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Time table tak int' effect Nov. lith, ]88fi, 4 Vntral Ntnndanl Time. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. " I II 1= éTH "- Hl si p il ï1 1! U.H. A.a. P.H. p. h. p.a. p.b a. Chicago ..Lv.i 6 50 9U0 3 10 4 40 8 15 91, Kalamao...ll17 1 50 6 58 50 12;it j in, BatU UraekJ I I 2 27 7 33 143 3 2U 7 57 Jackson I 8 15 4 28 849 315 4 50 U 15 GrassLake....! 8 38 ■ 51 ('helsea 85 685 9 58 Dexier 4 14 5 50 1HU7 Delhi MUI... 422 1(114 Ann Arlior.... 4 83 5 30 945.... 4% 'tl 10 25 Yusllantl 4 50 5 45 9 50 4 52 8 24 10 40 wayneJunc. 5 15 05 515 471108 Detroit. ...Ar. 6 00 7151045... 6 IJ 7 30 12 05 Xt.Thoma 1115 2 45 100 9 66 81 Falls View 546.... 12".. .... N. Falls 222 5 48 133 55s'.. Buffilo 4 86 755 7 355 610. ..I DETROIT TO CHICAGO. 5 p Í I M-fl I .T.O.. ïf HW II ïÖlï __it_l__ „ _ , A.M. A.MA. M A. M A. Bnffalo 1130 5 46 6 06 00ll; N. falla i W15 081 1220 .. ' St.Thomaa...i 415 1OOL.... 115 44,1.... A. M A. M. P.m. IV. P.M. p V . Detroit.... Lv.' 700 910 130 4 00 800 915 WayneJanc; 7 40 53 2 08 4 45 837 955 ' . Ypsilantf .... 801 10 12 2 20 5 12 858 1020 " AnuArhor... 81K1025 282 580 91Ï1088 Delhi MIIIb.. 8 542. Dexter 885 550 9 3"" ('helsea 848 605, 952" (liMnUke... 10 97llO 15 " Jackson 986 1185 382 7 10 1052 1203' '" Battle C'reck.. 11 03 114 140 H 62 12 12 135 Kalamazoo... 1162 150 5 15 ISO 235 445' Chicago.. .Ar. 5 15H40 nao.... 17 00 805 1020 O. W. KUOGLB8, H. W. HAÏKS. O. P. & T. Agent Agt.. Aun Atbor. Chicago. Toledo, Ann Arbor & Norili Kall war. TIME SCHBDULB. Totake effect nt 12 o'clock, noon, 011 Smiday, Aueust 7tli, 1887. Trains rnn by Standard Time. GOING NORTH. -i tS I STATIONS. S 2O o. i o S SS? Si Sr. _ . . U. M. P. M. P. .A. M. Tedo Lv 5 15 3 15 6 2. 5 60 Maiihatuu Junction 5 20 3 20 6 40 6 10 ■4llexi" 527 3 26 650 6 45 Sainarla 545 3 4I, 7 10 7 25 Mouroe Junction 6 02 3 55 7 85 8 10 un 6 15 4O67 60 8 30 "" 6 25 4 1618 10 8 00 Milán h 35 4 ,i3 8 45 9 30 50 4 4.V N Ni 10 00 "'tíiield 7 Ui 4 SI 9 00 10 20 Ann Arbor 7 lí 5 10 '. -i, 10 55 UlUd. 7 8315 30 50 155 Whitmore I Jke 7 4 5 4' So 12 2 13 Howell o :tu 6's f,') 5 uo Durand 30 7 20' t) 80 p.m. ('ornnna 9 65 7 46 10 85 . Owiiimo 10 01 7 56jll 001 OwoBdo Junction 10 06 8 1011 or Iihaia II ii; I 16 ] n ....' SU Louls 1135 9 38 3 Sfj .... A'niH II 42 9 41! 3 Mi .... Mt. l'lcanant Ar li 80 10 30 6OO..„ I' . 1'. SI. I'. H . . jM UOINU SOUTH. STATIONS. S fS Sp f A. ■. P. M. V v. Mt. Pleasant Lv 8 4(1 (i :io 180 Alma 10 15 7 20 220 St. L011Í8 II ti 7 27 2 4 Ith'ica 12 25 7 V, 2 46 Owosso Junction 4 00 8 55 4 ir Owoíbo 4 08 9(0 4 00..'.'.. ('orunna 425 9 08 4 15 Durand 6 10 9 SU 4 :tt i'.'ñ Howell 7 40 10 20 5 33 5 (K)' Whitmore Lukc Kx. 11 00 6 iti G SO Leland ti 45 11 0 m 7 33 AnnArbor 7 15 1130 (i 5: 10 55 IllUfleld 7 26 114:) 7 04 1180 Irania 7 35 1150 7 15 1150 Milán 7501204 7 a 12 24 Azalia T 8 00 12 14 7 40 12 40 Dnndee 8 10 12 24 7 50 110 Monroe Janction 8 20 12 31 8 00 130 Samarla 8 41 12 4( 8 21 2 Ín Alexis 9 03 1008 40 2 4 MiinnatiMi Junction 9 08 1 05; 8 .'0 :! 