHh mude arraiigeinonts for women to wurk at th3 poll to secure tha adoption of prohibit on. A statemknt preseiitcd at tho Marino Hospital in Walingtou on the ltith shows that sinoe Muy last, when yellow fever appoarod at Ko.v VVest, Fla., there have Lx'rn BS cases andfd deatlis. TiiKKK were liii bUduei tailures in the Unitud Htatcs duriu t rit wvou days ended on the löth, against IfB Uu proviom seveu days. Tue grocery storo of Dnininic M. Mesina, at New Orleaus. was dostroyod by flro on the löth, culis d by an explosión of gunpowder, and the ijroprietor, his wifa ai.d their four ch ld ren perished in the Sames. The First National Bank of Corry, Pa., having b;en erabarrassol by the recent failure of an oil oiip mv in that town, was closed by the bankexaminer on tha löth. The vrreolc of the whaler Amethyst, which sailcd fr.un New BjdforJ in the spriiii' of lisSii, wa d secvered on tho 16lh near Castlj R ck. The crew numbered thirty-eight men, whos ; fata was unknown. A band of luaskcd ín 'ii attark ■ l the cabin of Adum Mollard (tolored) on a plantatioa neurCuthbjrt, Ga-, on the Hith, killing and wounding several of the iumates. Thhfe m )n wore kil ed and seven severa ly iujurod by a coll son on the lOth between two construction traius on the Iron Mountain raümal near Nettleton, Ark. (KiiiuiK Olivek, mayor of Shcllman, Ga., swallowed a dose of poison at that piuca on the lUth and than lired a bullet into his in-art. Tho cause of the suicide was a mjstiry. Frank W. Maxox, a we ilthy stockbreeder of Wulworth, Wis., was goreJ to deuth on the HUh by a bloo led buil. A KEViVAt. of Molly Muxuircism was reported on tlie lOth in PennsylvaniiL At fJlen Carbon, neur Pnttiville, William James, a mine exatniner. was aisassinated while on his way to wonc. An attempt was also ma Ie to wreek a passenger train ncar Pottiville. K G. Din & Cc, of New York, in their wuckly ruview ou the of trade state thut all autit'ipalions of inonetary stringency thls lali which were expressed some montha ii;ii aro abuudautly justitled by tho piessure now feit in spite of the supplus (rom abrcia.l, far bayond reasonable antici alioiis. The broni.corn rmp in ('jntral Illinois thisyear w:H be tho lnrgdt on rooord. 1%S New YorH Anaifhists, heud d by Herr Most, issujd a manifestó on tho lllth ileolaring that the Chicago Anarchists thould not be hangol and that they would do all in their power to prevent it They also deel .rud lluit tho Supremo Court Judges wiT3 bundits. It was stated on tho ISth that Henry George and Dr. McGlyun proposod to establish da ly papers in each of tha large cities in tho interest of tlio worklng i'lasses. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tin vota in tho recont Texas electlon was offlcially counted at Austin on the 13th by Governor Ross, the Secretary of State and tho Attoruey-Goneml, with the following result: For prohibition, 129,273; against prohibition, 'ïl,6!7. Jacob ToAKAMdiedat Lima, O., on tho 13th, leaving a famlly of seven children. l"he youngest is flf ty-iive and tho oldost seventy-flve year. Deceased was a soldier of the war of 1S1U, and was ninety aight yoars of aee. LlïUTBSAyT-GoVEKNOR R. W. WaTKRman, of California, took tho oath of office is Governor on the 13th. He is a Repubiican, although elected with the late üov;rnor Bartlett, a Democrat Colonel Jamks Ti, a well-known newspaper man and politician of Lafaystte, Ind., died on tha ISth, at the age of Bfty-three vears. Is Washington It was understood on the ISth that tho retlrement of Mr. Porter, As(istant Sooretary of Htate, was precipitated by noiiu statements made by tho asilstant rtüeh were not in harmony with Mr. Bayard's views xncerning tho üslvoples nogotiatlons. CllNUKKSiMAN-KI.Kl 'T NlCIIOI.AS T. KiSB dledatiroy, N. Y., on tlio 141 h. Tur New York Ropublican fctite con vention wet üii iho 14lh at Kuraloga Sprmg ttiui uomluattd tbo followlm ticket: For Secrelary Of Sute, Colone Froil I), (irnni ; lor Oomptréilur, Je 8 L'Amoivaux; tT 'Ir. 'aturar. Jamo U. t'ar inichacl; for Alloruoy Oeueral, Majo Jamos A. Deinson; for Ktate Engineer and turvyor, O. H. P. t'onioll. The platform favor protection, support fo the voterun soldier, high liccnse and loca option, true civil service, and declares tha tho Republlonp party '9 t!l lrue friend o the workiiig-mnn. i'tio methodi and mi mlnistratious of both Presilont Cleveland and üoveruor ÜM urj scvert'ly eriticisod Ex-Govi:knui LOKI Hi.acmukn, of Koa tucky, agod seventy-oue yoars, died a Frankfort on tho 14tii after a llngünnir 11 noss. He KM oniim nt M a ptiysiclan anU a philanthropist. Joseimi BklUI, ex nmvor of Galena, 111. and a vetoran of tlio Mexican war, diod at bis home In Galena on tho 14th. A tahtv to kiuwn as the Unltot Statos party was orgunuel at Councl Bluft, fa., ou the 14th, and lts representa Uves will rueot at Neola October 13 to uom inato a Htate ticket. Tiie Nebraska Monopolist met a Lincoln on the 15th and uouiliiatd a tul State t.cket on a pal f. mu demandlug leg lílation for the reductioii of íroight tarlfls and pissnn?er fares on all railroiid with In the State. Gehoe