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SALE OF STATE TAX LANDS AUDITOR UKMKKAL'S OFFICE. I I.animmi, Micu., .Inly 1, 18X7. f Notlcu i hereby jj'ven Uiat certain landn sim atcd I" the 'oinily of Waahtenaw, bid olí' to tin stut1 fttr Taxee uf XAHl and prevloai ycarn, and de ci;ntfJ in sialrnicnt whlch wil] b; forwarded to the olllcc of tin! TroMOTM of salet County mim m September, wlll Ihï lold at public auctlou ny iald Treasurer at Ihe Connty Seat, on the flrs 1úaaday oí October next, at the time and ;1 ut deslgnated for the Annual Tai Sale. If not pre vloualy redeemed or canceled according to law. Satd statements coatain a full descrlptlon of each parcel of sald landt, and muy be Heen on appllca tion at the office of the Connty treaaurer. Lands truck on" t tbe State for tau of 1884 or other yoari, at the Tai Salen In OctoUei last, wil bc oftVred subject to the rlght of rodcmptlon pre scrllied by Uw. H. H. APLIN, Al DITÜH UknKIIAI. ANNUAL TAX SALES. AUDITOK GKNKRAL'S OFOTCK, f Lansmii, Mu ii „ July 1, 1887. f So much of each of the following doscrlbe trncttt or pareéis of [.and, tgttuated In tb County of Waehtenaw. delinquent for u upa ui Tm for thi ycarf mentloned foelow, us will ba sultlclent U nay the Taxes, Inte'est and charges thoreoo, wlU bc sold by thi' Treannrer of natd County, on the fint Tuesday of October next, at lach public and convenlent place aH he shall fieicct In Ann Arbor theCounly Beat of HHid County, accordlng to the statule In such case made and provided H. H. APLIN. Al.'lHTOII UlNlItAL 18851 ié i í i i Town 4 South of Range U Easl. Se ü of se M Ex. 10 acres on s alde. 13 30 51.22 10.14 .ik) 62.00 Town 1 South of Range fi Kast. 4 aeren, bounded n e and s by htghway, w by DaWBOIl mi 'i "i K r t. 2 4 .1 .12 .60 1.33 18 acres, bounded o and e by Hurón rlver, s and wby M. C. R. R. and Delhi V.llage. 2 1H 6.06 1.! .60 7.8S Lot bounded n by MUI pruperty, e by hlghway s by Water strwt, w by 8chneldr. 2 .UI .18 .0 1.69 Town U South of Range ü Kunt. - N w i of s w K18 30 88 16.88 3 38 .U 30,11 Town 1 of South Range C. Kast. 5 U oí W fl U, 8 50 1.16 .28 .60 1.9 Toun ÍS of Bange 7 E. N Jof seof n w ü- 16 20 3.20 .61 .00 4.44 S % of ■ e 4 of n w 14. 16 20 3.20 .64 .t0 4.44 E y of n e Ú. W 80 1.00 .32 .60 2.52 N w a of s e ! 24 40 S.70 .51 .60 3.8 I m of b u. SS 80 4.40 .88 .60 5.88 6 K 80 2.40 .48 .60 3.4 Beelnln? 32 rods w of n e cor. f w ' of n e 't fec 26, theoce s 100 rods, thence w 48 rods, thenct n 100 rods, thence e 48 rod to place of beeintnc. l 30 17.12 3.42 .60 21.11 S e ■ of e w 14. 3? 40 7.65 1.53 .60 9.78 Citv of Ann Arbor. 8 V, of lot 5, bik 4 u r 4 e. 10 53 3.10 .60 13.23 Lot 3, bik ."i n r, 14 e. 2.19 .44 .60 3.23 Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, S and 22 links of tbe n side of lot fl. bik 4 r 3 e, ex. the rluht of way of the T. A. A. andN. R. R.,4er3e li'.HJ 1.38 .60 8.88 Lot 13, 3 s r 1 e 17.44 3.49 .60 21. .VI A plece of land bonnded e bj Wilt?, land 8 by Chubb road, w to a point n by Hamlln ut. 2.31 .48 .60 342 Baldwim-i AddUion. Lot 102, 103, 104 and 105. 7.26 1.45 .60 9.31 lirown and Fuller't AddUion, Land com 22 ft s w, along Broadway froni the s e cor. of lot 1, block 7, thence s w 22 H alonz Broadway to store, thence n w along the line ol sald store U0 ft, thence n e parallel to Broadwaj Ï2 ft, theuce s e 60 ft to place of begininp. 1.29 .26 .60 2.15 N w 24!- n in wldtb or s e. 46 ft in length of the n e 60 ft wtde of lot 1 bl 8. 1 94 .3!) .60 2.9:! Ingall'8 AddUion. Lot 11 bik Sur 15 e. 8.28 .65 .60 4.53 Onntby and Ptige's AdJUion. Lots 5 and 6 bik 19, also all that triangular plece of land e of bik I) , theraof lylng between the M. C. H. R. and the Hnron R., exceptlng the lot known as the Dlsllllery lot. 8.28 .65 .60 4.53 Patrxdge AddUion. Lot 15 bik 4. 