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Tin followlng usures ilKnr the registration of students in the nnivcr-ily to lliis iioon, umi ii t : correypoudlng diiïfl it' last ycar: 1.SS7. I8SI1 Mterarv DeMTtmrnl 8M '¦'' M-Hn.i - m W7 Lnw ¦ ara -¦'¦' Homeopat'c " '' '' DenUl !"¦ 88 IMinrmary " 0 62 ToUin IMS H43 If ;is ninny register after this dute as (lid l.iRiycnr, the entiro enrollment wlll be 1648, tgalnit K"2 in 1S0G. F. ('. Smit h. '86 hM accepted the poiitlon of iissislant in Clicinical Laboratoiy. l!:irlcy vvachown busc Ball captain of "00, iii i ii e nireting Sutnrüay mornlng. 'l'lic Btin Spucl nrc itt witli invitations for lKp glven Ilie last Friilny in evcry mout li. Beecbci Qow il, of Detroit, nt Monday in tli city. tlic iucst of his hrotlior at the Sicilia I'hi l'I.HH'. '.il liolds a social Fiiilay evcninp, Oot1 Mtli, al Ilio rèsidence of Miss Lizzie Camplicll on Packanl slrect. O. I!. Willcox, Jr., whopassoiltlii' fr.n:merin Gtcrmany, Fotiirnad Uat weck and liaaentoretl theLaw Department TIn: class of '00 has como out witli ¦ challenge to Ihe Freslunan for a foot ball rush oil the Campus nc.xt Saturday atteinoon. Tliu class of '91 holds a niccting in Hoorn A Saturday mornlng, to delibérate on clialk'iiíe of Sophomoics and to elect offleera for the ensuing ycur. A still further honor was conferred apon Mrs. Dr. Stnwcll at a recent meeting of the State Pharmwrattel socialion, by makinr her an honorary inembcr thereof. Exaraiiialious for Clioral Union took plnee last Monday eveninfr and for t class in Choral Mastei pieces examinaiion took piare atnrday inoinin. A laige nombei attendiu'. Mis. 11. M. Sanborn (nee Miss 8 watbel) has returned from a visit to her husband in Indiana, and will complete her coursc in the HonXBOpathlc medical college, gnkbutiDg wit ii 's.s. All elections of students in the Liteiuy Department must be handed in by Saturday Oct. lo. By some mistake the oate was changed to Oct. 10 and niany have uot handed in their cards in time. President Angelí has returned from Washington, whcre lie has been to confer witli his associate Mr. Putnam, and the governim'iit in reference to the duties o the commission, and to study up tisli statistics somew hat. John Hibbard made hls friends a short visit Friday and Saturday morninir hail the misfortune to again iprnln nis knce White playinjr buil on the campus, litis now contined to his bed at the Sigma l'hi Place wlicre he wlll doubtless reniiiiii a week or 90. Dr. A. I. Sawyèr, of Monroe, who is very ill at hit hone witli typhotd fever, probably did more tlian any other one iniiii In Michigan to sccuic the eatiiMUhment ol'thc Homccopathh Demrtineiit in the nnivorslty. He wi one t Ilie censors tur a number of yiars. '!)0 held a class meeting in Room A lust Snturday morning for the purpose of electlng a captnln tor the foot hall ruu. A ncw scheme was adopted and thrce ciiptnlns were elected asfollows: Ball, Harieat and Button, and under thell management victory is assured. The Chroniele will publish its lust issue on Saturday nextand wiil thereafter continue as a weekly. The following are the list of editora for the coming year: H. Williams, Managing Kditoi ; F. Llvingstone, Secrelary and Treaeurer ; Mitchell, DnfVy, Gieuscl, Kiefer, Parker, Burke, Jiubbard, lirowu, Park and Powell. L'nless a more laus-able scheme for the maintenain'e l ÜM irynmasiiiin is siijrfceited Hian ttiat which tlie Argonaut advooatcd, the probabilities are that the ttadeilta wlll lmvc to forswear the pleasure and bcnetits ol one tliis year. It is ulterly impossible to ftnd 300 men in college willing to jiive ö a piece for a jíymnasium finid when the base buil iubcription, whieh of niuch ïwore Interest to the majority of .-tudents, failed socompletely. The foltowiDX is the program of the exercises to be held at Alpha Xu Hall next Saturday eveningto which all intcicstid in literary work nre cordially invited, at 8 o'clock : Essay, Alaska. X. VV. Fairbanks; Oration, What we think of Üie m t-n of '61 to '6.), J. N. McBiide ; Bedtrttion, Jimmy Butler and the Owl. E. C. Warriner; Vocal Solo, 11. S. Smith ; Debate, Resolved, That debating shoulcl be made the mnin feature of our Alpha Nu work, Afflrmatlve. J. W. Matthews. Ncgative, P. J. Sjöblom. At 9 o'clock A general dl9cussion of the above question. Competitive exaniinations for the L". of M. Glee Club took place Monday evening and will be continued to-night in Room 24, University. A large number of applicants have presented themselvesand iro9pects for the contlnuance of the good quality of volees are excellent. The Glee (Jlub feels the loss of its old members three tirst bassos Plttman, Hodge and Thomas, one second bass, Hibbard, rirst tenor, Sellbach, second tenor, Clark, having lelt. The whistler, Mr. Clark, wlio was such a favorite with everybrnly 1s now loeated at Kalamazoo and will return to assist the club on their foriejjn trips.


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