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A National Republican Club Convention

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Tlie Republlcad Club of New York City Is idriatllg with local Uepublican Clubs all over the United States in rclerence to holding a niitlonal convention compoaed of delegates f rom each club of the kind In the Union, and submits the following suggestions s to details : 1. Eacli iCi-pnblifiin Cliih to send flve deleunten to tiio propoKol oonventlon. 2. The delegatlon frora n club to cast but on e vote. :. The eonventlon shall be held In the city of New York, some time In November of 1887. 4. The convention shall not nnme recominend or nomínate any camlidate for office. 5. The prlraary object of tbe conventlon 1h to conslder the subject of tbe organlcatlon of Kepiibllcau Clubs, and the best raanuer of conriucting thelr work. I!. The roiivoiition to organizo In tbe usual way by nppolntraeut of varlouH commltteeR, to report to tbe maln body. Snch as tbeCominlltee on Credentlals, tbe Commlttee on lVi 'iiiam-nt Club Organlasatlons.Sta te League iiikI a National 1eague, tbe Commlttee on Order of Business, tho Commlttee on Hosoliitions, the Coiiinilttco on tbe Platform of tbe ECepnbllaan l'arty. 7. rroiulni'nlrepuhllcnnsmlgbtbe lnvlted toaddress tbe conventlon on some Important polltlcal quostlon, as for lnstance. the tiirlfr, labor, antl-saloon movement, the flshery questlon, the merchnnl marine reform In municipal govornrnent, tbe negro vote In the soutli, the effect of pnuper lmmlgratlon upon the worklngmen and women of the country, or on some one of a half dozen otber subJecU that miRht be mentloued. 8. Wblle extended debate on questlons of the day Is not practicable, the body can rendlly formúlate lts views hy a serles of resolutions, and detailed dUcusnlon be relegated to the clubs. It is suggested that cach Iocnl club authorize lts president to 8;n a cali for sucli a national convention, mul that ■ delegation of tive members be chosen to attead the same. It would secm as if this was a wise sugestión and thiit tbc Wasliteuaw club ouglit to act thereon. luniiy man wno asKcu, 'wlicrc is the state of matrimony ?" receivud the following explanatory answcr. "It is in the Uoited States. It is boumled by hugging and kissing on one side, and eradles and babies on the other. lts chief products are population, brooin-sticks and stay out late nights. It was discovered by Adam and Eve wliile trying to find a nortliwest passage out of paradise. The climate is rather sultry uutil you pass the tropics of housckeeping, when s(ualling weather commonly sets in with suflicient power to keep all hands cool as cucumbers. For the principal road leading to the interesting state consult the first pair of blue eye8 you run against." Tramps continue to pass the nstitution daily, some going east and others west ; some directing thelr steps to polnts from whicb others departed only yestcrday, and nearly all of them bearing in their faces the unmistakiUile evidence of bodily hunger and mental torture. Occasionally one will halt long enough at the new building to inquire anxiousl}' for work, while others will ask to satisfy their hungcr with the paupers' fare. Meauwhile the world goes rooring on, actresses getting $1,000 for repeating lines whose authors are in that same county house; others getting half that sum for brushing flies from the ceiling with their heels; the grand stand of the norse race or base bil] match packed with spectators at half a dollar a plcce, and the faithful pastor proclaiming the gospel to empty pews. Surely existing conditions needexplunation and reiuljustment. - Wayne Review. The G. A. K. post of Howell proposes to erect a monument at that thriving little city in memory of the brave boys who perished on southern battle fiolds in detense of our constitution and laws. and in the cause of freedom. Some of the bravest of the brave went from Livingston coiuity, and the oíd 5th Michigan infantry left nixny noble lellows lylnr upon hard fought southern battle fields. The only brother of the writer of tliis item lies in an unmarke ', unknown grave, on the battle tielrt of Williamsbnrg, Va , havlng been instantly killed wliile with bis company (I) in makiog a charge upon the enemy. No headstone marks liis grave, but in the hearts of more than one Hiere Ii83 been treasured an ever green epltaph to tlie momory of J. AshIev Pond, one of the kindest, bravest aud truest men whose life waa sacriticed for the preservation of tliis nutlon. In bolstering up tlie blundering vetoes of Governor Luce, some of hls organs refer to the fact that he has received many letters commending his couree. Tlila proves little, or nothing. The Chicago anarchlsts have hnndreds of admirers, Guiteau received any amount of attention, and Jacob Sharp hns tlie sympathy of thousands. There may be some who, knowing the exact facts in the case, 8till believe that the university has had more than its share of money; but by far the larger portion of thofe who cry against the university would be ju3t as greatly pleased if the governor should strike down the normal school and the agrioultural college; if, in some way the high schools could be aboliMicd, or, more supreniely selfish and short-sighted stil] tliey would beglad to go back to the old i rate bill system, where each man mus) pay for the education of Lis children, and the state puy tor none. If taxes could be abolislied, such men would spend whole cent's worth of ecomiuma on the abolisher. As to public benefitg derived from the support of schools, that lias little to do vith thelr view of the case. Their children are througli wlth school, and their prnyer is, "Lord, bless me and my wlfe; my son John, and bis wife; us four and no more. Amen.1' -School Moderator. "Women are almost inyarlably good company. But you should remember never to waste a good dinneron a woman. Tliey have absolntely no idea of the delicacies and beauties of a thoroughly ballancod dlnner, and the younger tliey are the less able are they to appreclnte the work of an accomplished chef. There is scarcely a woman in New York who would rather not put on a new gown and eat a wretched dinner amld the splendor of Delmonico'8 or the Brunswick than eat a capital dinner at the lowly restaurant. A man, on the other hand had rather eat a gnod dinner n a hovel than a Dan one ín a pnlace. What the women like is lots of tiDsel, gold, cut glass, colored lights, gorgeous ices, graceful champagne glasses, and strnins of music. Give them these tliingg and they don't care a rap for the rest. If you take a stupid friend to dimier you stand a very fair chance of having your meal spoiled, unless he Is a very oíd friend. If you know hini very well you may indulge in long perloda of silence- the privilege of old frieiidships- niid devote your entire attention to the dinncr. ín th8 case a stupid friend Is often a blessing in dlsgulse, for it ia very annoylng at times to be obliged to keep up a (iré of small talk wlien there is more important business on hand."- New York Sun. It never occurs to fools that ment. and


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