1.2 .26 .00 2.15 Lot 9 bik 6. .65 .13 .00 1 ;IH Lot 12 bik 6. B.16 1.03 .60 6.79 Cj, of rptilanti. Párele of land bonnded n by land of J. Spoor and A. Coc, s by Chicago road, w bylandofS. Campbell, e by land of J. Kirk. 1.77 .35 .60 2.7i Parcel of land com. 9 chains 75 links s of r w corner lavi' Additlon, thence s 4 r, thence e 12 r, theuce n 4 r, tbence w 12 r. 1.79 .85 .60 74 . W. Vxzarlere't AddUion. Lot:. 1.77 .35 .60 2.72 NorrU' AddUion. N 1 r In width of lot 439. .90 .18 .( 1.08 Original Pial. Lot 40. 2.(10 .51 .1 3.71 Slvci't AddUion. S Hof lot 28. 1.73 .34 .6U 2.67 YUlage of Cheliea. 4 acre. honnd n by T. Swarthout's e by Malu st., w and s by H. McKone'f land. 80 6.46 1.29 M 8.35 A'. (nfqdon't AddUion. Lots 1 and 4 bik 9. 10.15 2.0 1 .60 1178 Lot U bik II. 8.30 1.411 ,M 1U.M J. M. Congdon't td Addition. Lot 2 bik 4. 2.31 .47 .00 3.88 VMage of Delhi. Kntlre !lk 1. 1.10 .2-) .60 1M Ixt 1 hik 2. 3.63 .73 .1 4.96 Lot 6 bik 2. .lil .12 .80 1 :ti Lot 7, 8, , 10, 1 1 and 12, bik ü. .55 .11 60 1 26 Lot 3 hik 3. .13 .02 .' .75 All of lots 3 and 4 lying s of M. C. R. R. Ik5. ■LM .60 .00 4.23 I-oU 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 and 12, bik S. .l .12 .60 1.3-t Kntlre llk 6. .61 .12 .60 L.3S Lot8 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, bik 7. .5.1 .11 .60 l.-.f, Kntire bik 8. 1.10 .22 .60 1.92 LoU 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 6, 7 and la. bik 9. .74 .15 .60 1.49 Village of Dtxter. Lot 8 bik 36. .44 .09 .60 1.13 VUlage of Manchetter.- O. and M. AddUion. Lots 1 and 2 bik 2. 1.07 .21 .60 1.88 Yitlagt: of Jtilan- Braman' t AddUion. LoU 8, 9, 10 and 11. 40.80 8.16 .60 49.56 DotU' t AddUion. Lot 9. L2 .11 .60 ypa Richard' AddUion. Lot 18. 3.58 .72 .60 4.90 IHi.ion and Warner' t AddUion. l.ot 1 and 21. 2.04 .41 .60 8.03 Lot 30. 1.02 .21 .60 1.83 nlage of MooreviUe. Lot 6 bik l,n r 1 w. .34 .07 .69 1.01 McCormtek't Ftat to Ypêitantl-T. S S. R.7 E. Lot 3. S41 .68 .60 4.69 V AS1I TKNAW COUNTY, ) t beasurib's Omcc, - Ank Abbok, Aiigust 24, 1SH7. I Notict i hereby given, That the sale of Lande in Washtenuw Coanty, advertbied by the Auditor General ax delinquent for Taxen of 1885 (and prevloosrears) wlll be beid at the Connty Treanrer Offlce in the City of Ann Arbor, the Connty seat of said County, commencinj; on Toesday, tbe 4th day of October net, at nine opdoek a. in., and contlnned from day to day (Snndays exceptcdl untll the tame nhall have been disponed of acettrdIng to Uw. F. H. BEL8KR, County Treaanrer. Don't Experiment. You cannot aiforü to waste time in experimentlng wlien your lungs ate in dan!ït. ('onsiimption always geems at tirstonly a cold. Do not perinit any dealer to Impose upon you with sonie clicap iniitntion of Dr. King'g New DUcovery for ('oiisiiruption, ronlis and colds, but be gure you get tlio geaulne. Becanse lie can maktí more prolit he muy tel) you he has tomelliing just as jrood, or juet the 8ame. Don't be deceived, but Insist upon getttng [)r. King'g New Discovery, wliich U (fuuranteed to glve relief in all Throut. hing and chest affectlons. Trial bottles f ree at Ëberbncli's drug store. " Ood has to jjit inisbaiids fer ivery ivoman ixcipt the old maida." 1 11 Brief, And To The Point. Dyspepsia isdrendful. Disordcred llver s misery. Itulljteitlon is a fue to good lature. 'l'lii' liiiiiian dicslivt! appuratus ix Olie ■f the most complicattd nU woiiderfnl hin?s in existence. It Is easlly put out of rc1er. Ureasy food, touli food, sloppy fixnl, nul cM)lKer. mental worry, late hours, rOtfUlar liahits, aud many other things ivhich oiight not to be, "have made the people a natlon of dvspeptics. Hui ilrirn' August Flower has done a vouderful woik in relormiugthissad buëiless and nuikiug the American people so lealthy thut they can enjoy tlieir meuls ud be happy. llememher : - No happincts without ïealtli. But Ureen's August Flower jrlngs liealth and happincss to the dyseptic. Aak your drugglst for a bottle. lerenty-flve cents.


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