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A Jubilee Year!

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Tlie lst Methodist Episcopal Cliurch of Ann Arbor celebrates the 50tu cycle of its existence this year, and the society is making it a notable onc In many ways. In the lirst place the lndics of the Chuncb decided ar]y n H1C year th;it there shoultl be a oliangc in the appcarance of their line churoh cdifice and as far as practicable TRI OI.Il MADK NEW. S when the suinnier dsys bcgan to grow wurm tliey bej;an to set workmeii at werk reaorntlng the inslde ol the main auditorium The walls have been adorned a new and frescoed tlirougliout; the entire wood work of the church has been cleaned and oiled giving it a fresh, hand8ome look ; the old carpets have been taken up and rcplaccd wilh new ones; the heatlng appar.itus has been thoroughly overhauled and made over, and inside the church looks like a new one, the electric latnps furuisliing for tho large auditorium what never has been furnished before, plenty of lij{ht. We venture the assertion tliat there is nota finer church audience room in Michigan - and few in the country - than is now poesessed by Um Ut M. E. Church Society of Ann Arbor. ONE NEW TIIINO CALLS FOR A.N0TIIER is as true In church affairs as iu wearing apparel. It would never answer to have all this beauty encased by so rough and rusty an exterior. Consequently the painter's bi ush was brought into requsition and the entire cditice painted fiom basement to pinnacle, the brick work being nicely penciled in black. The old roof bcgan to show signs of decay, and a new one was contracted for, but is as yet not completed. It is to be of iron, and though perhaps not beautiful from an artist's standpoint, yet of sucii excellent merit as a protector from Mie raiti, snow ainl ice as to be overlooked for tluit one defect. It is a grand church ediflee as it stands to-day in its new dress, exeelled by few. The entire repairs have j cost $3,800, of this aniount the ladies have raised about $2,.'00, and on last Sundny thongll a rainy, bad d;iy, with few of the coiiresalioii wlio live iu the vieinily present, a collection of $1,2"iO was made for this pnrposc. The Bccoinpanyin cut gives a very good idea of the ontward appearance of the ohurtli, wlueh is sitnated at the corner of State and Washington sts., oppositc the Ann Arbor High School building and two Hoeks dUUnt frmi the L'niversity campus. The lmiHling orlglnally cost over $100,000. m The lollowiiig brief, bat excellent liistory of the church society was wrltteu by Mrs. R A.IJeHl for the Coc-ker League Record, a sprirlitly monthly publlciition issued by the CocKer Leapue, au nssoeiation of young people bflonging to tlie church: In Koveraber, 1825, Kev. John A. Boughniiin visitedAun Arbor, stopped wilhColonel Allen and preached In lus house. He ïemained several days, and preached every evening. He was the flrat Methodist minister tbal preached here. lu the spring of 1826, Kev. Willlam Slmmons, who was statloned In l)etroit and had charge of Detroit District, vlslled Aun Arbor and preached. Mr. Baughnian orgaulzed a Methodist Society here on Ihe 'lutli day of July, 1827 conslstlng ot flve persons, uumely, Eber White, Harvey Klnuey, liannali li. Brown, Rebecca U. llrowu and Calvin Smlth. Tbls place was made an appolntment In the Mouioe Circuit, for the flrsl half of the next year, beglunlng In September, 1327, and Geo. W. Walker was tlie preaclier, but for the last half of the year lt was lncluded In Detroit Circuit, John Jonen belng the minister. Sarah J. lirown was the flrat person who Jolned the church on probatlon, 1 1 mt was lu Febniary, 1828. in 1827 arrangeraent8 were made for preacbing here once In two weeks, on the Subbath, thls coniiuuiii unlil 1833, wben lt was mude lulo a half station, and wassupplled by two preacbers, and so arranged ilml each sliuuld be here two sncceRSIve Subbaths. lt was mnde a fnll station lu 1888, Al the coulerence lu Beptember, 1830, the name of Aun Arbor appears on the list of appolntineuU for the rlrst Umi Henry Colclazer and EUJ;ih II. 1 llcher were appointed to the place. Tlie building oí a church waa not undertaken uutll the spring of 1837. Flfty yciirs have passed slnce tnen, brlnglng many chauges. Tbe basement of tlie ohurch was made rearty for use in November of thatyear, but the building was not completed unlil in thesutntnerof 183H. Thls year the Michigan Conference held il sessiou here for the nrst time. The dedlcatton services were on the flrst day of the sesslon In the afterooon. Bishop öoule who was atlendlug the Conference fu iuvlted to altend the dedieatory services. He wasabout to do so, but on hl wiiy tothechuroh he was informed by the Presldlng Élder, Rev. Henry Colclazer that the cholr had taken great palns to prepare muslo for the occasion, and would bave one or two Instruments to osslst tbein. As Boon as he heard thls he turned away. saylng, "go on bretheren, and dedícate your church, I wlli have nothlng to do wlth lt." A great ehange evldently has taken place si nee then In the minds of most of our people In regard to music. Tbe ermon waa preached by Jonathan K. Chaplln. The chureb was iocated on the corner of Klfth and Ann itreets. Fot uearly twenty-eight years lt served tlie Methodist people as thelr house of worshlp. In tbe spring of WOU, tbe erectlon of a new church was commenced