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.1 J. Goodyear mt in Detroit j esterilay. W. V. Winoi Leen n I), iruii Uita week . Oeo, M. Henion iviurned Mondny frow a short stay in Ohlü. Win. A. ('laik ia Improvlllii slruly with lila rheuDMtitm. Chas. E. Hisoock bas been illjthtly nn der the wpathrr werk. KmiiiiiH'l Manu, kvIio Iim Iipcii qillti' II fr Boni lime b Improvlnjr. Mr. and Mr.-. Wni. Wagiier ure c peded back froni K msas tn-morrow. JiHiMtlikii .lo-i'iih-ms, ot Voik, ra In tilt; city Mmiil.iy. visitiiijr liis ton Ghrhard. EriKst iind CIi.h. M;inn, of Detroit, spi'iit Bundav with ihcir tntlicr, Bouaual Mann. Fred W. Stevens expecti tO enter tlie univcTt-ily tliis fall to complete nis medical ediicution. For tlie pust two weeka Hon. A. J. S:iwyer lias been absent In Monroc, atteiuüng circuit court. Robert Johnson and son, Frank, of Jackson, spent Sundny with Mr. J's sister, Mrs. U. C. Fall. Mr. Winegar's place on 4th Street was sold yesterday by O. L. Matthews to Mrs. Herman J. Eisele. Mrs. G. E. Damon left Wednesday for ¦ vi;-it with friends la Ann Arbor and Ypsil.intl. - Fenton Imlependent. Mrs. Capt. R. M. Barker of Fliut, is visitinK her brothcr and sister Geo II. and Abbie A. Poud, for a few dnys. Qeo. W. Weeks, wife and children are to leave tbo city for a vlsit among friends in Virginia, during the coming week. Wlll Hiiylcy hal returned from a trip about tlie state, and is once more with Qeo. L. Moore's State etreet book store. Mrs. W. W. WmlUatns, of Ann Arbor, and Miss Ida Wadhams, of Mt. Pleasant, visited friends in Dexter Ihis week.- Leader. Rev. J. G. Hildner, "of Detroit, spent Sunday witb G. Josenhang and wife on E. Ann st., and preached Sunday eveninjr in Betlilehem church. Heniy VanDeventer, of Dundec, spent Sunday with bis sister, Jennie VanDeventer, on bis way to East Jordán, Charlevoix Co., to remain dnring the winter. Mrs. Gay gave an afternoon reception last Thursday for Miss Jane Hosmer, of Concord, Mass. Miss Hosiner is an aunt of Miss Aliee Hosiner, of the senior clasí. Capt. E. P. Allen rctiirned froni bis Dukotatrip last Tuesday, and wasattendint; court the same day. The Captain reports that he met a large number of old Michigan friends in that country. Mr, 'i'ourtillottu returned from Boston, Mass., last evening where she has been for the past seven weeks. Mrs. Tonrtlllotte and dasgkter, Mrs. lfedarit, Ui residu in Ann Arbor permanintly hereafter, on the corner of William and Fifth sts. Maek it Sclimiil solil three houscs and lots Monduy. Fred Root coinmenced the weck by becoming "papa'' to a 9 lb. boy. Edwin S. Butts, of Ypsilanti, and Wa'ter Holmes, nf S ilinc, have been gra:ited pensions. Bert G. and Krank E Henion former'y of tli is city, h ive ttArtrá gene: al turnisliing stort' in Clinton, III. Blitz A Lingsdorf au illnstratccl advertisement Ibis wek on the eieit fisherir 9 qaectlon. Look it np. Tlie innam] uddivss before the Young Peoplt-'s Associatlon of the Presbyterian cliurcb will be delivered next Sunday evening it 7% o'clock, by the lïev. T. S. Scotr, of Knoxville, 'I'enn. Subj'-ct: "The World We are to Live in." The flereene98 of the wind Monday got the minute hand on the south side of the court house dial out of plnee, and Gilbcrt Bliss who went inlo the tover to fix it paid t was the most "sliaky" plaec he has been in In 3reni-8. He thlnkt a good Dakota wind would blow t over. It Is regular "fair" weather, t si eins For several years the Ann Arbor management has been peculiarly iinfortunate in liaving to contend with unpleasmt weatlier, and this year, it seems is not goIng to be au exception to the usual bad luck. The display, bowever, is very fine. Joseph Williams, who has been for so long in the employ" of Brown & Cady, has Btarted a grocery for liimself on State streef, and it can be depended upon that he will be successful, for by his pleasant, jrentlemanly ways he has made for himself inany warm friends ainoug our people. Emanuel C. Spring familiarly known as 'Mannier is to be marriad to-night at 6 o'clock, to Miss Emma Heinrich, nt Míe remídeme of til e biide's parents, on Fitth st. a reoptlon oecnrn f rom Oto 9 o'clock lien tlie c-uple will leave for New Hnmbarg, Ost., lo be nbwnt biul to WM-ks. ('pon relun:ing home Ihry will ocUiy theirown new liou-e on Fililí ,-t At meetinr of the Board of Director of the Wahtenaw Mutual Ttis. Co Satur I.iy, at Secretary Cliild's office, the los of E. & R. E Gorton, barn and c ntents des'royeil by llgbtnJllg, Sept. Oth at $ 1, 445.66 ; ufChu. Huwk-tt "f Ypsilanti town, thiee berte killed, onc dama-red and bain dkiaaged Ht same date, $:)!M).;t9; Joseph Hi.pkins of LjlldOD, oow killed by liglitinjf game dav, $24; Onnnn Clark, Lyndon, dry house and contenta, $20; Gilbert Hur.l, ofl'ittslleld, wood de8troyed,$6 00; Wexley Westfall, of Lima, inarsb hay burned in stack $0.06. The board also approved the annual assess-meut, and Monday morning Sec'y Cbilds mailed 2,300 letters. T h ia assessnient pays all losteb to Sept. lst last, and leaves a surplus of $1,266. Anton Eisele, the well-known Detroit street marble dealer, died Monday morning last, after a long illness, of consumption. Mr. Eisele was boni in Germany in 1840, and was consequently 47 years old. Mr. Eisele came to Ann Arbor directly from Wurtemberg, Germany, In 1860, and within a lew years aftenvard engiiged in business with his brotbcr, John.'to whlch business he succeeded In 1800, and bas since carried on. He was a prominent memberof the St. Lawrence Benevolent Society, the C. M. B. A., the Germán Workingmen's Association, the A. O. C. W., president of the Beethoven Gesanjrverein, and a leading member of 8l Thomas' cburch choir. Mr. Eisele was well-known to all of our business men, had served two terms as supervisor and one term as alderman of the 4th ward, and was hlghly respected In the community. He leaves a wife and aeven chlldren. The funeral services will be held Thursday (to-morrow) morning, at 0,' i o'clock, from St. Thomas' church, of whlch he was a member.