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Why She Was Glad

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"Isn't it terrible to see siich a uumber of reporte of death by tyrotoxicaa f siiu remarked as ebe Waa entertaioing her best young man oue Sunday evenlng. "It is indeed.'1 'Mack, ilenr, Fin awfully Llail yoq mr not a newspaper mao. " "Wliy ■:" "BeoaOM they must be awfully stingy about bnying ice cream." - Merchant Travele r. A man can do without his own approbation in nuich society, but he must make great exertions to galu it when he lives alone.- Sydney Smitli. Gold can gild a rotton stick, and dirt sully au ingot. - 8ir P. tíydney. The statue lies bid In the block of marble; and the :trt of the st;itu;iry ouly clears away the superfluous m;itter and removes the rubbish. - Addison. To havo what we want is riches ; but to be ible to do without it is power. - Georgo Macdonald. A he:ivy w:ish-tub fttll ot svul-i Bllppad ort' a Hestor stieet fire escape the olher afternoon and Linded contenta and all on the shouliler of a purtas stranger. Jle pickod liiinselt up, pulled his trouscis away trom his skia to keep them froni stlcklng, and remarked toa polloeman: "Th;it nin'l so niuih of a hailstone, but derned 'f I ever see 'm come single afore.'' " Where ure you f rom'" Mked the oillcer. "Brule City, Uakotii," was the reply.- Tid Bits. III nature McageratM all other il' u


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News