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- - Vw w - - c v w v WKO 15 UNACOUAINTED WITH THE CEOORAPHY OF TIMS COUNTRY, WILt .XE 3Y EXAMINISO THI3 MAP, THAT TH __ Sawo'rihmriríbert Loa p ,Ly jÉs.' CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y By reason of lts central position, close relation to principal Unes East oí Chicago and continuoua liuea at torminal pointe West, Northwest and is the only true iniddle-link jn that transcontinental eystem which Invites and facil' itates travel and trafile In oither direction between the Atlantic and Paciflc. Tho Koek Island mair line and branches include ChlcaffOLJoliet, Ottawa, La Salle.Peoria, Oeuoseo, Moline and Koek Island, m Illinois; Davonport, Muscutine, Washington, Fairflold, Ottnmwa, Oskaloosa, West LibertyIowa City, Des IMoinos, lndianola, Wintorset, Atlantic, Knoxviíle, Audubon, Harían, Guthrie Centre and Council Bluffs, in Iowa; Galiatin, Trcnton, St. Joseph, Cameron and Kansas City ia Missouri; Loavenworth and Atehison, in Kansas; Albert Lea, ïïinnoapolis and St. Pav.1, ir. Minnesota; Watertown in Cakota, and hundreds i f .at jrmediate cities, towns and villagea. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guarantees Speed, Cnfort ard Safety to thoao who travel over it. lts roadbed ia thorouglily baliaBted. lts track ia of heavy steol. Itr bridges are solid ctructuroa of stone and iron. lts rolling stock is perfect au human skill can inake it. It has all the Eafoty appliances that mechanical greuios has lnvented and oxperience proved voluablo. lts practical operatiou is conservativo and methodi;al- its discipline strict and ozactinp. Ihe luxury of its passenger accomniodauoiis ia uueimaled in the Woet -unsarpassod in the world. ALL EXFIIE9S TRAINS between Chicago and the Missouri River consist rfoornfortable DA Y COACHES, matrnifleent PULLMAN PALACE PABLOS and SLEEPING CAES, elegant DININO O ARS providin excellent nieala, and - between Chicago, St. Joaoh, Atohiaon and Jian3os City- rostful HECLINING CHAIB CABa THS AMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE la üio dirooi, rvorito lina betwoen Chicag-o and Minusapolis and St. Paul. Over thiJ rout sol'd Fast Expresa Trains run daily to tho :.u_nmor rssorts, picturesqt-o lcaiitios and hunting and ñnhiiii; (rroundo of Iowa aad Minnesota. Iho lich whoat flelds and prazinÉ' lands cf interior Daïota aro reached via Watertown. A Ehort desirablc routo, via Séneca and Kankakec, ofiTera superior inducerr ent t to travolera betwoon Cinci.aiati, Indianapolis, Ijafayetto and Council BluJW, at. Josoph, Atchison, Loavenvortli, Kansaa City, Eliuncapolis, St. Paul and intormediato pointe. All classes o? patrons, ospecially families, ladiao and children, recolve ïroui official and cniploy os cf Bock Island traint potoction, roapectíul courtey i kinclly attontiou. ï"or Tickets, Maps, Folders - obtainablo ai all principal Ticket Olücetí üi ( U ¦ United States and or aay desired iuforaation, addreüs, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, flwldontand General Manager, Chicago. Genera! Ticket and Passender Agent, Chicara1


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News