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Time Uble taklnp effect Nov. Hih, )ssu Central Ml and ai rt Timr. CHICAGO To DETROIT. J i L ii ft j i! lil"L il = Ia. m.a.k. p. m r.u.'r.M. t 7 Chicago.. I.v. 60 HOU 3 10 4 I 8 15 9 70 L Kalamazo,,... 1117 1.50 6.58 50 lam Jï Battle Creck-1 1 li 137 7 33 11 Í. - - Jackeop 815 -123 849 8 15 Ï3) li OniMUke....1 8 38! 5W9I4 Chetoea 35 5 g Dexler 414.... SMlIiïDelhi Mills... IM OU Ann Arbor.... 4 33 5 30 9 45.... 4 35 ' fit 10 ¦! Yuellanti 4.50,545 5tt 452 624 10 w WayneJunc. 5 15 605 515 M7H(B Detroit. .„Ar, Ou 71fliO .... eiS 7 80 12US t.Thoma U 15 245 100 9 55 845. Falle View B45... 1 2 N. Pal Is 2 22 5 4 1 33 b'.Vi Bnffilo 4apl 7 56 7 8 3 55 6 K .'.'. DETROIT TO CniCAGO. ; e L1 L m 2 TATION.. , J.J Ifc 5 gL 0 _ , A.M. A.M A. M A.M A. Búllalo 1130 545 (05 UUU 1135 .. N. Kalle 1415 81 12 St.Thomas 415 1001.... 115 SL! A.K i. M. F.M p.M. P.M. p.M .. Detroit.. ..I.v 700 910 130 400 8 00 915. ' Wnyne.Timc. 740 9 53 208 445 8X7 5& Ypeilntl .... 8011012 2 20 5U 858 102o!"' Aun Arbor... 8 IK 1025 232 530 9 12 1088 '" UHIii Mil!.. 826 542 . leitrr HST 550 V.iï " C'helBea 8 48 605 1 5 '.'..' (raesLake... 9 10 27 1015.. Jackion 935 1135 332 1 lO'lO S2 lïój ' .' " Hattle C'reek.. 1103 1 12 440 S52 li 12 1851 "' Kalamazoo. . . 1152 1 50 5 15 150 3 35 4 Chicago... Ar. 5 15 40 l.... ] 7 00 Sflñioa O. W. UL'UOLBS, B.W. HATB8 (i. l'.&T. Agent Airt. Aun Arhor Chicago. To:edo, Aun Arbor ie Bjjrtl Mlemiñ Rail war. TIME SCHKDUI.K. Totitke effect nt 12 oVlock, nron, on Suq. i:i.V, OetOlMT !)tli, 187. Train rnn by Standard Time. GOINQ NdRTH. sS r l i si'ATlüNS. S 6 o. L, V.VUÏWUW Munt altan Junition 5 20 8 20 t 40 6 10 LtoxÍ 8 2H 6 55 6 35 SD""-1 5 45 3 43 7 21 7 30 Junct 6 0i 105.7 51 K 10 Donde io 4 121 8 OS ÍK iff}" 4 181 8 20 9 0D f111' ).- 4 35' k 35 9 30 "'"'¦¦ 6 50 4 4V8 55 10UO 1 ' t-l'l 7 li 4 Mi 05 M 20 f'" Af'"'f 7 15 5 101 i, %ï u :ti ;;"" ¦¦¦¦¦. ' '" i m Huei 83,, ea au 5 00 "¦ rt H 30 7 20! 9 30 p. m ( urnnna t8 7 I,,, v O"'1""-0 10 01 7 55 11 in dm -.,, .lunet nn 10 05 g io 11 OS ¦,'" 11 !l ló 2 tó. " 8t. Lonlï II 85i 9 SS 3 V, 11 1 Mi. Plmmnt Ar i2 30 10 3u 6 Ou iv . p. m. r m OOI ¦ Q SOUTH. i 2 I - ï' "- PTAT1OK8. % ! Ij pliTiiJf MCPlMMM Ltí Ïi "io 1 so Alm,a 11 2 20 Louis l„ j-j 7Ï7 Í 2b llhllil , B 7 2 46 owu-mi Junctloa i uu s 5 4 v """ 4 08 9 ¦(. 4 1)8 "¦ Coronii 4 25 9 08 4 15 '""¦¦'"d 5 JU 9 30 4 :.¦ """¦"-;¦: 7 ulo au 5 83 5 ui whitmora Lakt! fcx . 11 oi 6 ik 6 50 I clnnd n.-iMI!. fl flO 7 3J A"nAr,h,"r 7 löill 30 (lö-MlOJ! Mit-nld 7 i 11 v i .(m v Lraiila 7 3 11 50 7 10 lt 61) Mi'an 7 451204 7 20 12 M ABÜU 7 60 12 14 7 0 12 tundee 8(0 12 24 7 40 1 10 Monroe Juuctlon 8 10 12 31 751 1 ao Saniaria N 2. 12 4 8 10 2 10 l'-iis 8 45 1(1018 311 2 4ö M.'inhnttnn ) :n liuii 8 5 1 05 8 37 .1 u l'oleilu Ar 9 00 1 III 8 41 (II a. . p. m. ... , outli Lyon Urancli. NOKTH I1OINB. STATIONS. SOL'lilBOÜND. Train 0 Trtln 1 .hm t, „. 9 50 I.v. Lflaiidx Ar. I .iii IU IH) Ar Wurdeu Ar. li I 10 2O Ar Sciuth Lyon L. (i 00 Cc.iinivUoon: At Tulido, Ith rnllroni; din n'imr; at Manbattau Juuctiun, wiih WboeiiiiK 4 Lak.: K. li.; ai Al.