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Throsgh Uie ooartecj of Kmin icU Btearnn, president of the Detroit League Bace Ilull Club, wc are cnabled to glve t port ruil of the sevcrnl playera oonisIng tlmt grent olub of Champion, (1 :' luie!' .ketcli oí eaeb. The itondlng of the clubs at tlie close of tbe eaeon !;it Saturdfty was ns followt: In team bnttlnff and leam neioing uw Detroit Club Icatls the leajiiie. The chumplnuihip gamee between the m. i,iiis lirowns ooauBenoii) al Si. Louij Mdiiday. The fint jrmie roaulted In : score of 0 to 1 in favor of St I;mis. :nnl the wooDd nne yeiterday r.'sui led in iavor o! the Dotroltl by i score of B to :i. To Uy the Ilrowns Uld tlie Dctroits play one gniiic in Detroit, to wliiHi all lovers of the sport in the state wilt be In iitli'iulaiici". A KKKIVII OK TUK n.AYENS Charles v. Bennett, who is everyWhere ackiiowlciliïfd to be the lust calolier In Ilie League, made lus nppunrai ce in Uw diamond (asa irofessional) w i t li tlie NtthMinocks of New CmiIP) Pean., la ls7t, alterna t i n jr as catelier and thinl baseman. In the latter part of 187G lie pluyed with the tnus i)f Detroit. In 177 he eaught for the Mihvaukee club - tteml-profèMlonal orjrmntartlon, wlilch in lsTs u :is uilmittrd to the Lcajrue. After a dfcHWtroOI genson the Milwaiikee club disbanilcil, aiu) liennett joined the Worccsiers. whicli city took the place of the Mihvaukoe club in the league. Iïcnnett lead the league in 1SSH, 1884-'8fl "86, mul .it the preenl time lie lahead of ill for 1SS7 Ucis 80 yeri of e, weifflia aboui iso poní nis. and la withln nn Incli of belnii i ii''1 fH. Cliarlcs II. Gotein, Dctroit't ernek iritchcr. will be 28 vearsold in Dicerubcr. He weigha about 17") ].ii!u]s, :inil ís ") f eet 10 nnhea in belrht He made Mis ti r - T .ippmranop as :i bafl player In i prolosional u;i in 1SS-J willi the Grand K n p i (! s club, wliicli Ht thnt Une mi n profesotooal rj;iii)i.ti(ioii, uul llic following yeai t fonned one f the oltlei ol the Nortbwetten League, as it dul in 1884. Durtng the nioutli of AurnM, 1883, ihe Urand Uapidsclub disbandcd. nul Qetzuln was seeured tor Detroit, licre he luis rentaioed ever sinre. Wliile n: was n the Northwestern League be ra consldered one ot' tbt bol if uut Iha best pitcher in thal orgaaIzatlon. Ed. Ut n Ion, captain nd renter-fleld of thu club. h i ttne-lookl ng folio w; 88 yeiira of go, " fcct !M , lidies bljrl'i lid weighs 170 lbs. He plnyed witli the Rftorie I.-lninl club in "7G and "7 whicli won the New Kngl n u il ch.impin n s h i p . He plnycil with Rnchestar In '78, Albuny'HO.CKvrIniui '80, and in 'Hl he cüine to l)"tioit, wliere lic nis i'einaiiii'il ever since. ILinlon is a batter and one of tlubest base-runners in the profession ; but n the Held he rank at the top, and, witli the possible ezceptlon ot' Jühnstoii of Bos-ton, there Is no otber fielder In the leneue who eim cover the amount oï ; round lie doe?. Dennto Broothen, the great first b.iserniin of the club. is :in vears of nge, 0 feet ' íi.cncs in neiphr, and weifjhx 210 lb. "Big Dan" as lie is nommonly known, first started out u a pitcber In "7(! f(.r the Wnpp i nge r Falla club, N. Y., and in the tlirce witli cÜutM in the vicinity of Troy. In 18S0 he -.v nt to Balt i more, and playeu toe cari y part ot the ye:ir us lust