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yTN;-jVlCHIGAN wmfÚ h Centml Ti.n; ulile Ukimr cfr.-ct Nov. 1 lih, 1880. Sl;iti.l,ir.l Til,-. CIIKAliO T() DKTHO1T. 1 I III Isla H Í t " j M S i ft i LI ü rilt U.K. A.M. P.M. P.H. P.M. P.H. A.H. Chicago. .I.v. 660 HOO 3 10 4 40)8 15 tl ] KalamaziH). .. 12 17 150 0 58 9601281 2 86 Dl Battle Oraek. 11 a ÍT7 7 83 1 4:i .(! TM Jarkson 315! 421 8 4!l 15 460 U Ornen Lako. ... :i : 5 1 rhelaea tl 5::. Dexlnr 4 14 6 50 U)W rclMMillH... 42i 10 14 Ann Arbor.... 4 33 680 45.... 4: 808 1021 Ypsllanti 4 50 5 45 50 4 52 6 24 II) 40 Jnne. 5 15 8 05 515 47 1103 Detroit.. ..Ar. 600 7 1.11045... 81) 73012U) Ht.Thomas 1115 245 1 00 9 55 8 46 FallsVIew 645.... 12'.... V. Falls, 222 54H 188 558.... HniTtlo 435 765 1 25 3 65 6 10 PBTBOIT TO CHICAGO. STAT.ON. ! i? Si 15 I C Í _ _ t. .1. i_ 1_ A.M. A.M a.M M A M .... BuflaU 1180 545 805 900il:... N. Kalle, 1-115 31 12S0 . St.Thornas 415 100. ... 115 44. ... . A.M A.M. P.H P.M. I'.M. p M Detroit... .I.v.! 700 9 10 1 30 4 00 K 00 9 15 ... WayneJuuc. 7 40 9 53 2 03 4 46 8 37 9 65 YpsHantl .... 80110 12 2211 51 85K 102U ..'.'. Ann Arhor... 81M0Ï 281 Í80 9 12 1088 lelhl Mills .. 8i 5 42 . Dexter 885 550 93-i' Ohelata 848 051 952 ...'... . (itassLake... 10 li 27 '10 15 Jackson 0 85 11 35 3.12 T10I0&212M ... Ballle Creek.. II (H 1 I) 140 8 NI 13 12 185 Kalamazoo. . . 1154 1 5U 'i l." IVO 8 3.11 4 45 Chicago.. .Ar. 5 15J 40 i... 70o8l6lO 20 ). W. I1UHGLE8, H. W. HA YES U. P. AT. Al-.mi Att.. Ann Arbor. Chlcaito. TomIo, Aun Albor i Nortli Michigan Kiillnny. HUI BCHUH7LA. Totolee citict ut 11' o'clocb, bom, w Sun tlay, Aumisl 7th, 1887. Tralue run by 8tandiird Timp. SOIMQ NOKTH. SPAT.ONS. Il ó Lj ? ft. a. !"&,; JA. M. P. H. P. X.lA. H. Tolei" ¦ Lv 5 15 ({ f 3{ 5 60 MHiihaitaii Jiiuituni 5 20 3 20 6 40 6 10 AlexiH 5 27 8 ÍS 8 50 8 4.5 Sanriria 5 45 3 40 7 10 ir, Mmiroe Junctldii UW 3 55 7 ai s 10 I)"""l'e 6 15 4 06! 7 50 8 30 A-Ma 25 4 10' 8 0 00 Milan Ü35 4 3ï 8S5 9 30 Urania il 50 4 4ï 8.10 10 00 Hiltilleld 7 (I 4 53 9 00 11) 20 Anu Arbor 7 15 510 !i ï 10 55 U'hml 7 W r, : y ryi 155 Whltmorc Ijiku 7 4iii 5 4." Hs.12 2 13 Howell h :; r uo I"raiirt 30 7 80: 9 30 p.m. CoraoM 9 55 7 40,10 35 . Oif,u mol 7 6M11 SU . "i.wi Jnnctlnn 10 05 8 10 1105 Itlia a 11 18 9 18 i M .... SU Loiila 11 sr, 9 ;t( 8 86 . .'m 11 O 'i 11 ! 66 .... Mt. Pli-atant Ar 180 10 80 li 00 '. H.p. H.p. u MM SOUTH. STATIONS. 6 o gjj f" , Lf L .... A. M. P. M. P -. Mt. PleiMüt I,v s ,, ,, ;;,, ! M Alm,a 10 IS 7 211 2 211 .'.' ?'; l-"'"' 11 5 7 27 2 Uwomo Junciloa ' 4(10 s 5j 40" UWilMO 4 08 9 .O J 00 r"r"""a 4 25 9 08 4 l.'i '""¦"I .1 ]i 9 80 4 3 a. M. "owell . . 7 40 lü -o 5 83 sim whltmore Lakc tiiJuon ¦. n w I ilnnd tt 4611 1 tl 8 HOI 7 88 AnnArl.or 7 16U 80! 5-J110 M I i t-lli ld 7 2 11 4i 7 01 II HO Irat'l.i 7 3)1150 7 15 11 60 .Müan 7 50 12 04 7 28 12 H X 00 12 14 7 40 l'J 4li l'lli'd...' '8 1(1121 7 50 110 M'imi,.' Jnnetioa 8301281 1)0 1.10 Sumaria h 4" 12 4 8 41 l' In Alexia 9UI I w in 1", MiiiMil'flD Ji.nrliüi IM)8 I 05 8 0 .1 0 loledn Ar 9 15 1 10j 8 ró S 15 A. i. p. H. P. H. Kwtfe Lyon Urnnch. NOKTII UUUND. STATIUNS. BUL' I'H BOUND. Train 6 Train 1 p m. r. m. 9 50 Lv. LelandK Ar. 6 45 l(i 00 Ar. Wordena Ar. 6 40 10 20 Ar South Lyon Lv. 6 30 Connections: At TtiU-do, Ith rallroiri (iiverelac; at Manhattan