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Another College President

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r l nni unit' lu lllllt.' uit' uuiveitiuia iinu collegM of the country cast their eyes over totlie Michigan University, seesome educator whoin lliey tliink will fill tlie bill and take him away from us to adorn their o Wu institiitions. The latest case in point is that of the Xormal College ol Nashville, Temí., a college founiled by the Peaboily eJucational fund, and one ol the leading schools of the south. The mini selected is Prof. Win, H. Payne, who has so nbly filled the Clmlr of Pedtgoeics In tlie Uuiversity of Michigan for the past eiglit yenrs. The Nashville Daily Aniericíin contains a long account of the installiition of Prof. Pnyne ns president, the lntter port ion of wljieh e quote: Turnlng toPresldent V. II. Pnyne, Dr. Juin' sutil : In hehalf of ihose I represent. Capt. Donólas and Irof. üoodinan, who are present, and other members of the State lïoard, 1 welcome you to Nashvtlleas an educator. I wek'ome you the more heartlly becanse a memoer of the I'eabody Board Informa me that. In cousultatlon, the Peabmly trustees determlned to recoinmend the best man in the United 8tates, whose sorviceB could be had, for this posltlon, and I cannot tliink Ihcy have made a mislukt-. I weleome you as the President of the State Normal College, to whlch pooitlon you have been nnanliunusly tlected, and may God bit-H ytm anti canne you to be equal to the rexpoUHlbllltles and dutles banMfortn devolvlng upon you. Prof. Payne dellvered a short nntl cholarly address upon hi lndurtion lnto offlee, which was recelved most favorably. The Hellgioug Ilerald, pnblislicd at Kichmond, Va., in spoukirig of the nrt of teaching in the curriculum of the l'. of M ., has tliis to shv : Prof. Wllllam H. Payne has liad charge of thlsdepartment and raUed lt to Uh present i'XaUed rank. Kxperlence as a Nupeilnteudent, wlde and accurate scholarKhlp, great succesa In teaching, have glven hlm excepllonal quallflcatlous for hls chalr. I'rof. Payne has recently been elecled to. anti lias accepted. the Preuldency of the Normal ColItk'i- In Nashvllle, 'leun. 1 his college, the chlld of the Peabody Kducatlon Kuud, to which the southern Htate8send select puptls for training as teachers, has been fortúnate In 8ecurlnK, as lts head, auch ¦ disiln-nlKln tl ediiralor. Tho president and faculty of Hu; l'nlverslty and ihe town wlll glve hlm np wlth dcepem regret. Prof. Payne Is a Uhrlstlan ufiii li'iiiiin, an eider In the Preithylerlan i'hurcli, an educatlonal author of much repute, a successlul lecturer In teachers' Instlules, a wlse, prudent, patrlotlc cltlzen, full of eulhuslHMn In hla speelal work, aml wlll nter on hl new field with the ambltlon aml he determlnatlon to make the college the )est Normal ('oliede in the I'nlted .staten.


Ann Arbor Courier
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