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The New Fruit Works

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The long desired aml iiiucli iicciled fruit evaporator- jelly and cannlng fiictoiy luis at last becooie a (Leed fact. The cnergetic and enterprising iinn of Almenüitijïer it Ocbnelder have liad thr worki in running order for only ■ inontli and are now doing a lively business both for themselves and patroiiB. The enpor&tlng oapacity of the Charlotte evaporator per day is ]J0 busheU of apples, or 75 bushels of peachca. And the boiler of 50 horse power is of snfflcient capaeity to run asecond cv.iporalor if the businiss requires it. The engine has the capaeity of grinding and pressiug out eider frora 1000 bushels of apples per day. The hydraulic press of 80 tons pressure will extract the juice of 40 bushels of apples In 10 minutes, and nnother press of the same c:ipacity can be run by the same entine if requlred. The jelly department is iloinjr a laige business and can manufacture 120 :als. of uppie jelly per day; and is also prnducing uu excellent article of grape and pear jelly. Au apple butler machine is used which will work up 50 bushels of apples a day. A large generator for nianufacturing eider into vinegar in one week will ue operated, the product to be a perfectly pure article. The ennning department will be in operation next seasou, and large quantities of tomatoes, corn, peas, squash, etc. will Ilnd a ready sale at the' factory. This is an enterpnse Iliat all of ourcitlzens will appreciate, as it will be of great benelit to a large number of producers and our business men generally. The works so far liave cost $5,000, the ngreement with the Pomológica! Society has been carried out, and the comuiittee now earnestly desire that thosu who have so generously subscribid to the bonus fund will be ready to pay their subscriptlons, when our autliorized ñggot, Martin Clark, thnll soon nall mum tii.., FlNANfE COM The "grand surprise" awaitinr the mem bers of Welefa Post, No. l;j7, ;. ,v. R. after their business meeting on Fridaj evening last, as mentioiicd in the Cour ier of last week, was indeed n surprise as the orljrinator of it, Mr. John Cox (one of the comrades) went to D.iyton Oliio, on the excursión to the BoWier'i Home there, mul diil not arrive here iintil 11 o'clock p. m. Initead of j p. m , M lic aiiticlpatcd, and so tlie members of 'the l'ost made frequent inquines and were kept in blissful innocenee of wh;it the "surprise" consi9tediif untü shortly after the closing of the business meeting wlicn going into the ante-room they were met by a quiirtette of eolored vocalists. who, (havii) DO oneelse to introduee tbem), introduccd tliemselves to Col. H. S. Dean, as "The Twilight Quartette." They were escorted Into tue Post's ltu.ll, invited to seats and aftor order was called proceeded to ive the post a seleetion of some of their characteristic and ptmMng melodie. The volees were good, especially the b;iss and 2nd tenor, and well trained, und the si In-Nous chosen were rendercd in such a manner :is to receive the hearty encoré of the comnulcs after ench pieee. Afler kteral selections the (nartette biil theaudience good Blght, and were r'ivcn "three In ni (y cheers and a ti'er" by the old veterans, who well know liow to give the MM, Fearless gentleness is the most beiiutlful of len.lnine attraetions, hurn of nodeatjr and love.- Mis. Balfour. Mr. AMen Benedict is the only succe:f il r'.vul of James O'Neil in "M me Chrtat ."-New Vork Time?. TlieSiult Sta Slaiic .Neus h„s been enlarea tod improved mvmly, and i boand ,to keep step wiili ilic bofim'ng '■Soo.1' It is Dow u leren col. quurto, pnbliihed by Uemn C il. Clmpmwi anti F. W. Phillips, both linstlers. It s a r Inging, wkle nwake pnper, and much valutd us an exclmnge. OurLiltle Ones, the prinee of magazines for the little folk?, comes to us loadeddown wJth iha verj best of little one's literatura and picturfl in the Oetobar issue. It is a wise investment f.r auy family wliere there are childrcn, for it not only au.uses but iustruets is well. Í 1 JO per year. Kussel Pub. Co., Boston. A very clever swlndle is being woiked. The "operator" visiu a jewelry store and when lie gets nenr enough to tlie nick on which repaired watclies are suspended lie exiimines tiiein mui on the tags tliat ure usually ittached to the watches he learni tlie nauies of the owners and tlie aniounts due for repairs. He then leaves a:.d shortly after be sends a note properly siuricd and the amonnt due on some watch by a meMenger boy, asking that the limepiece be sent by bearer. Tlie jeweler not luspectlng Kuythlng wroug gives the boy the watch.- Caro Jeffersonian. A mileston3 In tlie patli if the npublican party s record s bxought to miuil by the present of i cañe IVoin Daniel Freenian, of Beatrice, Xel r ..-ka, to Hon. Gilusha A. Grow, the antbor "I t!ie homestead Uw. The cane was in■eribed : "To Hon. Galusha A. Grow, Speaker ofCongress, 1SG1-3. Thiscui,. vrew OM the flrat hometttad In the United Ömtri, Prewnted by the iirst horiiestcadcr Dunlel Freeman, Beatrice, Nebruka. Mr. Freeman'i applioatloii onder the homestead aet was No. 1, entrv Ni) 1 proof of residence No. 1, patent No l' recorded in pajfe No. 1, volume No. I oí


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News