JuuctioD, wiih Whecllng A Lake Brie K. K.; at AlexU Junciion, wirh M. C. H. K., L. B. & M. S. Hy. and F. A P. M R. R.; at Monroe Junctlin. with L. 8. M. 8. Ry.; at Ünndaa, with L. 8. M. 8. Ky., M. & O, Ky.; a[ Milau Junction. with Wabash, St. Lools & Paclgc Ky : at Pitt8eld, with L. S. M. S. Ky.; at Anu Arbor with Michigan Central R. K., and at South Ljon with Detroit, LansinK A NorthiTn K. K.. and Mich. A. L. Div. of Grand Trnnk Ky. At Hambur(r with M. A. Line DIvlMon Orand Trunk R'y. At Howell with Detroit, Linslng & Norihcrn K'y. Al Durand wilh Chcigo Oraud Trunk K'y aiu Uutroit, Grand Haren A R'y. Al OwoBoJunction with Detroit, (.rand Ilaveu A Milwaukee R'jr and Michigan Central R. R. Ai SL Louii with Detroit, Larsinu. Northern K. U. and Scgi na VilUy Si. Louis R'y. At Alma with Detroit. Lanslnt & Nnrthern R'y. At Mt. liti Flmt A I'cre Maniuette R'y. H. W. ASHLEY, Genorol ManaLW. W. II. BKNNETT, O. Ü, WALBS. Oeu'l. Pasa. & Ticket Aïent. Loeal Anev.t. Estáte or Walter B. Burnett. STATU OK MICHIGAN, County of Washlenaw, as. At a easion of the Probate Conrt for the Conntjr Dl Waohtenaw, bolden at the l'rol)nte ofllce, in the city of Ann Arbor, 011 Saturday, the twenty-lourtn day of September, in the yenr one ihontnd elpht huudred and cihty-seven. Pret ent, Willlaru D. llarrimun, Judce of I'robute. In the matter oMhe estxte of Wnlter II. l'urnetl, minor, Anu K. Burnett. tbeguarditin of naid ward, coinb inio court and KpMMBta that ibe U now preparad to raoder her aununl account a auch í.MiirdÍ!in. ThrrtMiuon it ti ordered, that Friday, the fourteenfh day oí OetotuT, next, at ten o'ciock In tho torenooo bo assU'ued for t-xamlnlni; and allowlng such HCcount and that the nexi of kin of eaid ward and all other panoaa latereMed in aid estáte are re(juireil to aiiKiiir at a awion of rtaid Coart.then tobe, holden at thu Prnhute Office in the city of Ann Arbnr, in raid county, and sh.iw ran-e, )f any there be.why the sald acconnt xhoiilU not be allowcd. And It it furlher orderc'l thnt said Kllnrdlan give nolicc to the panosa intrrewted In sald estati', of thi' pi'iidency of nid account and the hearing thereof. by causin',' a copy of thls order to be uutiUshcd In the Ann Arbor Vourier. n MtrepApoi printad and circulatint: in ald county, two u cesiivi' woakl ir vlous to sald day of h-nriiiL-, (A true couy.) M'ILLIAM O. HAKK1MAN, Judice ui Probatö. WM. G. DOTY. Probate Reulater. ifniTTITT to bemade. Cut thleout and reli y turn to n, and we wlll usendyou I II I I 'ree' aumcthini; of irnatvalui I and Importance to you, that will rtartyouln business hich wlll brino; you in more money Tig t away tban anything elsein tbls world. Anyone "can do the work and llvo at home. Etther sex ; all a:es. SnineihinK new. that just oiii money fi.r all workere. We will start yon ; capital no' needed. Thi lt one of Ihe KenDlne, Important chances ol a 'Sfeiime. Those who ara ambltlou and enterprlsirR wtll not delays AddrvsK True & Co.. Aueusta, Malne. WHITE BRONZE MONUMENTS „"Vijf A „pONZí Monumenise fvfslatuary. 1 Eöorsed brViMERiOARAjpEBiORTn uUtHII5ISA$ -51 VMiUanirns rj.Viiivi XAMAKÖLtüK PrÍí5A graniTE1 THE ABOVE GOODS CAN BE SEEN AT M. 53 SOUTH MAIN ÍT., OPPOSITE KECK'S FIJRNITURE STORE. BENJAMIN CULY, Agent :!1M w


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