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County Legislation

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The board of supervisors met in annual 8essioi Monday at lia. m., witli A. R. (Jnives as temporary chairman. The rules of the previous board were ndopted. It was moved to yisit the county house on Wednesday, to-day at 10 o'clock a. m. ('om. on printing was authorizeU to take bids on ptibllshing tlie procecdings of the board of supervisors. Tuesday - The chairman rcporttd the following st-nding commiltee: On Equallzatlon - Davenport, Gilbert, Dwyer. O'Hearn, Case. Criminal Claims, No. 1- Kress, Braun, McCormlck. Criminal Claims, No. 2- Hughes, Uraves, Otll. Clvll Claims- Lane, Gardner, Younit. To Settle. wllh County Offlcers- Usborne, Danslogburg, Brelnlng. On Salarles of County Offlcers - Depew, Yost, Sage. On Apportlonment of State and County Taxes- GÍI1, Buroh, Purtall. On Public Buildings- Butts.GlIbert.Daveuport. On Rpjected Taxes - Purtell, Weston, Hughes. To Examine Accounts of Supfs of the Poor- McCormlck, Case. Lane. On Plnance- Young, Yost, Depew. On Practtonal Hcliool Dlstrlot- O'Hearn , Dansingburg, Gardner. On Dralns- Brelnlng, Burch, Weston. Ou l'rlntlng - Dwyer, Braun, Kress. Ou Per Dlem Allowance- Sage, Graves, Butts. Judp;e Harriman reported 13 coininitnients to the insane nsj'lum. The annual report of the Supt's of the Poor to be received on Thureday. Supervisor Graves oftered a resolution instiuctiiift the Register of Deeds to procure of the Sec'y of State the necessury books for reporting unpaid mortfra}teí, aocording to the new law. The election of a county supt. of the poor was lixed for 'l'liursday, at two p. m. Clerk Howlett was authorized to advertlae for sealcd proposüls for medical attendance at t lic eounty Jall. 'l'lie county ofHcers we re included in tlie visit to the county hnn-r.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News