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I there some quiet llttlo place Wliere. men deal on the square; Wlieri' woinen sometimos huid thelr tODguei Aml glrls won't bang thelr htiir ? If such a pnradlse there be, tio search the country turough, And If you fl ml it- wrlte at ouce, And we'll go there p. d. q. RT, Dr. Iiamsay will occupy the pul pit in the lecture room of the M. E churcli next Sunday morning and even. ing. Rev. Dr. Zichary Eddy, of Detroit will hold services at tlie Presbyteriaii ctuirch next Sunday, morning and evening. Frederic B. Bram, supervisor of Arm Arbor town, lias been drawn as a juroi for the present term of the U. S. court nt Detroit. Dr. Chas Howell, formerly of Alpena, has decide.l to lócate permanently in this city, and hasopened an office in the St. James, front rooin No. 4. It tak es a whole street fiill of men to settle a sidewalk grade now.- ('00 riek. Helio! Say, were you over here to see the circus.- Saline ubserver. No, bat we had a whole circus and several sideshows combined, all of our own. Strange that some men should have been given two ears and but one tongue when, as every body knows, they would rather talk all d;iy than listen five minutes. Xew telephones have been put in as follows: Williams & Son, State st., No. 136; Andrews & Co., State st., No. 118; Delta Tau house, No. 103; Prof. D'Ooge's, No. 30. A plan bas been devised to stop any drought that may show itself next season by holdinsi a f;iir during its continuance - for fairs and rains are sure to come together. The street railway that Ann Arbor might have had, but whose council would not grant a charter, would do more to boom the town than any other thing that could be done. Burglars brokc into the office of Jas. Tolbert'8 lumber yanl on Depot st., last Sunday night, and Manager Keech informs us they secured about two dollar? that had been left in the drawer. The Dexter Leader remarks: "The people of Dexter and vicinlty are much pleased to earn of the return of Hev. S. II. Adams to the pulpit and pastorate of the M. E. churcli for the coming conference yciii '." Tlie Ann Arber lirowns playt'd the Michigan Central base ball club of Detroit on the fair groiinds last Saturday p. m., and gave them thtir tirst defeat of Éreason, by a score of 27 tot), knocking pitchers out of the box during the Ie. Soini' of the ladiea in this city are in terror over the appeaiance in thê city of tlie dreadetl carpet worm. It is a peculiar sort of an insect that futtenson Parta green, arsenic and various othor poisons, and keept riglit on at U business of destro iiiír c:irn!-ts. IdIiii L. Irwiii, at one time an assistant at ihe imlverslty, but for tlie past seven ycurs In cliurec f extensive chemical tvorks :it Cinciniuiti, will resume his stu. lies at the iinivemty this f all. After complutin liis coursejiere lie expeett to MnMi up at Berlín, Germany. 'ily Altiinicy Whifnmu hal rendi-retl :in opinión to the Yp'ilanli council the budius and onaameoti muy be removed from tlieir otd eeateterjr tothe new aml tlie cemetery vacated. It seems lli;it Y)sil;mti and Ana Arbor have each tlie sanie soit of a question to grapple wltli. Sonic miscreant without any consclence or even a plnce wliere a consciente sliould be, stole i lot of clothes trom the line of Mrs. Kalioe, in the 4th ward last Tuesday nlgUt. Mrs. Kahoe 8 a hard-working woman, and tlie clothes were the property of a funily for whoni she did wiisliliijr. The School of Muslc opens on Thursday of this week, lessons beginning on tbat date. Indlcations point to an increase in the number of students. Pupils expecting to ntteud ehould cali at once at the office in university hall. Office honrs from 8:30 to 12 a. m , and from 2 to 5 p. m. The Los Angeles world of a recent date has tlie following item in reference toanold time Ann Arbor citizen: "Dr. R. W. Ellls has been elected president of the Orange railroad company of Pomona. The company intendsto construct tsllne at once, the money already having been subscribed for that purpose." The marriage of Prof. Henry Sewall, "f the university, to Miss Joscphine Viikers, dmi-hter of the preM.lent. of the ickers Express Company, at Toronto last Wednesday, was one of the great social events of the season in that city. One of the presenta the bride received was a solid silver brick welghing ten pound8. We uiiderstand that the studenU of the Chriftian Association have resolved that its members shall not pay for rooms to exceed $2.00 per week, two to occupy a room. Whlch is certalnly their privilege. Now how would t do for those renting rooms to get together and have sonie. thing to say abont wbat they will rent rooms for? At a meeting of soldiers and sailors at Detroit last Thursday the "Eastern Michi?an Association of Soldiere, Sailors and Citizens" was formed, and Hón. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilantl, and M. Van Tassel were eleoted vice presidenta for this county. The counties uniting in this are Wayne, Wnshtenaw, Monroe, Macomb, Oaklaml, Livingston and IriEham. Cards are out iinnouncing the inarriage of Miss Ella IIii)Káterfer, of this city, and Dr. James C. Stevens, on Wednesday evening October 12th, at 6 o'clock, at tlie resldence of the brkle's mother, Mrs. J. Hangsterfer, Xo. 28 S. Main st. The couple will lmve the good wishes of a l'ost of fritiuls In their new relations, and 11 lOBf, prospcious and happy life s the Col'iiiKu's wUb. Tlierelsoniething peculiar about one 'act. Every timc a person playfully pomts a revolver or gun that "isn't wwW at a friend the thing goes off and killstheoneatwhomltls pointed dead, "" tlic'spot. But every time a. fellow :""s auch a fire ann at a burglar and the tlimg i, londed, either the concern won't go off at al or e)ae wln not h(wt wjt(ijn a lialf mile of ts mark It mattere ltttle where I was bom, If ray paren tg were rtch or poor, Wtiellier they slirunk at the cold world's soorn, Or walked iu the patha of wealth secure ; Hut whether I live an honest man, Ainl lioltl my tnU'Krity liria iu ray olutch, 1 teil you, my brother, plaln as I am, It matter inuch. Geo. E. Bliss, of Jackson, sou of Wal. lace W. Bliss, of tliis city, is to be tnarricd loon. Lydia Stoll, iigetl 20 years, died on Friday the 23J Inst., of iiiflamation of the bowel, after a short llness. Tliere will bea meeting of the board of directora of the Wushtenaw Mutual Firc Ins. Co. Saturday to adjust loases. The Unlversity opens next Tuesday, and the crowd at the depots at each incoming train is a large and happy one. The Homeopathie College will have a formal opening on Friday evening. An aMress will be given by Dr. Obetz, dean, at 7:30. The case of John Reynolds, on a charge of kcepine bis saloon open on Sunday, has been adjourned until next Monday. Leon Merritlicw, of Ann Arbor, and Miss Jennie Albro, of Howell, wcre uiarned at the latter place recently by Justice Gregory. J. J. Goodyear is to commence the erection of a liew residence on 8. División st, and we yenture to predict that it will be neat and tasty. The 22d annual reunión of the 20th Mich. Infantry will be held at Charlotte, on Oct. 12th, in which friends of the deceased comrudes are cordially invited to join. On Sept. 21st, by Kev. Sarautl Breed, Mr. Pusey "W. Moore, of tliis city, and Mies Ida C. Durling, of Ypsllantl, were united In marriage at tlie residence of the brlde's parents. Gottlob Luick had one finger taken off his riglit hand Monday morning, and the balance of the hand badly cut by being ciuglit in the knives of the "whitler," at Lulck Bro's planing mili. A story that a couple of young ladies n this city successfully passed the Detroit custom house officials the other day, each witli a brand new Canadian dres conveniently u?ed for a bustlc, is being told. Will Zebbs a young crlored lad who works for C. Mack, got hold of au old horse pistol the otlier day, and slipped a marble down the barrel, and in sonie way the pistol was discharged, the marble going through Zebb's hand. County Clerk Howlett issued two ninrriage licenses this a. m., the first one to Kmanuel C. Spring and Miss Kmina Heinrich, of this city. As no license could be legally issued until to-day, " Mannie" probably starts out No. 1. The first meeting of the season of the Amphictyonic Club or Chautauqua Circle, will be held at the residence of Dr. Darling, on E. University ave., on Friday evening next. All thosc wishing to abite with the club ure requested to be present. The lirst marriage license uder the new law, granted by County Clerk Howlett, was made out yesterday to Fred B. Gillett, a farmer rf Vork, aged 23 and Miss Lottie Inman, of the same township, a music teacher, age tif - sixteen, to be married Thursday next. The Notth Lake correspondent of the Chelsea Herald has this to say: "When you buy a landscape painting in the future, you niay chance to get one of North Lake and surrounding views which are belng taken by Ann A-bor ladies. They are very beantiful." The county board of school exainincrs held a meeting with the Judge of Probate yesterday, and a question of who conslituted the board came up, and an ndjournment was effecled to obtaln the opinión of the Attorney General as to who holds over asamember, Mr. Lehman, or Mr. Lodeman whosueceeded Mr. Warner, who resigned to be candidate for secretary.