-xie Junction, wiih M. e l(. H., L. s. Jt M. S. Ry. and V. i. P, M K. R.; at Mmirue Junctiun. with L. S. Jt M. 8. liv.; at Iudie, with U S. M. ?. { ., M . A O. R?.( al U Juuctiun. with WabaMb, 8t. Looi & Paolíc K) ¦ atPittstteld.wltli L.S.4 M. S. Hy.; at Ann Arbur with Michigan Central K. 11., and al South Lvon with Detroit, Lanelng A Northern K. K., Dil Mich. A. L. Div. of Graod l'runk Hy. At HiiniImrg with M. A. Line Divl-ion (rind Trnnk R't. At llowull wilh Uelrolt, L m-lii!_' A Northern li'y. At Darand with (h cago & Qraud Trnnk K'y aim Detroit, Grand Haven A Milwuuker R'v. Al OwosoJiinctiün with Detroit, uraud Uavt'n A Milwatikee R'y and Michigan Central K. H. Ai St. Lonl with Detroit. Latsiiifr A Northern K. U. and fi na Vallty A Bi, LoiiiK R'y. At Alma witu Deim t, Lawine A N.rthern K y. Ai Mi. PlraMnt with Fliut A Pore Marq nette K'y. H. W. ASHLKY, General Mjnt;er. W. II. nKNNBTT, o. . WAI.KS. Oeu'l. !'.!. A Ticket Asent. Local Aiient. Estáte or alter I!. Itiirnett. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County oí Wahtenav, M. At ¦ sesilon of the Probate Court for the Countj 01 Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office, ia the city of Ann Arbor, on Satarday, the twi-uty-louriri day of September, in the yeai one thonuirt tijiht hundred and elghty-seven. I'reíent, WilHam D. Hariini.-in. Jndk,pe uf Probate. In the matter of the eitale of Walter K Bgrnctt, minor, Ann E. Burnett. theuuatdtan of aid wrd, cornvt into conrt aud reprenents that he ie do prt'iiared to render her anuual account a auch 'Uardim. Therenion it is ordered, that k'rlday, the foartecnih day of Oclober, next, at ten o'clock In toe forenoon l ¦ asiuned for examlnlng and ailowintr such aconntand that tbe next of kin of natd wrd and all other psraoiM iuterefted in nald enlate ari reqnired to appear 1 a8ei-iou ofpaid Couruthen tobtholden at the Probate Offlce In the city of AonATb'T, in eaid county. and fhow cane, If any tbere be(uhy tbe eaid acconnt ettould not be allowed. And it ík further ordere'l that sald t:urdlan ijlve notice to the peröonrt ïnterected in (ald estat'1. "f the pendency of aid account and tbe hearing thereof. ty a copj of thifl order to be pot)Ilihed In the Ann Arbor Conrler. a newspaper iiriittcii and circulatiov in sald county, two mkcesiive weeks pr vlous to eaid dny of h"arine. (Atrnecopy.) W1LLIAM D. HAKK1MAN, Juilüuül Prwbate. WM. G. DÜTT. Probate Re-ister. ïfniTTlTT to bemade. Cnt thli out and reI II I II V turn ' u' Dd wl" u'rd. o I IU P I '"¦¦ sometbinir of troatraliu I and Importance lo yon, tbat 11! luuiixj i. rUn jon )n bllP,n, which wiii hring ynu in more money riff. t away than anythiiwr BlseTn thls worM. Anyone can do the work and live at home. K.thi-r ex ; all res. Soineiliiiie new. tliat just o.ii money fr all workLr-, W6 wlll start you ; capital bo' needed. TM If one of the genuiue.lmiHirtiint chancee ol a 'ifeiime. fMt wbo are ambltlnn and enterpriíingVlll not del} Addreat Tkue it ('o.. AnenetH. Mnine. __ WHITE BRONZE MONUMlHÏS yiOnümeniSrSívStaíuary. THE ABOVE G00DS CAN BE SEEN AT M 53 SOUTH MAINÏÏ., OPPOSITE KECK'S FUilNITURE STORE. BENJAMIN CULY, Agent II U


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