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Her Age Was Told By Bones

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Litlle Miss Olof Kracr is particular!)iiiteresling is i leclurer. She can de(¦orii e the. lite mikI riistoms of a people alx mi wliom little la known. The little EsqulinntU lady II three reet :ini] tour inclies high, 29 years old, and wiisborn In n show luit on the eastern eoast of Greentaud. "I was boni in (ireenlnnd," slie began, "and went to Iceland when I w.v 15 years nM and livoil there flve years, where I was educateil. In iny country u ninn tour feet high is tal I. Wc live il Urrenlaml on raw nieat and oil, aiul dweil in mow lints. The E qui Biaux liever wasli I was 1" years old, and never touclied water to my skin. When I went to Ierland they gave DM a piece of soap, añil I bit i piece out ol it and eoinineiieeil to ent it. Wlien people are sick in Greenland we thtnk they liave n evil spirit, and hatu thein. If they (tel well we tliink tliey are smart, ind we tliem better tlian ever; but f thcy die we tbink tliey were bad. Nearlv all die betweeo the ages of 30 and 46. "The E-quImaux itc not a dark ieo f)le; tliey are very liffht - when Ilieir faces ure wibed. Mear, is eaten raw. The only cooklliy done is when a woman leats n bone for a younjí baby and glves it t the child to suek. Heindeer hve DOtblltg to live on except seaweed. Tliey are so poor tliey are never eaten. Tlieir kin is B"ed dojr slei'hs and do? barnes-i. l)g sleijfhs are made of whalejone, ot fiozen fih, or of reiudeer skin. "A snow house is round, and Is made of blocks of Ice, plled np like bricks. The crevices ure lilled in witb loosesnow. The ineide is llned with fur, The floor is covered with skins. There is one lira1 door. Thil connects with the iueide by a long hall, so uarrow that when two peo)le meet, one hasto go back clear out or n before they can pias. The beds are made of tart, and tlie uliole family liep tojfether. A single, man inakeB il fur MOk, with only one hole in it, for a hiil When be ffoes to bed he crawls in head first. When he jfets up he cmwls out baekwnrd. If he {.'ets tired of living tliis way he must steal hls wlfe. If the girl's párente catch him at it they kill liini. They want to tind out if he is willinü to risk hls life for the girl. When he marries her once he must live with her always. "Greenland would be a gooj place for gome of the lndies of this country. A woman there has nothlng to do, no washng, no ironing, no cooking, no scrubing. A ornan puts grease on her face and feels just 8 proud as the ladies of :bis country when covered with paint and powder. The Esquiniaux are the most contented people in the world. I'lere is no properiy there, no inoney, so there is notliiiifr tbeie to botlier otio or make trouble. Kverything is in commnn. [f anybody wants anything he goes and iske a neighbor for it. There are no rich and no poor. Wo count time ly utting bones in a nek. The sun rises only once a year, and the rirst time the sun is seeu after a baby is boni bone is jut into its sack, and one afterward every ,ime the sun riies. There were 15 boiies ii niy sack when 1 left Ureenland." We re willing to bear personal testinony to the effleacy iind value of Hood's Siirsiiparllln, whlch we have been advertising souie years in our paper, having lied it for blood Impurities with great success. It is a prcparatlon of standard mcrif, made of perfectly pure Ingrediënt?, and tliorouglily effective In cleansing and puiifyinjt the system. For eruptions, joils, etc, ft cun be relied npon every time. Ourown experlencc with it has iten most srr.-itifylnsr, and we are glad to give it eliis endorseinent.- Atliol (Muís.) Transcript. Percy LovfJnoe (a siiitor)- Do you tl it U I oiiii ever win Mías Flckle's lovef Cynical frlcnil (a tonner suitor)- Never despair, my boy. Wtiftt man lias done, litan oan do.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News