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SCRATCHED28YEARS A ícaly, Itching, Skin DIsease, wlth Kiidlcss SnilVi-iiiic Cured bj Cuticiira Ki'ini'ilii's. If I had known of the (i tut:. Hkmh is twiMi'jr-eiiiht year ano it wond hne suvtd me 92UO.OÜ (two hundied dollars) and an immense amouut of BuITcriní,'. My dieawe (I'ëorianis) cummenced on my bead n a spot uot largerthan a crut. It spread raoidly all over my body ai d t;ot under my nails. The acales would dr"p c.fl' oí me all tbe time, and my sulleriiiL' was enditas, and without relief. One thousand dolí? rs wonld not tempt me to have thedlseage overatraln. 1 am a poor man. but feel rieh to oe reheved ol v otne ol" the doctors aald was leprosy, aome rlng-wortn, psoriasis etc. I took . . . and . . . Saraaparillascver one year and a half, bat no cure. I went lo two or three doctor and un cure. I c nnot pralse the Cl'ticoka Remedies too mnch. They hnve made my fkin as ele ir and iree from scales H baby's. A II I used oí them wan threc boxes of Ci:ticuba, aifd three boitlet of Ccticuka Resolvent, and two canea of CLTitUHA Soap. lf you had been here and sald you would have cured me lor Í200.UU yon would have had the money. I looked like the picture in your book ol INoriaals (peture number two, "Bow to Cure fckln üisease';, bul now I am a clear as any person ever was. Through force of bablt I rub my hands over my arms and lee to scratch once in a while, bnt lo no purp ee. I am all well. I MTatchi'd twenty-eitht years, aDd It got to be a kind of setond nxture to me. I thank you a times Anytliinx more tliat you want to know write me, or any one ho readB this may wrlte to me aLd I will nswer it DKNNÍS DOWNINQ. Watkhbury, Vt., Jan. 20th, 1887. Psoriasl", Eczema, Tetter, Ringworm, Uchen, Prurltus, Scald Uead, Milt Crust, Dandrntl, Barbers' Bakers' Orocers' and Washerwoman's Itch and every species of itching, Burnin(r, Mc]y, I'lmply Humor of the Skin aud Scalp and Blood, with Loss of Ualr are poslilvel; cured by (ïi.cuka, the Kreat Skin ('ure, and C'uticibaSoap, an exqulsi:e8ktiiBeautlflereiternally,andCi-TicuRA Rkpolvknt, the new Ulood Purlfler Internally. when pbyatclaus and all olher remediua fatl. Sold everywhere. Prlce, Cdticüba. 50c: Soap, 25c.: Rmolvent, il. Prcpated by ttie Potteb Diu o and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. eisend for "How to Uure Skin DUeaees," 64 pages, -Vi Illustrations, and 10U testimoniáis. PIMPLES, black-heads, chapped and oily kin I I IVI prevenled by Cuticura Medícate Soap. Catarrhal Dang-ers. To be freed from tbe dangers or euffocation whlle lylna down ; to breathe freely, sleep soundly and undlstarbed ; to rlse refreshed, head ciear, bralu active and free from pain or ache; to know that no poisonous, iiulrld marter dellies the breath and rota away the delicate machlnery of smell, taste and hearins ; to feel thf.t the system does not through lts veins and arteries, suck np the polran that is sure to nndermlne and destroy, Is indeed blesslnjs beyond al] other human enjoymento. To pnrebase immnnity from such a fatc sbould be the object of all afllicted. Bat Ihoee wbo have tried many remedies and physiclana despair oí relief or en re. Saspord's Radical Cure meets every phasc of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to the most loathsome and destructivc stages. It Is local and constitntional. Instant in relievin?, permanent in curing, safe, cconomical and never falling. SANnroitn'K üaimcal Ci'ke conslsts of one bottleof the Hadicai, Cuki one box of ('ataiibiiai. Soi.vent, anduuelxpaoviiilKiiALER.all wrapped in one package, with treatlfe and directions, and sold by all druggleu for tl .IK). POTTÍR 1)111.(1 AND CllKMICAL Co., BOSTON. NoRheumatizAboutMe IN ONE MINUTE V ík Thc Cutlcora Antl-Paln ytff Planter, relieves Kheumatlc.Sdan 9f tic, Sjddeii.SImrpund Nervoun l'alns, 1 jVa X -ïr.ilür and Weaknesses. The flrst 1 f fcind only paln-kllllng piaster. New, % original, lnotamancnuK, lnfallible, sale. A marvelluus Antidote to PaiD, Inflammatlon and Wrakness. l'tterlo unllke and vastly superior to all oth-r piaster. At all druenlBtr. 2." cents; 6 for $1.00; r, pontage free, of Potiku Ditru and Cbeüical Co., Boaton, Mass. REAL ESTÁTE A MJ INSURAN6B AGBN0Y. J. A. SESSIONS, A.TTORNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC Real Kstate sold or rented and rents collected on reaaonable terms. None luit oíd aad ñrat-claAH Insurance Companlea represen ted- with lnsurunce capital of tlO.UOU.OOO. KiiliH ax luw as any otlier lnsu ranee company and loases promptlypald. Office over American KxpresH ónice, Main Street, nii Arlor. Midi.


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