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Miss Maiuie Bi-nlmni, of Waynp, spcnt Sundtiy with lier pirents. Jiidge Jamcson, of Chicago, wm In t lie city a few days last weck. Kev. T. C Gardner reccnlly catled OU soine of lus Aiih Arbor friends. C. S. Millón went to Cliicago Fridiiy lo visit friends and returned yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hall gave a pleasant party Friday cvening of last week. Allen B. Pond, of Chicago, Is pending a W3ek or so at the home of his parents. Dr. P. B. H08C is spending a few dayi witli his lainily and friends in a mi Arbor. Mrs. Geo. Douglas rccently gave a very pleasant aftcitioon reception to hrr friends. C. C. Warner has gone up to Est Saginaw with Phil tStimson In the grocery Imsiticss. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hlscock leaye to-nijtht for Chicago, to visit thetr ditugliter. Mts Recil for sevcral days. J. F. Barton, of Chicago, a foriner rosident of thU city, is spending a few days visitlng old friends. B. Frank Bower, of the Detroit Evening Journal, was in the city over Sunclay with his mot lier and sisters. Mrs. Clias. Bentlcy (nee Mary Fordon) who has been visltiug friends here for a few weeks, has returned home. Miss AllieChilds, of Augusta, has been spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Bobt Campbell, on Packard st. Win. N. Brown, vice president of the Commercial Bank, of Mt. Pleasant, was in the city yesterday on business. Geo. Haviland and wlfe returned from Gogebic last Satnrday, having had a prosperous season at his summer resort hotel. John Cieddes, one of our oldest and most respected pioneer?, was in town Saturduy, looking quite well for one of his years. # A very pleasant was held last Wf dnesday evening, at the home of Miss Lizzie Ueinzmann on W. Liberty st, by her friends from Waterloo and this city. Dr. M. C. Hutchins, dent. of 'S6, is spending a few days in Ann Arbor, he is now located at Flint and is doing a line business there. His friends in this city all join in wishing liim a hcarty success. Tlie motlier of Mrs. Capt. McGilvory feil the entlro length of the stairway at tneir home on Packard Street, Mondny a. ra., breaking a colar bone and sustaining other minor injuries. Miss Sarah V. Beal, of Detroit, poned a day in the city this week, calllug on 8ome of her f rienda. Her businpss prospects are briglitening'all the time. Her fklthfulneM and;skill are being nppreciateil. It is with pleasure that the OODKIXB eau announce to its readers the faet that Hon. Cha9. E. Whitman, hiiving sold his bcautiful liome at Ypsilantl, will takc up lus residence in Ann Arbor. Forthe present he will live in the TenBrook house, on Waslitenuw Ave., but expeets tobulld in the near future Potatoes are selllng from the wagon at 85 @ 95c per bushei, accordinjr to ttie size aud qualily. Tlie safe of tlie northeru biewery was biown open and robbed of bout $10 00 in money last Friduy niht. The Ypsilanti Sentinel wils the "" or "Diaciples of Clirist" church, "WooU cousins to the Mormons." Sour. You can't apply for a license nnd get married the same day conveniently. You should (jet the license a day ahead. Judging from the flood of papers cominz into the Register of Deeds office for record, "deals in dirt" are surprisingly lively just at present. The 'commUsioners to appraUc damagcs to Luther James for property taken by T., A. A. & N. M. H. R. for depot purposes, gave him $340. A subscriber writes thanking us for the pictures of the university and also for the article explaining the work and object of the Chautauqua circlcs. Tue congregation of St. Andrew's church have found the hour of 1% o'clock tlie more cunrcnient for the cnrly Sunday moroing service, and have changed back again. The directors of the Ann Arbor Improveinent Co. have ordered another and final assessment of 25 per cent. to be paid on or bef ore Nov. lst. Tbe new building will be entirely completed Nov. lst. There is to beyi meeting of the Board of Managers of the Washtenaw County Agricultural and Horticultural Society on Tuesday, Oct 18, at their rooms in the court hou?, at which time all bilis against the society should be piesented. Services on Sundays in St. Andrew's church hereafter asj follows: 7.30 a. m., Holy Conimunion and Lltany; 10.30 a. ni , Mom ing Prayer and Anti Comnmnion Service; 12 m., Bible Classes nnd Sunday School; 7.30 p. m., Evening Service. President AngelTs name was used for president of the American board of missions of the Congregational church, at tbe Sprlngfleld meeting last week, by a number of dissenters from the regular ticket, and he was defeated by the regular nominee. The Aberdeen Daily News, of Aberdeen, Diikotn, contalns a long description of tbe new Coe & Howard Abstract Company, which has just orgnnized In that place with a capital stock of $ 1 5,000. The secrttary, Carril M. Coc, is a formcr Ann Arbor boy, very fnvorubly known innong our citizens. A man who was known as " Sborty," but whose real nnme none of hls companions seemcd to kuow, was thrown to the ground and very severely injured by the breaking of a pole he was upon while bel])ing the Western Union line men take down tlie otd and put tip the new poles last Thursday. The ladii'H of the Charitable Union desire to acknowledge the ilonatlon of sixty hals and bonnels from SIrs. Smith. Second hand clothlni; is very mucli needed and packagcs may be left at the southeast corner of Liberty and División sis. with Mrs. Bradley, or if tho address is sent to Mis. John K. Miner, 42 Liberty st., tluy will be called for. The Ypsilanti Commercial pays us the following compliment: "The Ann Arbor 'm ïtiKit in spu.ikingof shams, volees the wish that some eay way of getting up a good local paper in glit be discovcred. It seein8 to bc the easiest thing in the world for you non, brolher; at least you never fail to do so." Lncouragement ikiw and then by a fellow brother in the hardworked field of jounmllsin, is ijipreclated, anyway.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News