biisemnn. liiouthors afterwatil joincd the Buflnlo club, which wns tlien a inciiiber of the lcii'K', wliere he reOMlned until the fall of 1885, nt whicli time lic jolnetl the Detroits, liis release havinr been purchasetl by tliem froni Buffaln. Broutliers is consklered - wlth ¦ pnntible exception of Anson - the most scientilic hitter in the country. Samuel L. Thompsou, or "Bi; Sani," as he is called by liis iiiemK mude his first &ppettranc on the bnll flid in 1883 vviüi the D.inville club of Indiin. In 188-1 lie wus with the Evatisville club, and In '83 lic played with the [odianapolis club, until IiIe mirase was pnrcliiiM'il by tlie Detroit club. Thompson Is uuquestionably the most valuimlilc man in hh ni8itioii in the leuyuc bel Dg a mie1 Clltcll of H 11 V' bll - lus torie üeinsc scoopinj; in lino Hits - and one of the fine3t lonir distunce ibrowen llTing. He is n powerfnl bitter, havin? accoinplislM'd the feat of mnklng iivcr 200 actual hits durinjt tiic raaaon, :ind ui present leiuls ilic lengne In lwt tinsr. Fred Dunlap, iccond base-msi), 80 yeara of ugc. fret S inches iu lit'i"lit, ind weljrin 170 pounds. He ha. been playiiijr ball for tliirtee years Iwvini; sturted out in 1874 ut Gloucrs ter as calchcï. wliicli politlón, altriiatiii}.' wit h sliortstop, lic neenptod fr twn ycnis In '7G lic l)lossotiuil mil aa a pllcber for tho "Qaicksh pn" "f ChMter. In '77 lic went to biiin. umi playea reguuirly the position (II ,-CCOIlil lll-e, II H llicll pOMlioII Jie 8 now acknowlodired to have 110 equsl In the league. In '79 be lyed at All) i nv lie v;iit U) Cleveland In '80, mul playcd the re tbre years, excelling nll the fli-ldere in Ilie Icajine in UU pusüion. In 1884 lie keft the Itaae tod joined tbc si. Louis club of the Union AModatlon uiider Lucas. In "flfl the S'. Louis club KM taken into the league uiul Dunlnp wm retmtatcd. He coverrd kcod1 bae wHli the si. Lonta league club lor "83 tod ii part of '80, when Itia relcuso waï purCliased by Hic Detroil b ill club, t e ruc paid belng tlio !.irif'8t sum rvcr pntd Utt ;i player by mij ululi In llie ntoiury up t Iliüt lime. I.nwrence Twitcliell, lli jtencrnl uh¦.liliilc of tbc Di'lioil club, :is Imrii in Cleveland In 18M, wclglia l"."i Ibs, mihÍ l n fcel II nclics ili liciglit. 1 1 1 ¦ plsyeil Iwll I, n ( 'oluinlius n 1885, :i'i(l In the f..n uf the same Vil t" Wl'lll I (I Z moa t " pilen, w ii 1 1 o wiiii li club be pilclicil :ij;;ill?l llic DettolU, iind MHijBjfff Wal kloi i'i sncli u fimry t bttn ured lililí it Olice. I jiist ycui, owinir lo I1Í8 ratcliing rold m me arm iRuietmriy prt of tl o ceason, he wan usable u píu1i mncli, but ihe management had sucli faltll in liini t lint tlicy Itrpt liim nn the SHbiry lisl, (Itlioiijrh hè i i.i llttle pinylnr. Tliisyear be b proven thut i li-i r fititli in liin haf nnt been mlfplced, hiving pltched thlrteen íí-hik-m and winning twclvc of hem. DuolAp'a Uijury, Twttcliell luis heen pl:iying ns Icft Helder and has done t dl. Tliis he bm playecl in RO game, hnvln? n Deldlng av(¦iiii'i1 if .980, :iinl :i battlng average of .353. James F White, tliird bueman, wlu is cominonly known as "Peucon,1' is but 40 yenrs l ?' althoiigti ntnanil'y considerad to IÑ inucli oller. Ho is 5 feet 1 1 ndies in btügllt, HMl wlien in l)all-il!iyin.' cn il i i i n vci;lis 170 pound . He beg%Q