0 Toledo Ar 9 15 1 10 8 55 3 15 Á. t. T. M.P. M. P. M. Sonth Lyon Branch. NORTH BODND. STATIONS. SOU1II BOINI. Train 6 Tniln 1 P M. p. m. 50 Lv. Lclands Ar. l V, 10 00 Ar. Wordeni. Ar. 6 40 10 20 Ar Sonth Lyon I,v. 6 :t0 ('ounectlons: At Tolido, wlth rallroadR iühtl: ing; at Manhattan Junction, wlth WlieelinK A Laku Krle R. H.; at Alexis Junction, with T. I'. K. K., L. S. & M. S. Rt. and F. & i'. M. R. H ; at Monroe Junction, witn L. S. & M. S. Ry.; at Dnndee, wlth L. 8. M. . Ry., M..U'. Ky.;at Milmi Junction. wlth Wabash, St. L00I9 S Paclnc Kj at PittsflHd, with L.S. M. B. Ky.; at AnnArbor wlth Michigan Central R. K., and al South I.jon with Detroit, Lanslng & Northern H. H., and Mlch. A. L. Div. of Grand Triink Hy. At Hamburg wlth M. A. Upa DiviílonUrarid Truuk R'y. At Howell wlth Detroit, Lineln; A Hortteers R'y. At Durand wltb Chicago Jt Grand Trunk R'y ana Detroit, Grand Haven fc Milwnukrp R'y. At Owotso Junction wüh Detroit, (írand Htron A Milwaukee R'y and Michigan Central K. R. Ai St. Louis wlth Detroit, Lar.eing i, Northern R. lí. and Snci naw Vallvj & Bl. Louie h'y. At Alma wlth Detroit, Lanslne & Northern R'y. At Mi. Pleagcot wilb Fhnt & Pre Marquette K'y. H. W. ASHLEY, General Manager. W. II. BESNKTT, O. G. WALKS. Gen'l. Pa. Ticket Aeent. Local A goot. WHITE BROHZE MONUMENTS MonumenlsígnVStatuary. J Eníorsed ItóMERióíJupERlOTo THE ABOVE G00DS CAN BE SEEN AT N0.5SS0UTHMAÏIVST., OPPOSITE KECK'S FURNITURE STORE. BENJAMIN CULY, Agent 81-81 W GET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. SeCurtty held for the protectlon of the ioltcy CHRISTÍAÑ MACK Bepresenta thc followlng Urst-claps comi:inlef, o' whlch ooe. the .Stua, has alone paid 5(i , 000,000 nre lomes Ín slxty-five years: Etna, of Hartford $ 0,198,644 Fraiiklin ot l'liihululpliia :i,HS.71! Germania, N. Y 2,700,738 Gorman A.merlcaD, N. Y 4,00 I.oiulnii Assurance, Londotw.. 1 _ -4 1 MiolirjfftB r. á M., Di-lroit... 287, N. Y. l'tuUTwritcrs, N. Y 2,896,679 National, Hartford 1,774 Phcenix, Brooklyn 3,758,086 Losses libcrally adjusted and nromptly pfltd. Policies issucd ut the loweut ratos ol premium. lmitf irniTTIlT to he made. fut thls out and ■ I m L v i"'" o s. ni '■ wl" "CÍ I I ll h I Iri-e, SOmething of rr. at va hit lili 1 and Importance toyou, that ; 1I1U1IJJ1 rtartjOBlB bnslnwi. which will hring yon Ín more money rlg t awav than auytliinï elsein this worla. Anyone Bcan do the work and live at home. Ktther ex ; al) re. Sonieihlng ni1', tliat jiist colns money fur all workers. We wlll Urt you ; capital no'needed. Thls Ir onc of (he treuulne, Important chances ol a 'Ifetime. who are ambltlous and entirprising wlll nol delays Addrese Tin i A ('o., Augusta, Maine.


Ann Arbor Courier
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