A. GounoN, a printer, eo route f rom San Fran cisco to h s home at Wasb ington, dled on a train near Boaver Falla Pa., on the 16th. FOREIGN Dimi'atciirs of fie 12th suy that ilurlnjj a hurrlcane near the Orand Batiks fourteen men beloning to the sehooner Manee, o Pubnico, Nova Scotia, woro swept overboard and drownod. Is ttie Bntish Houü of Commons on tlia 12th the policy of coerción estabiishcxl bv theOoverninontiii Irelunl vn censuredbj Messrs. Gladston", Harcourt and othors, and was Atended by Secretury Balfour. Iiik Italirt'i Governmant on tha 13th re ceivel sutiüf.ictiiry new that the choler wus deereasniíí in all the iutec'.oi localiUes throu jhuiit lialy. Lonixíx a Ivnvs of the l!Hh say that ia a recent storm tho British bark Bdlaklava loat ten men. Ki-ktukk advjoe of tha 18th írora Halifax, N. S., ny that over slxty flhermen lost tholr lives by thj recent gales and ovfer one hundred vosseli woro bidly dam aged. Dukino the t wcuiy-four hduis ended on the Hth thero were in ltaly 4 new oases o cholera and 4 denths in Catmia; 51 cases and 23 doaths at Messinii, and i cases und 2 denths at Palermo. Luis Bookan wns on tbe 14lh elected President of Spunisli Hon luras, over L. L Anas, a former President, by a large majorlty. 'fue flood causad by the overflow of the Nilu ha.1 on th tttb il.'itn.ycj the buildings of the E.ig:ish and American Consulates at Luxor. One of thrje cannon used In saluting fanliniil Taschereau and party's arriva; atlhushrine of SU Anno de Beuupre, ín Canada, exp'.odcd on the l"th, causing the death of Ihroe men. At a conference of Irish landlords hek in Dublin on the 15th resolutians wera adopted by a uiianiinous voto denying tba the present ratos prpvailing in Irclaiul wero oppressivo or that roasonable abatoments had been refus' d. As insurrection at Munipore, India, was suppressed on the Hiih with a loss to tha rebels of uine kille 1 an I many wounded. A foiu'e of Cuban liiibusters, led by Manuel Garde, lanlel noar Mutuizas on the 16th, an I in a skirmish with the troops and civil guarda the leadar was killed and leventeen of his followers iptured. Quebn Vicroiii.v prorogued the Br.tish Parliainent on the lrtth. Ax excursión train bound for 1h3 Doncaster (Eng.) races was wrecked by a coU lision on the Midland railrood ou the löth, and twenty-four persons wore killed and about seventy injured. LATER NEWS. Tiib trial of Frod Munchrath, Jr. , at Bioux City, Ia., for the murder of Rev. (isotgi Haddock, resulted on tbe lSth in a verdict of guilty of manslau?hter, the extreme penalty of which is eight years In the penitentiaiy. The jury was out nearly twenty houre. Thk droualitof oversix weelcs' duratlon In Alabama was brnken on tho 17th by copious rains nll over tho State. Rak-Admiual J. R. Mullaneï (retired) died at Bryn Mawt, Pa., on tho 17th, ageü eventy years. Tue cholera outbreak in Italy continued to increase in seriousness on the 18th. The alarm was made greuter by the fact that the disease is of a more virulent type than that of recent yuars. Three mon were areidentally killed on a bridge on the Baltimore & Ohio rallroad near Wheeling, W. Va., on the 17th. Tbe record of thj baseball clubs In the National Leuguo for tho week unded on the 17th was as follows: Detroit (games won), 71; Chicago, 6; Philadelphia, 62; New York, (iü; Boston, 5S; Pittsburgh, 47; Wasluneton, S9; Indianapolis, 3L A block in the business part of Ashland, 111., was destroyed liy flro on tho 17th, causing a loss of Í150.000. New Yokk Citï was on the 17th floodcd with Anarchist oircu'.an denouncing the Chicago authoritiis inj tha Illinois Supreme Court Tiib death of ex-United States Sonator Joseph Cilley, of New Humpshire, occurredon the 17th at Nottingham, in that Btat", at the age of ninety-six year. A FIRB whlch starte 1 in a restaurant at IronwooJ, Mh., on the 17th destroyed nearly the entire busiuesj portion ol the town, causing a loss of over fi5),0J0. Tnc Coiutilutlonal CeutennUl celebration at PUilalelpha was brought to a close on tho 17th. President Cleveland addressed an immoine throng In Independonco Square, una Jmtice Sliller, of the Supremo Court, doüvered the memorial oration. Fifteen bu ldings In the business portion of New Uartinsville, W. Va , wore detroyed by fi e on tho 17th. Is tho northarn half of the city of Washing, D. C. , thi vatiM--pipjB oxploded on tho 17th, tlooding ihu stteets and cuttlng off the water supply. Hbsiit Reidei, a Gorman weaver at Wilmingtcu, Dol. , murdered his wife and child with a pitol on the 17th and then made an unsuccussful attompt at suicide. Ue was arres trd. Nivbtï-six yeara ago on the 17lh General Washington la d tho cornjr-stone of. the Natloniil Capítol. Monroe Johnson (colorad) was lynched on tho 17th near Rteds, Ala., for the murder of Mrs. John Koster. At twenty-six leadlng clcaring-houset In the United tatos the exchnngos during the week euded on tha I7lh aggregatod rJ56,i,15, agaimt $S71,4U.77tl tho prevlous week. As comjiarol with the correpondin wenk of lsstf, tha incroase amouuts to 7.3 per cent.


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