playlng ball itli ilic (',inton (N. Y) hall dab ilmiisi as lic eoulil wulk, and, Ui Ihe t'xception of liis t reinent for onc ycar, has been at t i-vor hm re, and it is Mld 1 1 1 : l t lie has taken put in more cbampkB8blp ganxs than ny Otlier n the uurhl. It is claimed thcct "Jim" White km t lic lirst man to Introduce undt-rliand Ihrowinjr, now conimniilv imIImI pitching, as wben Al. Pratti lii1 pitcher t Cleveland, (tot hit pretty hanl, ".lun" would ; i"1 tlie box and lire balls tlirongli so lapidly thnt the umpire would rule him out, as he did on occasion! claiining siich ¦{leed coakl not be [irmluced by Mraiftht arm pltchlng, wliich was the only Icjral forro at t ii u t time. B ha plavei n the league twelve teqaont ind lias a battliig aveitge of .824 rwiklnji sixih nmons ixlv. HU bit tl i n8 ivcim'c this year is .:is'. anil his lieUUiiL' , Cliarles IJ. Bilihvin, pitcher, known n "The Ladv.1' was boni at Ortncl, N. Y., in 1S.V,), is 6 tcct 11 imlics 11 hplfrht and weighs 170 Ibs. He f r s t co iiiuH'iicuil ply ii a buil uitli IIhstiuj;-., Mich , clul, .'in .inmlciir rrjfn:ilion. and as with Uk-ui fiotn 1878 in 1888. Oiving t(i tlir Wi'stt in league disbdiidiDjr, in the miildle ot the PPiigon. 18S5, Baldwin was lecuied Cy Detroit, anu bil work witli Ulil club duriiiK the Ititter half of KMM of "S." mul all of "80 w;is phenonienal, and he was considered one of' the rreatett pitchers in the league. ()vinr to the new rules, od his arm be112 in rallicr i.k) lhnpe, B.'ildwin did not fhow up a well Ht tlu; bci'n"'"r f tl"-1 scrisoii as was cxpfcfctl. After a long rest hc re joiued tlie club In September lust. and has siiiec pltehetl in hisold ,-lyle form :md provcd to all that he lms not vet lust liltgrlp. l'hit jear Baldwin Iim pltched 23 raines, and bas an avcrajre of 3 6G carned runs made "11 hiin. Charlea W.Oanzel, catcher, fiit playeil hall in the e i ty r MianeaDOllr. In '81 ¦ lll III I Ml VII 'M .'! tm aeenred as first bMfnau i'ul chunga cuU.hur far the Minneapnlla club, wlrch ;it rbat time as :i membei of the Xorthwesti-rn League. W lilla here lie olllriatcd as a bockstop for Carruthcrs Ín Bwny :i c li a m p i o n p li p irame. ín '85 he siirned wih tbe Plitlndelplila club as catcher, and eonilti mil wlth tbem In '8fi ii ii til iiis lease was ootaiiied bv tlic Detroit club. Ganzël is consiilered to be one of the linest catchers in the e.igue, Ueng a lino thrower, baring ;i womlerfal reaoh, mul ible to stand any anioiint of punlihment. John C. Rowe, the short stop of tlie club, is the fourth ineniber ot the "Bift Four scciireJ froni Btlffulo by Detroit n 'Sö. He is 30 yeam of bge, 5 i eet !) luches In lieiglit aml weighs 170 pounds. RoMre lias beep piayiiif; profealonallv over ten yeart. In '77 lic wiis h luember of the Zunesville, Wis., chili, and in '78 lie and li is biotlier were the battery of tlie Peoría team, and in '79 the brotherg vera wlfh the Rock ford club. In lsso he Wat tecnred by the IiufTalos as Catcher, and for tive years wás eoiistantly btliind the bat, and supported Glvin in lus pilinicstdnys. In '85 Eowe played short Stop for the BufTulo club untll Kourpd by Detroit, ná since belng wit h the club h;is ociupied that pocitlon. Ilarrty Rlchai'dton, the left Helder nnd -re md baieman, s ;_' years of age, 5 feet S'í inclies high, umi wetgbl 180 pounds. Ui lirst attempt nt ptaylng ball was witli the Gloareter (N. J.) civil), wliere lie rternated on iin.ii base nuil betalnd thé bt. [n 1S76 he i lay d vv tli t1 e Phtlndtlpliia club. ín '78hf jniiH'iI ttie UtlcN i'lnl) na lliinl ii m man, imt wm caneo iipon to lili nt dlflerent limes ;ilhki.