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Mr. Clary has bcen nppolnted tutor in Gemían. Prof. M. L, D'Ooge retome) lila i] cliair of Greck. The univereity clock is to keep local, not lefíal, time froin now on. Mr. Washburn takcs the place of Prof. Sierro diirin; liis lout t the Phillipine Id anda. Some excellent impioveinents lmve been mude Intertlally in the Mechai.ical laboratory. The hw anatomie] building on the eampoi is progressmg about tlie best of any of the buildings. The n i'v anatomical building is boing pushi'd, md is more nearly completed tlian any of the now buildings. Profs. (reene, D.ivis and .Cooley wil! go to Langing on Wednesday next to belp incorpórate the Michigan BigioMrlng Society. Secretary Wade got one of his new tar walks laid running from the mam building to the yard entrance of the Preident's houíe. Prof. Gayley wlio bas returned from Europe, will have charge of the Englisli work, occupying the posltion of B. C. Buit, resigned. It looks some as if there tnlght bfl eoH llngt'is and toes before the new boiler boüM md heating apparalus at the university were in operation. Assistant Prof. Tilomas now occupies the cliair of modern langdfiges, taking Prof. Wiiltcr's i-ico, wiio is prometed to the cliair of Romance Lan;uages. Walter UUIer, formerly instructor in In Greek, has tuken Mr. McLaughlin's place in Latin, he having been transferred to history under Prof. Iludson. II. B. Dewey, oí' O tomo, and one of the staff of that vcry able paper the Owosso Times, has enterad the university to complete his CODrte, eommenced three years since. The classes in the engineering department are more than usually full tliis year. Among Ibera are several Japanese, one of bom b a gradúate of the University of Tokio, Japan. L. E. Torrey, of Grand Rupids, luis returned to the university again. He served as scribe a part of his Tftcattos on the Daily ISesoiter, published at Petoskcy during the lummer. The foundations for the mw luboratory or hj-giene is being llkl, Prof. Bceman now occuiiies tbc chair of Mathematica vacuted by the death of Prof. Olncy, Prof. C. N. Jones filling Prof. licciuau's posltlon. Mr. Estos is tutor in mathemutics. President Angelí has been honored by President Cleveland by being appointed as a member of the coinmission to settle the flrfheries troubles betwecu this country aud Canada. Dr. Angelí says liewill not probably be culled upon to act before the midille of November, but will probably visit Washington bcfore that time. The Detroit Evening News reumrks: "Prof. Win, II. Payne, who holds down the chair of the Science and art of school teaching at the Michigan University, and lm need knuckle down to no man in bis line, has been elected chancellor of the university of Tennessee. He has not yet decided whether he will accept." The mechanieul depurtment of the universlty, over which Prof. M. E. Cooley presides, will send an exhibit of student's Work in the shop to the Convention ol the American Institute of Architects, whiili meets Oct. lUtli, In Chicago. Mr. C. G. Taylor will accompany the exhibit and be in attendance upon the sessions of the convention. A letter from Thom;is F. Moran, lit. '87, from Elk River, Minn., contains this interestir.g paragraph: "I am engnged in teaching liere, and find hosts of U. of M. bnys In the west. The University of Michigan is held in very high esteem by the prominent educators of Minnesota. President Northrop of the Minn. State University, granted me a state certifícate for üfe without examination on my diploma from the U..of M., itnd rrcommendation from her professors." Dr. Yatighan in his lecture on Sanihiry Siciico yesterdny cautioned all of the class nbout drinking the water, eilher from welU or the water works, without the siune having been lirst boiled. He suid that typl.oid fever follows a dry suminer u Mire as night follows day, and lie pretlicted that it would rage here to a ?reat extent thi full and winter. In the same lecture he advised students as to the lesirability Of obtaining well ventilated rooms. A muncal ucd literaiy entertiüimiui.t lwo blind men, Messrs. Georye Murptiy and Wm. Hazeltine, are going to glve Friday evc, at Fireman's Hall. Admlsa ion, ten etnts forchiltlren; 15 cents for adults. They claim to be able to read, write, work mathematical problems and lectora on how the blind are taught to see without eye?, and all is interBpersed wlth music. J. T. Jacobs lias sold two Holstein heifers to go on to a farm near Oincinnatti, Oliio. Mra. II. M. Tuttle has just returned fioin Clileafro, wlieie she pnrcliased .me oftlie "sweetest, prettiest, loves of bonnets,'' that shc ever brouglit on, so the ladien say. ïhere are some nic unfiirniEhcd rooms to rent at No. 18 Cemetery st. Tliat handsome carriage wliich A. II. Schmidt took to the state fair not only took tbc prlze, but was quickly t.-ikcii asa prlze by a wealthy ClDClnnattan who waiitfd soniftliiiig íuperior lor his own use. Mr. Scliinicit foell quito hïppy over his success.


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