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Oh! Come To The Fair!

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Nol onlr tliat as an inducement, but more too, should be oll'ered by every young man to tía best glrl, for the Washtenaw County Fair, wliicli commences on tbc fair grounds in this city next Tuesday atul continúes through four days, is to bc one of the very best exliibits of the kind ever held within the limita of the county. This is a fact, tin honest fact, and we know it to be a fact, for John ISice Alhier, Ihn secretary saya so, and so does Fred B. Iiraun, the president, and V. W. Tozer, treasurcr, confirnis the opinión, and what they say 3 so, every time. lint to come down to business. Entrit'8 should be made as eurly as convenient, If not sooncr, and wc again urge upon all friends of the society the iinportance of bringing something to the fair tliis year. Wnshtcnaw county has long been at the front as a rich agricultural county, and nothing will bettcr advertise heradvantages than a niagniticent of farm products snch as shc is capable of making at the coming exhlbition. Iiemctubei' thcre will bc no one big day at the fair this year, even if Gov. Luce is coming, but every day will be n big day. Therefore, don't wait till the tliird or fourth day, but come the lirst day and stay till the last and get the full benefit of the big show, and you will never regret the time and expense. Don't come alone, eithcr, but bring aloug the boys, and where the boys go the girls will follow, of course. All come. Everybody come. This invitation extends to Ypsilantians, Dexterites, Cuclseans, Manche8terians, Whitmore Lakera, Salineites, Milanese, Dixboreans, Salemites, Kaisinvlllers, Moorevillers, Uellevillers, Gcddesburghers, Nortli - Lakers, TortageLakers, Kasc-Lakers, CavanaugliLakere, or any other akers, ites, ians. ese, or er in the county, regardless of race, color, sex or previous condition of servitude, ( but don't forget to bring along a quirter.) We have been emphatically informed that no swindlers or gnmblers of any , species will be allowed to prey upon the . people. Tliere will, bowever, be plenty ( of amusement, and nmple opportunity I will be giren for all who atteml to have i a j"yi good time. As a parting word it miglit not be out , of place to reitérate that witu good . weather, the coming fair will be the best ever held in this county. The managers are doing their part well and all that is now neccssary is fair wcather and tlie success of the OQBling cxhibition Is assured. It isn't possible or necessary that evi'iybody should take the first premium on everything. Even if yon fail to get a premium your efforts are far from being a feil ure. It createa within you a spirit of rivalry, and yon will secretly vow within your heart that you will be ahead iiext year, at any rate, and this spirit will i-ncourage you aul your boys and girls to study and work to have the best to be produced. Besides being educators these fairs aie spuis and prick one up to keep abreast if not ahead of the times. He who falls behlnd thejprocession now, In farming as in everything else, gets left. It is none of our business of eoonw, but it Iook9 to a man ut this short distance as if no enterprisinif and wideawake merchant should fail to niake a display of his goods at the fair. If you do you are way behind the present proíieísive ajre. Make an exhibit at the fair, show the people what kind of goods you deal in and, by so doing, you will become better acquainted wlth your customers, and cultívate a frlendship which will last for years, and aside from your being benetited in a social polnt of view, it will hereafter work to your advantnge in a linancial way. AU school children wil! be admitted to the fair on Tnur3day at ten cents each. Hailroads will carry passengere at one and one-third fare. E. M. Lewia, of East Milán, will exhiba at the Washtenaw Co. Pair, to be held at Anti Arbor, Oct. 4-7, twenty head of Holsiein Friesan cattle, among them the noted prize buil "Boxmeer," and the celebrated cow "Chatauqua Giil." Milk record of 85 Iba. per day, 2,400 lbe. in thirty dayg. Also a heifer seven months old glving about two quarts of ni i 1 U per day. The failure of President Cleveland to vi.Mt our countj' fair this fall Is a great loss to himself and wife. Wliile we may not have the only two-lerged hojis in existence- yet we have a huge exhibit- and the only chnnce he and Mrs. C. will ever have to see a double-headed bobtailed rooster will have been frittered away. If the Ann Arbor fair falls to draw many of our people the manager can take the Diamo upon thelr own shoulders as they have apparently made no effort to Induce our people to attend. The Enterprise has not recelved a word from them. not even a program me.- Manchester En terpriee. All of which is respectfully referred to the appropriate committee with the suggestion that it might be well to pay some attention to the prees of the county. The said committee will find that it will cost but littlu and pay well. SPECIAL SPEED PREMIUMS. 'Tis speed, 'tis speed, 'tis speed tliut m:ikes the norse go rouud the race track, and go on. The races at the fair wlll, without doubt, be the best ever witnessed la the county. Some of the best horses in this part of the state will be here. Tlie track has been put in excellent conditlon, and gome fine exhibiüons of speed may be looked for. No one should fail to wltness them. To obtain these ptirses there must be at least live entries and tliree to startineach race, excepting races number one and two. All races thiee in five mile heats. except races number 1, 2, 4, 7 and 8, which shall be two in three. The mnnagtment reserve the right to altérnate heats and to postponeor declare oft' auy race. In races Nos. 1, 2, 4, 8, county race, all horses kept for porting purposes or that have started in any race are barred. Horses must be owned in county. Doublé teams must have been owned and driven togethcr. and siugle horses owned for thirty days prior to fair. Stullions barred. Horses must be shown in fourwheeled ipriag vellidos and driven by owner. Kntries close ut 12 o'clock, noon, on the day of race l'u:liiy, (kt, 'i -Race No.l, County race. DoabUteam four yearsold. l'urae, f80.00. lat, I6OO; 8d, $S 3 I, IS Q0, W'alnesday-Wtuv No . County rac-r. Doublé team five ycars old or over. Paree, (50.00. Ist, $35.00; 81, $1500 Sd, $10.00. Race No. ü. 2:tO eliiM. l'ui.s-, 160. Ist, $70.00; 2tl, $-10.00; 3,1, $26.00; Uta, $15.00. ü.ii'i No. 4. Countj' r:icc. 8n;lc nmre or Kolcllng, flve jeurs old or ovci. Pane, $30.00. lt, $13.OO 2.1, $io.oo; Sd, $5.00. Thnraday- Race No. ■". .Yiniod race. Purse $100.00. Ist, $50.00; 2.1, $25.(11); Sd, $Iö.00; 4tli, $10.00. EUgiblf only to horses to be beraaftes aantal. Race No. fi. 2:30claf8. Tuis.-. $l'00.00. Ist, $100.00; 2tl, $00.00; 'M, $:l 00; lili, $20.00. Race No. 1. Jiumiing race. 3i mile. Purse $10000. Ist, $50.00; 2J, $:tü.OO; Sd, $20.00. l'riiliii - R'ice No. 8. Counly race. Tliree yeir old. Purse $2000. Kst, $15 50; 2.1, $0.00; H, $1.00. Race No. 9. ;!:00c1mss. Piirse $150.00. Ist. $70.00; 2J, $4000; :)d, $25; 4th, $15.00. Race No. 10. Frce for-all. Pursc, $200.00. Ist, $100.00; W, $5000; .'il, $30.00; itli, $20.00.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News