on the corner of Hlale and Washington streets. A sbort time before tlie clali' llxed for the laylng of tlie of the corner dlone, the stilden ts perpetrated the Joke of hearing lt away oue nlght, much to tbe mirprlse of those wbo appeared on thegrounds in the mornlng. Searob was instltuted, the lost was found In the caHiole. Safely was lt returned, and ou Wednesday afternoou, May 9lh, at 2 p. in. wlth appropriate services tb6 corner stone was lald. The lollowlng was the order of exerclses: Addres to the cougregiitlon hy tbe Pastor Kev. H. 8. White, reading ol hymn by Kev. Ueo. Sniilh, Thls stone to thee. in falth, we lay ; Thls temple, Lord, to thee we ralse; I'rayer, by Rev. T. C. Qardner, Responslve Iteadlng of Ps. ltfi, led by Rev. A. K. Bourns; The lesüon, lst Cor., M. Í-S. Kev. M. Hlckey ; Hlstorlcal Kemarks, ftov. K. 11. Plloher; Address Hev. B. F. Cocker; Laylng the corner stone, Rev. E. Ü. Haven, D. D. Conoludliig prayer, Rev. 8. Calklns. Services were held foi the last time by the Meihodlsts lu the old cburch Jan. JOth. ls7. A love feast wa conducted by Mr. Pitcher. The time belng mostly occupied by the older nembers who gave experleuce referrlug back to the commencemeut of the church. Mr. Pllcher also preached the mornlng dlscourse. Kev. Ueo. Hmlth preached In tho evening. After wblch seven carao forward to the nltar for prayers. There was a blessed assuranco that the Holy Spint was with the people, as tliey liclrt the closlng exerelses in the okl place. The last coromunlnn liad been held the Siibtiatli eveulug prevlous, wtiou fifteen Jolned tho church ou prubatlou, and severa! by letter, aml in full connectlon. Tho flrnt pruyer mr-HIng whh held In the Dew i-hiireh on rimiBilay evonlng. Juli. M, 'fiT. 11 woh well allcnded, and neven caiue forward for prayers. Ut her services were held In tho Lecturo room of tho new chiirch. on SiililiHth mornlng, Jan. 27, for the flret time. lr. Haven preaulied Um dtMoarM rrom Haggat 2, 9. On Wednesday eveulng, June 12, servloea were held for the flrst time In the audtcnce room of the church. Dr. Cocker preached the sermón, Dr. Haven oflered prayer, Rev. T. C. Uarduer made the cloeing prayer. The next day, June 13, the ale oí Jews took place, the hlghest bringtng S800.00. une 1M h was the ürst Sabbath the congregaüon occupled and worshlpped lu the audteuco room. Rey. II. S. White, the Pastor, spoko upon Ps. 81, 10-11. In the evenlug he spoke trom Mutt. 2lst chap., 22d verse. The next evont of mucu irnportance In this conuection was the dedication of the Metilo dist Episcopal, Church. Ann A rbor, Wednesday, August H'st, IK.;;. Order of exerctses: .Addrens to the congregatlou , Hymn, 070 - " The perfect world , by Adam trod, Was the flrst temple built by Ood ; Prajer; Scripture Lessons, 2 Chrouicles, il, lsS8 Hebrews, 10, l-á, llynm: " O God, throngh conntless worlds of llglit Tny power and K'ory show.' Sermón by Rev. R. M. Hatfleld, D. D., I'salm 8t, verse UI: Psalm 122, (lo be read by the minister and tho cougregatlon;; l'resenlatlon of the building by the Trustees, and formal dedication of the church, and the order In wliicli tbey succeeded each ether. The pastorate of Kiiv. H.S. White explred August 33d, 1. He was followed by the next in order, Rev. i!. F Coeker, D. D., Rev. h. H. Klske, D. D., Rev. Wm. H. Snier. Hev. 1. N. Klwood, Uev. K. II. Pope. D. D„ Kev. John Alahaster, D. D., Kev. R. U. l'ope, D. D., Rev. W . V. Ramsay, D. D. Of this uumber three have passed to heir heavonly home, Dr. Cocker, lirother Klwood and Dr. Alabaster. It is gratifying to kuow that tbc bencvolcnt contributions of the church have exceeded thosc of last year. A BRAND .IUU1LEE PAIB. For this jubilee year the ladies of the cliurch are preparing for a grand Jubilee Fair, to be held on the first week of December. Tliis Fair they expect to make one or the grandest affairs of the kiiid ever held by the society. A little of everything v i 1 1 beprepared and on sale during that weck. There will be morsels sweet and dnliciousfor the palate and articles bcautiful and bright for the eyes, all atended to draw wiüing shekels from plethoi ie pocket book?. THE COMMITTEKS. have all been nppointed in the varioits dep:irtments, and nre already busy as bees in rmikiDfr arrangements. Thechairnien of the varioiw committees are as follows, as near as we have been able to obtain thi'in: Art Loan Exhlbltion- Mrs. Ilarrington. Advertlsing- J. E. Beal. Kracket8- A. H. Roys. Ciike-Mrs.L. D. Wines. Caudy- Mrs. John N. Balley. Chlidren'e Dept- Miss May Breaki'y. Decoratlon- C. E. Mutschel. Domestlc Artlcles- Mrs. E. E. Royer. Fancy Needie Work- Mrs. J. J. Goodyear. Flowers- Miss Brownle Whedon. Ice Cream- Qeo. W. Renwlck. Kltchen- Mrs. Mary J Johnson. Iemonade- Preston Hlckcy. Muxlc-Dr. J. N. Martin. Palntlng- Mrs. H. W. Rogers. Qulltsand Comforts- Mrs. J. II. Warner. Reception- Mr. and Mrs Benj. Day. Recelpt Kook - Mm. O. H. Worden Table- Mrs. N. Booth aud Miss 11. Marshall The picture of Dr. Angelí which is ao nj; about the press of the country as one of the members of tlie commission appointcd to settle the Fisheries dispute between this country and Canada, sa very "lishy"' uicture. It would scire all the cod oH' the bnnks of Xewfoundland or any otber land if tliey sliould ;et (Ight of it. No Sir! Our Anpell is a good lookin? man. That picture is a libel.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News