-i cviry posltlon 011 tiie diamond. Mis ureal ablflly 1 1 a general player won lilin the -Clipper medal In tlut jrear. In '79 be wii xcini (1 liv tiie Butfalo Blnb, wltli whlcb jorganlzatlon lie conrlnmil untll bia releaM wa lecured by Detroit In '85, He la one oí tbe "Blji Fonr," Hnd is coosl(lerel by many Che greatatt uil around plsyer in the countrjr. Peter .1. Conwsy, wa born m Vepinont, I'n., '21 ycars ago, s .", Id n. lij? ti and neljilu 170 ponnda. Hu made bfa lirst professional iipn'.n-:incc on the buil Held In BufIllln, 1SS.V Mc went 10 K.insiis ('ly in '80, bat iboul tlie miililU' of lllO SC l-nii, jolliwd tlie l)etidit cluh. List yr;ii' lie jiilclit'd vory effevtlvely, liui in tlie curly part of tliis. lie C'lllilllt '¦' III il) Illl ;ll 111 Wlllle the W:lS Mlllth, nilll wliicli incai;i(-i tati'd li j in [fon )inj mg iiniii u couple ui iimiitlis ngtt. Since it'joining the team however bi Ims pltched lint' hall, ainl h na provcd tluit lie iMg iy ifani lust liis rffecttveneu. Somebody says the age of the coa) iIi-:i1it is a tonnage. Otlierg tlilnk its the ihurtngr. - Manchester Enterprise. A friend ut our elbow pnys eabbage. Perhaps one of the best known men in Waslitenaw county is Joe T. Jacobs, the elothier it Aun Arhor. He han sold goods iniiny years and so far is we can learn bas given lull value for every dollar paid him. He. bas been a leader in public aflalrs anü bas paid out monpy without 8tinl to assist in building up the city. - Manchester Enterprise. Henry G. Wanty, formerly of Ann Arbor (and who has host of warm friends here yet) but recently of the Grand Ilapids Democrat, bas pwwhaied a controllIng interest In the Mauistee Democrnt, and will assume his duties as editor at once. The Democrat Is tbe official organ ot'its party, and tbe offlcial paerf Manistee, and we sclncerely hope that its new proprietor will meet with the very best t -iiL-cess- financially, not polltically. The Morning Star is the name of a new paper starled at Sartoria, Xebraska, by L. E. Morningitar, who is editor and proprietor. As a boy Mr. Momlafltar learned his trade with the local editor of the Coi'ribr, and a mote falthful, honest industrious lad never stepped his foot in a printing office. As "the boy U father to the man," we have no fear for bis future prosperity, or for the piiccep.-ful career of this new Morning Star. The Frankfort Express cornos to our talile with the ennouncemeut of H. T. Truinble, as editor and proprietor. "Bert ' bas been a scribe on the Reed City Clarion for gome time, and is 110 new band with the pencll or with tho "stick and rille" either; in fact he is good in any place you choose to put hun in an office. He is stalwart repiiblicnn, a pleasnnt RratleOMUi, a tireless workcr, and one who has "success" stam ped all over his eounlenance. At Ypsilauti the other nlgbt, E.i Per kinsdeliverod a leoüire, being introduced by Perry F. Powers, of the Ypsilantlan, and during his lecture Eli remarked : "to be witty is to lic, though to lic is not to be witty, for if it were, editors wonld be very witty people." Which causea the Commercial to turn this i-harp polut: " Wlion we recall who introduced the speaker, we can but wonder wht-ther this last remark is part of Eli's regular locture, or the result of UU Ypsilanti exit'iieiice.'