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WHO l NA V gEE by EXAMWNO THS MAP thaT THE fcffl ■ - - ' " " " ' '---- ' ?? J : EbÍnoTní l l i y o i Bp CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y By reason of lts oentral positíon, cloo relation to principal Une East of Chlcapo and oontinuous linee at torminal points West, Northweet and i the only tme middle-link in that transcontinental syatem which invites and f acilitates travel and trafile in either direction between the Atlantic and racino. The Rock Island main line and branchoa include Chicafro,Joliet, Ottawa, La Salle Peoría, Oeneseo, Moline and Koek Island, in Illinois; Davenport, Muscatine Washington, Fairfleld, Ottumwa, Oakaloosa, West Liberty Jowa City, De liloines, lndianola, Winterset. Atlantic, Knoxvüle, Audubon, Harían, Outhrie Centro and Council Bluffs, in Iowa; Galiatin, Trenton, 8t. Joseph, Cameron and Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, in Knnna; Albert Lea, Minneapolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown in Dakota, and hundreds vt i-itormediate cities, towns and villatres. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guáranteos Speed, Comfort and Safety to thoao who travel over it. lts roadbed ij thoroutrhly boüasted. lts traok is of heavy steel. ItL bridges aro solid tructuroa of tone and iron. lts rolling stock is perfect as human skill can moka it. It ha all the safety appliances that mechanicol fjouiua ha invented and experience proved valttable. lts practioal operation is conservativo and mothodbaí- it discipline strict and exacting. The luxury of lts passenger accommoaation is unoqualed in the West unsurpassod in the world. ALL EXJPBE3S TBAINS betwoen Chicao and the Missouri Biver conit rfcomfortable DAY COACHES, magiiincent PULLMAN PALACE PABLOIl and SUEEPING CABS, elegant DININO CAB8 providin exceUent meal, and - between Chicago, St. Joseph, Atchison aad Kansas City rostfui BECLININO OHAIB CABa THE TAMOU8 ALBERT LEA ROUTE I the direct, rnvorite line between Chicaeo and Minneapoli and St. Paul. Over this route oolid Fiiut Express Trams run daily to tho uuuuner reaort, picturesauo localitio and hunting: and flshinif prounds of Iowa and Minnesota. Tho rich whoat Uelds and grazing laiids of interior Dakota are reachod via Watertown. A short desirablo route, via Sonooa and Kankakee, offers superior inclucoment:ï to travelers between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette and Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenwor'uh, Kansas City, Minneapolis, St. Paul and intermedíate points. All classes of patrons, especially families, lodiea and children, receive from officials and employés uf xiock Island trainu protoction, reapoctful courtesy a_d kindly attention. For Tickets, Maps, Folders - obtainable at all principal Ticket Oi&cea Lu Ui.' XJniled State and Canada - or any desired üiforuiation, addres, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, frttldwt jnJ Generjl Manager, Chicago. General Ticket .wd Passender Airent, Chicago


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News