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Council Proceedings

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Last Monday evening was tlie regular montlily meeting, and it was pleasitnt and ciilm as a May ranrning in June witli roses all Tn bloom. Kuil board of all who are left. was present. The remllug of the minutes ocenpled nearly an liour. Tbere betng no petltlrroi the ürst busines In ordiT wnc the redding of the tinaiice report, wliich tave the fallowttig expendilun : IM uur.l fiiml XI H ¦ „' - 17 ¦ .id j-j 21 m -..¦¦..., i; 3i Wh ' " io so 8lll " " 7 (ff Uensntl streel tuint loa 77 Oonenii luinl 119 70 Contingent fuuil _ 4.y -y Total $ 015 36 On iNotinn, the ThniBinil HlHlBll KI. Ijt. C".'x Itill tbr stivct llühtK, for llif ïinMitli nf Aujru-t, w:is uls.i dlluwed at 1086 SO; SeptcniliiT liill heing kept hack f()f rh.'iliües IHMilfil. A bit) of H Kittrrdgr, fir $77 00, in the nixth w inl, ww ulso allnwcd. ís tu fMAO nuk to Drs. Kiip and OeorgM for past sciviors as III iltli offlem Iil'.l'OHTS OK COMMITTKES. Aid. Allincndinifer, from the General finid comniittee, ri'poitfd in fuvor of relundlng Mr. ijuhoettle $133 22 liqtior tax paid by hlm, lie haviiiK 80I1I nut. Aid. Allmendnrer moved that tlie electric light at the corner of N. Ingulls and North streeU be pennunently diecontinued, whicli being objected to did not );lS.M. Aid. Allmendinger then presented tlie bond of John Moore, with su relies, and the Savinps ltank bond, both of whicli were approved. The liquor bond of Mr. Lüjoie, was referred to city nttorney and oommlttea. Ald.IIerz.froin comniittee on sidewalkg, offered 37 resolutions, for new sidewalks In various parts of the city (good for Aid. Her, he ought to receive the aseistance of every offleer and everybody in the city in liis eftbrts to secure these walks.) Aid. Herz algo presented the new frnde for the much talked of and very ively sidewalk on the east side of South laln street, south of Washington, whlch was approved. The muiter of the sidewalk 011 the north side of William street, west of 8. Main st., waa referred to the city uttoniey tor advice. Aid. Neithammer, from fire ètparU ment conimittee, wiinted the Htlvice of the council relative to the necessity of tearnt; down the old buildings on the uU side of Fourth street, between llur.m ai d Washington sts. MOTIONS AND RESOH'TIONS. Hy Aid. Swift: The ctistoniary resolutiong Oirectin;; the transfer of books and money to the new city treasurer. Aid. Wines offered an nniendinent to an ordinance relative to the burninj; of leaves und debris in the city, was offered by Aid. Winea, but was sniothtied betore raising any sm,oke. . On niotioii of Aid. Ware, the foliowlng persons were appohited deputy marshals dm ing the fair week, to perve without expense to the city: John Nowland, Tlieodore Must, Wm. J. Clark, John H. Davis, Eli S. Munly, Jasper IiBUf, Thos. Flowers. By Aid. Wines: A' Kilred, That the sura of #Í75 be approprlteil from tlie contingent fund for the purpose of purcliHSliik u lot In the llneot t'liurch -i.. between Wlllard and urlcans Hts. 'ai ried. Aid. Wines moved tliat the city marshal be instructed toenforce the ordinance relative to fast driving on om streets, re brrlng partleularly to Ue diiviiijt ol backs. BKPORTS OF CITY OFFK'KHS. City Treasurer's report not m. City Marshal Sipley reported threc arrcst8 during the nionth, and the folluwing expenditure of the poor fund : lHt wiinl Í3 40 2ü " 5 28 3d " II tw 4th " „ 40 -11 Stil " _ Ï4 57 6lh " 7 50 Total t 97 '.il According to the Kecordrr's bookf the following are the balances of the d.HVrent fuuds: ContinKent fund, on hand $1.727 61 Ueneral " overdraft iJM 07 Gen. street " ' IS! W lBtward " on hand 021 7ü 2d ward " ¦¦ _ ih7 ,'tj 3il ward " " „ 6il 4th wuril " overdrafi W 11 ülh ward on hand 11-13 Wh ward ' ¦ S5 (KI I Water works " " _..._ _ 71 City cemetery fond " _ 9 82 IX)H tax ' ¦ 100 00 DellDquency ' overdiaft _ _. -9U0 39 Total on hand W.0.S0 lli 'l'oiul overdralt IJ 1 01 Aniimnt on hand tl.Wi'i 0 Aid. A I liiKMiill ii rT, t'nnii the (JtTMTal Finid Coinmlitee, ottuni i reo!ut(on to raiM the lollowing aniounts hy lux lbo coiiiini; year: Court house ald 2 001) Interest 1S General purposes 6,000 (leneral street purpoxes 2 000 Water works „.. 5.000 City linprovuuient fnnd „ 5,000 The fullowinjr aiiiount were also raisc.l in the variuus wards fur street porpiXUi '. lst ward 700 M wart! l.lMIO 3d ward 700 4th wrl _ i,oio 5tli want „ 500 itli ward 800 Special awgsnients were aUo levied for two sidewalks lald by the city marshnl.


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