% The Daily lïepublican, f Mitcbell, Dakota, says thesu pleasant tliings of our congressman who recently made au agricultura] speech out in the land of booms aml blizzaiils: Prexlüent HIIm tlien arose and In a neat Uttle speech presented as the speaker of the iIhy Hou. Eilward P. Allen, member of eonxress .sinee i-so frora the YpHilantl, Michigan. dlBtrlet. Mr. Allen Uien üelivered un address, wlilcli fonlalneU inncliof Bolld value to every Dnknllan. and whlch held the Immense midlcme for nearly an hour, with no alirnioí leHseninglnlerent. Mr. Allen Is a most plealog talker. with fine presence and a i{(xid volc-, umi hls luldresssliowed that he had made the subject of Dukotaa ttiorougb study. The Külaiiiazoo Daily Telegripli luis this to say of llieir new M. C. 15. 1!. sta tion house: "Sufflee it tosay that In every p 'reticular It exeeeds public expectations, and it is with purh ips one riifnyrtoii, the Ann Arbor passenger iwUM, which is veiy similar, the hand.-onicst depot in the state. It II complete lp all its ippointments, división iiikI provisions for the accoininodatlon of penple who arrive or depart, or w.iit for the ;trnins, a perfect beauty of a railroad depot. It Is ligbted bjr gas, heated by fteam and has grates in tbe ladies' and geutiemen'8 reception rooms, the brigfat lires blazing In thm on OOId or dimp weather adding additlonal eheei' to the pleasant rooms. Tlie White Sewing Machine, tor which L. O'Toole is the local aent, took llie lirst premium at the coiinty fair, over several competitots. Mr. II. C. Nickels, Ihb yoiiiijf gentleman wlio bpencd n first class dental office heie some time ugo hasreturnod to Ano Arbor jjivinir great utltfactlon in his line of work. - Whitmore I.ake cor. So. Lyon Picket. The Milun Leader has tliis compliment for our young R. R. : "The Toledo, Aun Arbor & Northern Michigan rail rond is now one of the Moootliest and easiest roads to ridc on in the state. The tteel rails, gnod ballastingand easy coaches are what niakes it so." The followinfi resolutions weic ndopted at a regular meeting of St. Thomas' Branch No. 14, C. M. B. A., Oct. 4, 1887: Wiikkeas. Our Henven ly Kather has deemed best lí remove froni our mldst oiir much estcemud and lilnniy rapeoted brutber, Anton Elsele, Iherefore be lt Itetolvtd, ïluit wlillt we In reslgnntlon bow to the wlll of our Divine Master, we regret Ihe lns of one wlio so patiently bore hls lon(t and tedlous illnetw, and in whom we recogn le a dtívoul Ca t hol I e, h htHum-h supporter of our Roclety. a trustwonhy clt)zdn,a devoietl huoband and loving lather. Retolvtd, That we tender the bereaved fam lly In thls. Ihelr bour of trouhle and aftlirtlon, our glncereand heartfelt sympathy, and whlle sorrowtns wlth them tu thelr loss, we earnestly pray he Is reaplug the frults uf a well spint lite. Rttolted, That a copy of these resolntlons be oreaenled to the famlly and that thfy be publlBhed in the offlclal irgau of the 0. M. B. A. and tte city papers.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News